Ruby wrapper for Trizetto APIs for Ruby 2.3 and above.
Requires Ruby 2.3 or above
Add this line, and maybe some others, to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'trizetto-api'
# Savon-multipart is used in the CORE II API. savon-multipart 2.1.1 has the
# mail gem, pinned to exactly 2.5.4. As of Jan 18, 2018, there is an
# unreleased version that uses ~> 2.6. Depending on your existing gems
# you may need to add an explicit dependency on savon-multipart if bundle
# install fails with a mail gem dependency.
# You can savon-multipart, or use git diretly with one of the below
# savon-multipart as of Jan 18, 2018:
# gem 'savon-multipart', git: "[email protected]:savonrb/savon-multipart.git", ref: 'd9a138b6c166cd7c30c28e8888ff19011f8ec071'
# live on the edge
# gem 'savon-multipart', git: "[email protected]:savonrb/savon-multipart.git", branch: :master
# Your fork?
# gem 'savon-multipart', git: "[email protected]:YOU/savon-multipart.git"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install trizetto-api
The Eligibility Web Service is poorly documented in the Eligibility Web Service Companion Guide.
The fields listed below are copied from the documentation and can be used to perform eligibility checks.
Field | Description | Requirement |
GediPayerID |
The GEDI specific payer identifier | Always |
ProviderFirstName |
Provider First Name | Required when individual provider name is sent in the inquiry |
ProviderLastName |
Provider Last Name/Organization Name | |
National Provider Identifier | |
InsuredFirstName |
Subscriber First Name | Required when the patient is the subscriber or if the Payer requires this information to identify the patient. |
InsuredLastName |
Subscriber Last Name | Required when the patient is the subscriber or if the Payer requires this information to identify the patient |
InsuranceNum |
Required when the payer needs this information to identify patient. | |
InsuredDob |
Subscriber Date of birth (YYYYMMDD) | Required when the payer needs this information to identify patient. |
InsuredGender |
Subscriber Gender (M) or (F) | Required when the payer needs this information to identify patient. |
ServiceTypeCode |
Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedural Coding System Code | |
DependentFirstName |
Dependent First Name | |
DependentLastName |
Dependent Last Name | |
DependentDob |
Dependent Date of Birth (YYYYMMDD) | |
DependentGender |
Dependent Gender (M) or (F) | |
DateOfService |
Date of service to check for eligibiltiy (YYYYMMDD). This field is not documented |
This uses name/value pairs in a request and returns an XML docunment as a response.
To simply check if the patient is covered by a health plan
response = client.do_inquiry({...})
response.active_coverage_for?(service_type_code = "30") #=> true | false
require 'trizetto/api'
Trizetto::Api.configure do |config|
config.username = ENV['TRIZETTO_USERNAME']
config.password = ENV['TRIZETTO_PASSWORD']
client ={
# You probably don't want logging enable unless you are being very careful to protect PHI in logs
# pretty_print_xml: true,
# log: true,
# log_level: :debug,
response = client.do_inquiry({
'ProviderLastName': 'YOUR_COMPANY_NAME',
'InsuredFirstName': 'Mickey',
'InsuredLastName': 'Mouse',
'InsuredDob': '19281118',
'GediPayerId': 'N4222',
# Were there validation errors with the request?
response.success? # => false
response.success_code # => "ValidationFailure"
response.errors.messages # => ["Please enter InsuranceNum."]
response.errors.validation_failures.first.affected_fields # => ["InsuranceNum"]
response.errors.validation_failures.first.message # => "Please enter InsuranceNum."
# Did we successfully get back an eligibility response from the payer.
response.success? # => true
response.success_code # => "Success"
response.transaction_id # => "c6eb40c5584f0496be3f3a48d0ddfd"
response.trace_number # => "88213481"
response.active_coverage_for?("30") # => true
# Did the response have group number for the subscriber or dependent?
response.subscriber&.group_number || response.dependent&.group_number # => "999999999A6AG999"
# What is the subscriber's member number? # => "XXP123456789"
# Was the response rejected? We got back an eligibility response, but probably the patient wasn't found
response.success? # => true
response.success_code # => "Success"
response.active_coverage_for?("30") # => false
response.rejected? # => true
response.rejections.count # => 1
response.rejections.first.reason # => "Patient Birth Date Does Not Match That for the Patient on the Database"
response.rejections.first.follow_up_action # => "Please Correct and Resubmit"
# What active insurance coverages of service_type_code=30 does this patient have?
coverages = {|benefit| benefit.active_coverage? && benefit.service_type_codes.include?("30")}
coverages.count # => 2
coverages.first.insurance_type # => "Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)"
coverages.last.insurance_type # => "Medicare Part A"
coverages.first.messages # => nil
coverages.last.messages # => ["BCBSMA IS PRIME"]
# Find all the benefit information for service_type_code=30
benefits = {|benefit| benefit.service_type_codes.include?("30")} # => ["Active Coverage", "Deductible", "Coverage Basis", "Out of Pocket (Stop Loss)", "Services Restricted to Following Provider"]
This returns an X12/271 response. You will need to understand how to build X12/270 requests and parse X12/271 responses.
require 'trizetto/api'
Trizetto::Api.configure do |config|
config.username = ENV['TRIZETTO_USERNAME']
config.password = ENV['TRIZETTO_PASSWORD']
client =
client.check_eligibility(payload: x12_message)
require 'trizetto/api'
Trizetto::Api.configure do |config|
config.username = ENV['TRIZETTO_USERNAME']
config.password = ENV['TRIZETTO_PASSWORD']
client ={
pretty_print_xml: true,
log: true,
log_level: :debug,
response =
This API times out or errors out on the Trizetto server. But you may get it to work.
require 'trizetto/api'
Trizetto::Api.configure do |config|
config.username = ENV['TRIZETTO_USERNAME']
config.password = ENV['TRIZETTO_PASSWORD']
client ={
pretty_print_xml: true,
log: true,
log_level: :debug,
read_timeout: 60*5 # 5 minutes
response = client.payer_list
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the Trizetto::Api project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.