Requires SpongeMixins mod ( to work.
- FixNorthWestBias - Backports removal of the North/West bias
- FixFenceConnections - Tweaks fence connection logic to work with other mods
- FixIc2DirectInventoryAccess - Swaps out direct inventory access in crop functions with
so they work with OC robots - FixVanillaUnprotectedGetBlock - Fixes various unprotected Vanilla getBlock() calls, making sure the chunk is loaded first. Includes the previous
- FixIc2UnprotectedGetBlock - Fixes various unprotected IC2 getBlock() calls, making sure the chunk is loaded first.
- FixThaumcraftUnprotectedGetBlock - Fixes various unprotected Thaumcraft getBlock() calls, making sure the chunk is loaded first.
- FixIc2Nightvision - Prevents IC2 night vision from blinding you when it's bright out, making it on par with other nightvision available
- FixHungerOverhaul - Patches unintended mod interaction with Spice Of Life - Carrot Edition
- FixPotionLimit - Support all 256 potion slots by fixing the incorrect signed byte conversions.
- RemoveUpdateChecks - Removes outdated update checks
- FixFullscreenResizable - Fix game window is not resizeable after exiting fullscreen
- SpeedupChunkCoordinatesHashCode - Swaps out the HashCode function for ChunkCoordinates with one that provides better performance with HashSet
If running in dev add the following Program arguments:
--tweakClass org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker --mixin mixins.hodgepodge.json
Hodgepodge is LGPL-3.