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Deploying the Reference Implementation


Note: in linux systems, it is possible to run the docker command without prefacing with sudo. For more information, please refer to the Post-installation steps for linux

Clone or download this repo locally.

git clone

The deployment steps shown here use Bash shell commands. On Windows, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux to run Bash.

Generate a SSH rsa public/private key pair

the SSH rsa key pair can be generated using ssh-keygen, among other tools, on Linux, Mac, or Windows. If you already have an ~/.ssh/ file, you could provide the same later on. If you need to create an SSH key pair, see How to create and use an SSH key pair.

Note: the SSH rsa public key will be requested when deploying your Kubernetes cluster in Azure.

Azure Resources Provisioning

Set environment variables.




export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
export SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=$(az account show --query name --output tsv)
export TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)

export PROJECT_ROOT=./microservices-reference-implementation
export K8S=$PROJECT_ROOT/k8s

Infrastructure Prerequisites

# Log in to Azure
az login

# Create service principal for AKS
export SP_DETAILS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" -o json) && \
export SP_APP_ID=$(echo $SP_DETAILS | jq ".appId" -r) && \
export SP_CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo $SP_DETAILS | jq ".password" -r) && \
export SP_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad sp show --id $SP_APP_ID -o tsv --query objectId)

Optional: Set up automated CI/CD for dev, test, qa and production with Azure DevOps

Add CI/CD to Drone Delivery using Azure Pipelines with YAML.

Important: If you don't want to set up the CI/CD pipelines, you can manually deploy the application for development as follows.

Manual deployment for dev

Note: this deployment might take up to 20 minutes


# Deploy the resource groups and managed identities
# These are deployed first in a separate template to avoid propagation delays with AAD
az deployment create \
   --name azuredeploy-prereqs-dev \
   --location $LOCATION \
   --template-file ${PROJECT_ROOT}/azuredeploy-prereqs.json \
   --parameters resourceGroupName=$RESOURCE_GROUP \

export IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME=$(az deployment show -n azuredeploy-prereqs-dev --query properties.outputs.identitiesDeploymentName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_ID_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DELIVERY_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export WORKFLOW_ID_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.workflowIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $WORKFLOW_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.appGatewayControllerIdName.value -o tsv) && \
export GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_NAME --query principalId -o tsv) && \
export RESOURCE_GROUP_ACR=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.acrResourceGroupName.value -o tsv)

# Wait for AAD propagation
until az ad sp show --id ${DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done
until az ad sp show --id ${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done
until az ad sp show --id ${WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done
until az ad sp show --id ${GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} &> /dev/null ; do echo "Waiting for AAD propagation" && sleep 5; done

# Export the kubernetes cluster version
export KUBERNETES_VERSION=$(az aks get-versions -l $LOCATION --query "orchestrators[?default!=null].orchestratorVersion" -o tsv)
export SERVICETAGS_LOCATION=$(az account list-locations --query "[?name=='${LOCATION}'].displayName" -o tsv | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g')

# Deploy cluster and microservices Azure services
az group deployment create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --name azuredeploy-dev --template-file ${PROJECT_ROOT}/azuredeploy.json \
--parameters servicePrincipalClientId=${SP_APP_ID} \
            servicePrincipalClientSecret=${SP_CLIENT_SECRET} \
            servicePrincipalId=${SP_OBJECT_ID} \
            kubernetesVersion=${KUBERNETES_VERSION} \
            sshRSAPublicKey="$(cat ${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE})" \
            deliveryIdName=${DELIVERY_ID_NAME} \
            deliveryPrincipalId=${DELIVERY_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
            droneSchedulerIdName=${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME} \
            droneSchedulerPrincipalId=${DRONESCHEDULER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
            workflowIdName=${WORKFLOW_ID_NAME} \
            workflowPrincipalId=${WORKFLOW_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
            appGatewayControllerIdName=${GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_NAME} \
            appGatewayControllerPrincipalId=${GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_ID_PRINCIPAL_ID} \
            acrResourceGroupName=${RESOURCE_GROUP_ACR} \

export VNET_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.aksVNetName.value -o tsv) && \
export CLUSTER_SUBNET_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.aksClusterSubnetName.value -o tsv) && \
export CLUSTER_SUBNET_PREFIX=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.aksClusterSubnetPrefix.value -o tsv) && \
export CLUSTER_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.aksClusterName.value -o tsv) && \
export CLUSTER_SERVER=$(az aks show -n $CLUSTER_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query fqdn -o tsv) && \
export FIREWALL_PIP_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.firewallPublicIpName.value -o tsv) && \
export ACR_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.acrName.value -o tsv) && \
export ACR_SERVER=$(az acr show -n $ACR_NAME --query loginServer -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_REDIS_HOSTNAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.deliveryRedisHostName.value -o tsv)

# Restrict cluster egress traffic
az group deployment create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --name azuredeploy-firewall --template-file ${PROJECT_ROOT}/azuredeploy-firewall.json \
--parameters aksVnetName=${VNET_NAME} \
            aksClusterSubnetName=${CLUSTER_SUBNET_NAME} \
            aksClusterSubnetPrefix=${CLUSTER_SUBNET_PREFIX} \
            firewallPublicIpName=${FIREWALL_PIP_NAME} \
            serviceTagsLocation=${SERVICETAGS_LOCATION} \
            aksFqdns="['${CLUSTER_SERVER}']" \
            acrServers="['${ACR_SERVER}']" \

Get outputs from Azure Deploy

# Shared
export GATEWAY_SUBNET_PREFIX=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.appGatewaySubnetPrefix.value -o tsv)

Download kubectl and create a k8s namespace

#  Install kubectl
sudo az aks install-cli

# Get the Kubernetes cluster credentials
az aks get-credentials --resource-group=$RESOURCE_GROUP --name=$CLUSTER_NAME

# Create namespaces
kubectl create namespace backend-dev

Setup Helm

# install helm client side
DESIRED_VERSION=v2.14.2;curl -L | bash

# setup tiller in your cluster
kubectl apply -f $K8S/tiller-rbac.yaml
helm init --service-account tiller

Integrate Application Insights instance

# Acquire Instrumentation Key
export AI_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.appInsightsName.value -o tsv)
export AI_IKEY=$(az resource show \
                    -g $RESOURCE_GROUP \
                    -n $AI_NAME \
                    --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" \
                    --query properties.InstrumentationKey \
                    -o tsv)

# add RBAC for AppInsights
kubectl apply -f $K8S/k8s-rbac-ai.yaml

Setup AAD pod identity and key vault flexvol infrastructure

Complete instructions can be found at

Note: the tested nmi version was 1.4. It enables namespaced pod identity.

# setup AAD pod identity
kubectl create -f

kubectl create -f

Deploy the ingress controllers

# Deploy the AppGateway ingress controller
helm repo add application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress
helm repo update

export GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.appGatewayControllerPrincipalResourceId.value -o tsv) && \
export APP_GATEWAY_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.appGatewayName.value -o tsv)
export APP_GATEWAY_PUBLIC_IP_FQDN=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.appGatewayPublicIpFqdn.value -o tsv)

helm install application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ingress-azure \
     --name ingress-azure-dev \
     --namespace ingress-controllers \
     --set$APP_GATEWAY_NAME \
     --set appgw.resourceGroup=$RESOURCE_GROUP \
     --set appgw.subscriptionId=$SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
     --set appgw.shared=false \
     --set kubernetes.watchNamespace=backend-dev \
     --set armAuth.type=aadPodIdentity \
     --set armAuth.identityResourceID=$GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID \
     --set armAuth.identityClientID=$GATEWAY_CONTROLLER_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID \
     --set rbac.enabled=true \
     --set verbosityLevel=3 \
     --set aksClusterConfiguration.apiServerAddress=$CLUSTER_SERVER

# Create a self-signed certificate for TLS
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
    -out ingestion-ingress-tls.crt \
    -keyout ingestion-ingress-tls.key \
    -subj "/CN=${APP_GATEWAY_PUBLIC_IP_FQDN}/O=fabrikam"

Setup cluster resource quota

kubectl apply -f $K8S/k8s-resource-quotas-dev.yaml

Deny all ingress and egress traffic

kubectl apply -f $K8S/k8s-deny-all-non-whitelisted-traffic-dev.yaml

Deploy the Delivery service

Extract resource details from deployment

export COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.deliveryCosmosDbName.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.deliveryKeyVaultUri.value -o tsv)

Build the Delivery service

export DELIVERY_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/delivery

Build and publish the container image

# Build the Docker image
docker build --pull --compress -t $ACR_SERVER/delivery:0.1.0 $DELIVERY_PATH/.

# Push the image to ACR
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/delivery:0.1.0

Deploy the Delivery service:

# Extract pod identity outputs from deployment
export DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.deliveryPrincipalResourceId.value -o tsv) && \
export DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DELIVERY_ID_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)
export DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME=delivery-ingress-tls

# Deploy the service
helm install $HELM_CHARTS/delivery/ \
     --set image.tag=0.1.0 \
     --set image.repository=delivery \
     --set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].name=$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].serviceName=delivery \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecretName=$DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].name=$DELIVERY_INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].key="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.key)" \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].certificate="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.crt)" \
     --set networkPolicy.ingress.customSelectors.argSelector={ipBlock} \
     --set networkPolicy.ingress.customSelectors.argSelector[0].ipBlock.cidr=$GATEWAY_SUBNET_PREFIX \
     --set identity.clientid=$DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID \
     --set identity.resourceid=$DELIVERY_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID \
     --set$DATABASE_NAME \
     --set cosmosdb.collectionid=$COLLECTION_NAME \
     --set keyvault.uri=$DELIVERY_KEYVAULT_URI \
     --set reason="Initial deployment" \
     --set \
     --namespace backend-dev \
     --name delivery-v0.1.0-dev \

# Verify the pod is created
helm status delivery-v0.1.0-dev

Deploy the Package service

Extract resource details from deployment

export COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.packageMongoDbName.value -o tsv)

Build the Package service

export PACKAGE_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/package

# Build the docker image
docker build -f $PACKAGE_PATH/Dockerfile -t $ACR_SERVER/package:0.1.0 $PACKAGE_PATH

# Push the docker image to ACR
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/package:0.1.0

Deploy the Package service

# Create secret
# Note: Connection strings cannot be exported as outputs in ARM deployments
export COSMOSDB_CONNECTION=$(az cosmosdb list-connection-strings --name $COSMOSDB_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query "connectionStrings[0].connectionString" -o tsv | sed 's/==/%3D%3D/g') && \
export COSMOSDB_COL_NAME=packages

# Deploy service
helm install $HELM_CHARTS/package/ \
     --set image.tag=0.1.0 \
     --set image.repository=package \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].name=$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].serviceName=package \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=false \
     --set secrets.appinsights.ikey=$AI_IKEY \
     --set secrets.mongo.pwd=$COSMOSDB_CONNECTION \
     --set cosmosDb.collectionName=$COSMOSDB_COL_NAME \
     --set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
     --set reason="Initial deployment" \
     --set \
     --namespace backend-dev \
     --name package-v0.1.0-dev \

# Verify the pod is created
helm status package-v0.1.0-dev

Deploy the Workflow service

Extract resource details from deployment

export WORKFLOW_KEYVAULT_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.workflowKeyVaultName.value -o tsv)

Build the workflow service

export WORKFLOW_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/workflow

# Build the Docker image
docker build --pull --compress -t $ACR_SERVER/workflow:0.1.0 $WORKFLOW_PATH/.

# Push the image to ACR
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/workflow:0.1.0

Create and set up pod identity

# Extract outputs from deployment
export WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.workflowPrincipalResourceId.value -o tsv) && \
export WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $WORKFLOW_ID_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)

Deploy the Workflow service:

# Deploy the service
helm install $HELM_CHARTS/workflow/ \
     --set image.tag=0.1.0 \
     --set image.repository=workflow \
     --set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
     --set identity.clientid=$WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID \
     --set identity.resourceid=$WORKFLOW_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID \
     --set keyvault.resourcegroup=$RESOURCE_GROUP \
     --set keyvault.subscriptionid=$SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
     --set keyvault.tenantid=$TENANT_ID \
     --set reason="Initial deployment" \
     --set \
     --namespace backend-dev \
     --name workflow-v0.1.0-dev \

# Verify the pod is created
helm status workflow-v0.1.0-dev

Deploy the Ingestion service

Extract resource details from deployment

export INGESTION_QUEUE_NAMESPACE=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueNamespace.value -o tsv) && \
export INGESTION_QUEUE_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.ingestionQueueName.value -o tsv)
export INGESTION_ACCESS_KEY_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.ingestionServiceAccessKeyName.value -o tsv)
export INGESTION_ACCESS_KEY_VALUE=$(az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --namespace-name $INGESTION_QUEUE_NAMESPACE --name $INGESTION_ACCESS_KEY_NAME --query primaryKey -o tsv)

Build the Ingestion service

export INGESTION_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/ingestion

# Build the docker image
docker build -f $INGESTION_PATH/Dockerfile -t $ACR_SERVER/ingestion:0.1.0 $INGESTION_PATH

# Push the docker image to ACR
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/ingestion:0.1.0

Deploy the Ingestion service

# Set secreat name
export INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME=ingestion-ingress-tls

# Deploy service
helm install $HELM_CHARTS/ingestion/ \
     --set image.tag=0.1.0 \
     --set image.repository=ingestion \
     --set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].name=$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].serviceName=ingestion \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecretName=$INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].name=$INGRESS_TLS_SECRET_NAME \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].key="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.key)" \
     --set ingress.tls.secrets[0].certificate="$(cat ingestion-ingress-tls.crt)" \
     --set networkPolicy.ingress.customSelectors.argSelector={ipBlock} \
     --set networkPolicy.ingress.customSelectors.argSelector[0].ipBlock.cidr=$GATEWAY_SUBNET_PREFIX \
     --set secrets.appinsights.ikey=${AI_IKEY} \
     --set secrets.queue.keyname=IngestionServiceAccessKey \
     --set secrets.queue.keyvalue=${INGESTION_ACCESS_KEY_VALUE} \
     --set secrets.queue.namespace=${INGESTION_QUEUE_NAMESPACE} \
     --set reason="Initial deployment" \
     --set \
     --namespace backend-dev \
     --name ingestion-v0.1.0-dev \

# Verify the pod is created
helm status ingestion-v0.1.0-dev

Deploy DroneScheduler service

Extract resource details from deployment

export DRONESCHEDULER_KEYVAULT_URI=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerKeyVaultUri.value -o tsv)
export DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_NAME=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n azuredeploy-dev --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerCosmosDbName.value -o tsv) && \
export ENDPOINT_URL=$(az cosmosdb show -n $DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query documentEndpoint -o tsv) && \
export AUTH_KEY=$(az cosmosdb list-keys -n $DRONESCHEDULER_COSMOSDB_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query primaryMasterKey -o tsv) && \
export DATABASE_NAME="invoicing" && \
export COLLECTION_NAME="utilization"

Build the dronescheduler services

export DRONE_PATH=$PROJECT_ROOT/src/shipping/dronescheduler

Create and set up pod identity

# Extract outputs from deployment
export DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID=$(az group deployment show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $IDENTITIES_DEPLOYMENT_NAME --query properties.outputs.droneSchedulerPrincipalResourceId.value -o tsv) && \
export DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $DRONESCHEDULER_ID_NAME --query clientId -o tsv)

Build and publish the container image

# Build the Docker image
docker build -f $DRONE_PATH/Dockerfile -t $ACR_SERVER/dronescheduler:0.1.0 $DRONE_PATH/../

# Push the images to ACR
az acr login --name $ACR_NAME
docker push $ACR_SERVER/dronescheduler:0.1.0

Deploy the dronescheduler service:

# Deploy the service
helm install $HELM_CHARTS/dronescheduler/ \
     --set image.tag=0.1.0 \
     --set image.repository=dronescheduler \
     --set dockerregistry=$ACR_SERVER \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].name=$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].serviceName=dronescheduler \
     --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=false \
     --set identity.clientid=$DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID \
     --set identity.resourceid=$DRONESCHEDULER_PRINCIPAL_RESOURCE_ID \
     --set keyvault.uri=$DRONESCHEDULER_KEYVAULT_URI \
     --set$DATABASE_NAME \
     --set cosmosdb.collectionid=$COLLECTION_NAME \
     --set reason="Initial deployment" \
     --set \
     --namespace backend-dev \
     --name dronescheduler-v0.1.0-dev \

# Verify the pod is created
helm status dronescheduler-v0.1.0-dev

Validate the application is running

You can send delivery requests and check their statuses using curl.

Send a request

Since the certificate used for TLS is self-signed, the request disables TLS validation using the '-k' option.

curl -X POST "https://$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN/api/deliveryrequests" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -k -i -d '{
   "confirmationRequired": "None",
   "deadline": "",
   "deliveryId": "mydelivery",
   "dropOffLocation": "drop off",
   "expedited": true,
   "ownerId": "myowner",
   "packageInfo": {
     "packageId": "mypackage",
     "size": "Small",
     "tag": "mytag",
     "weight": 10
   "pickupLocation": "my pickup",
   "pickupTime": "2019-05-08T20:00:00.000Z"

Check the request status

curl "https://$EXTERNAL_INGEST_FQDN/api/deliveries/mydelivery" --header 'Accept: application/json' -k -i

Optional steps

Load Test the application

To run load testing against the solution, follow the steps listed here.

Fluentd and Elastic Search

Follow these steps to add logging and monitoring capabilities to the solution.

Deploy Elasticsearch. For more information, see

kubectl --namespace kube-system apply -f && \
kubectl --namespace kube-system apply -f && \
kubectl --namespace kube-system apply -f

Deploy Fluentd. For more information, see

# The example elasticsearch yaml files deploy a service named "elasticsearch"
wget && \
sed -i "s/elasticsearch-logging/elasticsearch/" fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml

# Commenting out X-Pack credentials for demo purposes.
# Make sure to configure X-Pack in elasticsearch and provide credentials here for production workloads
sed -i "s/- name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER/#- name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_USER/" fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml && \
sed -i 's/  value: "elastic"/#  value: "elastic"/' fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml && \
sed -i "s/- name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD/#- name: FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD/" fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml && \
sed -i 's/  value: "changeme"/#  value: "changeme"/' fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml && \
kubectl --namespace kube-system apply -f fluentd-daemonset-elasticsearch.yaml