- Fixed deprecated JavaScript function usage
- added nonce support in javascript snippets for Magento >= 2.4.7
- fixed address parameters type casting
- fixed passing null to string paramter
- fixed JavaScript issues in Tracking Code
- fixed product variant status update
- changes for Magento validator - fixed template cache
- added cart update and order create events to Tracking Code
- set plugin in new mode by default
- fixed github issue with missing product
- fixed product id passed to recommendation event
- fixed javascript analytics function usage
- handled product status and promo price in callbacks
- added recommendation events
- added handle view product, view category, likedItem, unlikeItem events
- added fix for newsletter subscription - name should be sent with email address.
- Fixed product quantity retrieving from stock with stock item id in place of product id
- added backward compatibility for Monolog changes between version 1.x and 2.x
- added doctype for php8.1 compatibility
- fixed error of missing object in observer
- fixed error when editing customer in admin panel
- added fix for short description and description
- changed orderNo field to order_number
- added fix customer serialization
- added fix for product short description and description
- gitlab-ci