diff --git a/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features.js b/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features.js
index 2458fa5e6fb6..bfbdc7e06fb5 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features.js
@@ -173,9 +173,10 @@ class ReportUIFeatures {
tablesWithUrls.forEach((tableEl, index) => {
- const thirdPartyRows = this._getThirdPartyRows(tableEl, this.json.finalUrl);
- // No 3rd parties, no checkbox!
- if (!thirdPartyRows.size) return;
+ const urlItems = this._getUrlItems(tableEl);
+ const thirdPartyRows = this._getThirdPartyRows(tableEl, urlItems, this.json.finalUrl);
+ // If all or none of the rows are 3rd party, no checkbox!
+ if (thirdPartyRows.size === urlItems.length || !thirdPartyRows.size) return;
// create input box
const filterTemplate = this._dom.cloneTemplate('#tmpl-lh-3p-filter', this._document);
@@ -216,10 +217,10 @@ class ReportUIFeatures {
* and returns a Map of those rows, mapping from row index to row Element.
* @param {HTMLTableElement} el
* @param {string} finalUrl
+ * @param {Array} urlItems
* @return {Map}
- _getThirdPartyRows(el, finalUrl) {
- const urlItems = this._dom.findAll('.lh-text__url', el);
+ _getThirdPartyRows(el, urlItems, finalUrl) {
const finalUrlRootDomain = Util.getRootDomain(finalUrl);
/** @type {Map} */
@@ -240,6 +241,15 @@ class ReportUIFeatures {
return thirdPartyRows;
+ /**
+ * From a table, finds and returns URL items.
+ * @param {HTMLTableElement} tableEl
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+ _getUrlItems(tableEl) {
+ return this._dom.findAll('.lh-text__url', tableEl);
+ }
_setupStickyHeaderElements() {
this.topbarEl = this._dom.find('.lh-topbar', this._document);
this.scoreScaleEl = this._dom.find('.lh-scorescale', this._document);
diff --git a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features-test.js b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features-test.js
index 54a3d7852ddc..ca825732d110 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features-test.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-ui-features-test.js
@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ describe('ReportUIFeatures', () => {
const lhr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleResults));
lhr.requestedUrl = lhr.finalUrl = 'http://www.example.com';
const webpAuditItemTemplate = sampleResults.audits['uses-webp-images'].details.items[0];
+ const renderBlockingAuditItemTemplate =
+ sampleResults.audits['render-blocking-resources'].details.items[0];
+ const textCompressionAuditItemTemplate =
+ sampleResults.audits['uses-text-compression'].details.items[0];
// Interleave first/third party URLs to test restoring order.
lhr.audits['uses-webp-images'].details.items = [
@@ -140,6 +144,38 @@ describe('ReportUIFeatures', () => {
+ // Only third party URLs to test that checkbox is hidden
+ lhr.audits['render-blocking-resources'].details.items = [
+ {
+ ...renderBlockingAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.cdn.com/script1.js', // Third party.
+ },
+ {
+ ...renderBlockingAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.google.com/script2.js', // Third party.
+ },
+ {
+ ...renderBlockingAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.notexample.com/script3.js', // Third party.
+ },
+ ];
+ // Only first party URLs to test that checkbox is hidden
+ lhr.audits['uses-text-compression'].details.items = [
+ {
+ ...textCompressionAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.example.com/font1.ttf', // First party.
+ },
+ {
+ ...textCompressionAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.example.com/font2.ttf', // First party.
+ },
+ {
+ ...textCompressionAuditItemTemplate,
+ url: 'http://www.example.com/font3.ttf', // First party.
+ },
+ ];
// render a report onto the UIFeature dom
container = render(lhr);
@@ -160,7 +196,7 @@ describe('ReportUIFeatures', () => {
expect(getUrlsInTable()).toEqual(['/img1.jpg', '/img2.jpg', '/img3.jpg']);
- it('adds no filter for audits that do not need them', () => {
+ it('adds no filter for audits in thirdPartyFilterAuditExclusions', () => {
const checkboxClassName = 'lh-3p-filter-input';
const yesCheckbox = dom.find(`#uses-webp-images .${checkboxClassName}`, container);
@@ -169,6 +205,20 @@ describe('ReportUIFeatures', () => {
expect(() => dom.find(`#uses-rel-preconnect .${checkboxClassName}`, container))
.toThrowError('query #uses-rel-preconnect .lh-3p-filter-input not found');
+ it('adds no filter for audits with tables containing only third party resources', () => {
+ const checkboxClassName = 'lh-3p-filter-input';
+ expect(() => dom.find(`#render-blocking-resources .${checkboxClassName}`, container))
+ .toThrowError('query #render-blocking-resources .lh-3p-filter-input not found');
+ });
+ it('adds no filter for audits with tables containing only first party resources', () => {
+ const checkboxClassName = 'lh-3p-filter-input';
+ expect(() => dom.find(`#uses-text-compression .${checkboxClassName}`, container))
+ .toThrowError('query #uses-text-compression .lh-3p-filter-input not found');
+ });