This happens in general with the portable Version on Windows.
Please try to use the unpacked version. That works for sure and has been tested.
This issue is fixed in v2.4.3. If you still get an error, please report.
Because I haven't signed my app yet with a paid apple certificate, that happens.
It is normal for the first time that you try to open it for it to be blocked.
Go to System Settings Preferences > Security > General
There should be the app listed as blocked. You can explicity allow it then to run.
Don't worry. My app is clean and open source. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.
Even windows need a paid certificate to have it signed, its the same circumstance as on mac.
Extend the window and allow the app to be run.
Again. Don't worry. My app is clean. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.
The app can not connect to RPI on PS4.
Check your Firewall and see if something is blocking your connection from your PC to PS4.
Ping your PS4 in your Terminal / Commandline with ping PS4_IP_ADRESS
Restart RPI (Remote Package Installer) and stay on splash screen.
Timeout can mean any of the following errors but in general it means RPI cannot be connected to.
Try to restart the RPI on your PS4. Sometimes RPI changes into a kind of suspend mode and has no reaction.
Restarting RPI helps in most cases.
Timeout on Request because timeout value is to short.
Set a higher request timeout value before the Sender kills the request when RPI takes to long to respond.
Mostly seen on the Install Request because RPI needs to prepare some stuff before it sends a valid Task ID back.
Sometimes a restart just fixes connection issues, especially on windows.
Restart your PC and PS4, try again. Some users reported back that this helped.
There is something weird with the latest update of GoldHen.
I am not sure yet but I can not debug this as I am still on 5.05.
Check the PS4 API Logs and see if you get any response.
If the response for Check PS4 works, but you don't proceed on the install request
then you might be affected by this bug in GoldHen.
I assume that because there was a update and since then some users reported install issues.
Try another HEN edition as this was initially working from HENv1.8 until GoldHen 2.0 for sure.
If nothing helps, try another PKG Sender - I guess they will not work eithier.
A working GoldHen 2.0 (old version) can be found on e.g. nightkinghost.
You can try another Installation type. Try using IPI and FTP until my app does support
it natively or the RPIOOSDK. Support for both target apps will done soon.
This will be patched in the v2.4.2 but for the completeness sake here they are
Those Error Codes are not documented yet but I've patched the known ones which are:
Task doesn't exist -> RPI can't find any task associated with the id
already installed -> the app you are trying to install is already installed, delete the copy on your PS4 first and try again
App seems to be installed already (duplicate?) -> Delete the app and any app chunks that are on your PS4 first and try again
Not enough storage
Not known yet
Ethernet/WiFi Connection Issue
Thanks to marcussacana we could debug this error down.
This error will be sent from the Remote Package Installer when there is
a HTTP Protocol error on the serving point. In case of the RPS v2, if it occurs, just restart the server on another Port.
If you get the error message from any other package sender, this is due the lack of missing multipart stream support.
This happend to a couple of users when we try to hit RPI too hard.
RPI cann't handle too many concurrent requests and crashes after a while
especially when you try to install something big 100GB+ PKG files or
installing multiple files at once and have a low update interval value.
It may help if you leave the interval value arround 2-3 secs because
updating progress info is also a request that will be sent upon the interval.
In v2.4.2 you can still send as many install request as you want, that is not limited yet,
but consider the fact that once the installation starts, RPI has nothing more to do with it.
Download still continues on PS4 even if you jump out of RPI! Keep that in mind!
If you see that your server is on error, please check the Server Window for the logs.
It will give you a specific error message what happend. Mostly it is a blocked port.
Just change the Port and press apply, refresh or just i/o button to close and start the server.
You have to activate that feature first on Settings below the feature list.
Due the new security policy on you need to use the latest version greater then v2.9.
Legacy Mode is still there if you have a custom server with the "old cdn host".
Refactored Mode (recommended) implements the new Store Site API and have multiple
benefits besides filtering by category and search value.
Put in
(must end with / at the end)
Until the refactored version of the HB-Store goes public you can download the App,
put it on your base_path folder and install it the normal way.
If the title says "Just a moment", double click it and expand to see the full view. Due the new security policy on you need to manually verify that you are not a bot.
Closing windows doesn't kill the App.
This is intented to not accidently kill the server.
If you want to close the application fully you have to go
through the Menu Application > Quit
or just click the power button on the top right.