react build files are now served by Caddy
react build files are now served by Caddy
update: axios was updated to the latest version, some tests were disa…
update: axios was updated to the latest version, some tests were disa…
fix: content-spinner.component was lacking in auth-page, also unsetIs…
fix: content-spinner.component was lacking in auth-page, also unsetIs…
merging 'refactoring' branch with design changes and code cleaning:
merging 'refactoring' branch with design changes and code cleaning:
Force push
design changes and code cleaning:
design changes and code cleaning:
Merge branch 'refactoring'
Merge branch 'refactoring'
new dependency, some code repurposed:
new dependency, some code repurposed:
new 'app' reducer created to handle loading states, content-spinner n…
new 'app' reducer created to handle loading states, content-spinner n…
refactor start for the now named gallery-category.component, some cod…
refactor start for the now named gallery-category.component, some cod…
more error handling improvements:
more error handling improvements:
dbConnectionError was replaced by serverError
dbConnectionError was replaced by serverError
better error handling and refactor:
better error handling and refactor:
better error handling and refactor:
better error handling and refactor:
useGenerateForm hook finished, this is replacing all calls to useForm…
useGenerateForm hook finished, this is replacing all calls to useForm…
custom-table.component now receives the entity data as is to prevent …
custom-table.component now receives the entity data as is to prevent …
fixed a bug on client-page.component for the tableSource variable, er…
fixed a bug on client-page.component for the tableSource variable, er…
react-hook-form integration done, better redux selectors, better form…
react-hook-form integration done, better redux selectors, better form…
listing form refactor almost done:
listing form refactor almost done:
new form handler dependency, new form components, useGetClientListing…
new form handler dependency, new form components, useGetClientListing…
begin general refactor, tests now have their own directory, new hook …
begin general refactor, tests now have their own directory, new hook …
caddy was replace by an express server temporarilly, google signin wa…
caddy was replace by an express server temporarilly, google signin wa…
pictures and categories position prop were renamed to picturePosition…
pictures and categories position prop were renamed to picturePosition…
bug fix for spinner not hidding when there is an error in the upload …
bug fix for spinner not hidding when there is an error in the upload …
bug fixes and cosmetic changes
bug fixes and cosmetic changes
implementation of position updates after deleting a category or a pic…
implementation of position updates after deleting a category or a pic…
pictures and categories now share the same functionality for their me…
pictures and categories now share the same functionality for their me…
minor bugs fix and changes:
minor bugs fix and changes:
updatedName stat prop was rename to editableName and now it controls …
updatedName stat prop was rename to editableName and now it controls …