A Nuxt template with just enough boilerplate pre-configured. Comes—
- preconfigured with ESLint; catch and fix problematic code now instead of frustrating yourself shotgun debugging at runtime.
- preinstalled with Prettier; opinionated code styler for consistency, also adds semicolons automatically.
- comprehensive unofficial standard library with VueUse.
- rapidly iterate styling with UnoCSS.
- write components in isolation and document them with Histoire...
- ... while write and manage your content with Nuxt Content.
- automatically generate boilerplate, tests, stories, etc.
- VS Code configuration.
- and everything that comes with Nuxt out of the box.
A non-exhaustive list of non-goals:
- data fetching; no one size fits all, some of the options available though
- Nuxt
- Tanstack Query
- urql
- Nuxt
- single state management solution.
- native applications; see Tauri and Capacitor.
- server side configuration and code.
- Configuration for other IDEs.
pnpm dlx giget@latest gh:gekkotadev/nuxt-up
For more info, check out https://nuxt.com/