1. Train DriveDreamer-image Model (3D box and HDMap as conditions).
python ./dreamer-train/projects/launch.py \
--project_name DriveDreamer \
--config_name drivedreamer-img_sd15_corners_hdmap_res448 \
--runners drivedreamer.DriveDreamerTrainer
2. Test DriveDreamer-image model (3D box and HDMap as conditions), and make visualizations.
python ./dreamer-train/projects/launch.py \
--project_name DriveDreamer \
--config_name drivedreamer-img_sd15_corners_hdmap_res448 \
--runners drivedreamer.DriveDreamerTester
3. Train DriveDreamer-video model (3D box and HDMap as conditions).
python ./dreamer-train/projects/launch.py \
--project_name DriveDreamer \
--config_name drivedreamer-video_sd15_corners_hdmap_res448-f32 \
--runners drivedreamer.DriveDreamerTrainer
4. Test DriveDreamer-video model (3D box and HDMap as conditions), and make visualizations.
python ./dreamer-train/projects/launch.py \
--project_name DriveDreamer \
--config_name drivedreamer-video_sd15_corners_hdmap_res448-f32 \
--runners drivedreamer.DriveDreamerTester
Name | Info |
exp_dir | Path to save logs and checkpoints |
train_data | The converted train dataset path (e.g., .../cam_all_train/v0.0.2) |
test_data | The converted test dataset path (e.g., .../cam_all_val/v0.0.2) |
ckpt_2d | The stage-1 trained DriveDreamer-image model path |
hz_factor | The video fps = 12 / hz_factor, 12 is the fps of raw nusc camera data |
video_split_rate | To sample N-frame videos, the first video: 1 ~ N. The next video: N/video_split_rate ~ N/video_split_rate+N |
pos_name | Control formats for foreground objects, choises: [box, corner, box_image, corner_image], box is 2D box coordinates, corner is 3D box coordinates, box_image is 2D box image, corner_image is 3D box image |
max_objs_num | Maximum number of foreground objects in one frame |
weight_path | Specify your weight path during testing. None is the last ckpt you trained |