diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f0577056f0c9..9ffefcec24ff 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"version": "9.2.0",
"description": "Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web.",
"main": "./lighthouse-core/index.js",
+ "types": "./types/lighthouse.js",
"bin": {
"lighthouse": "./lighthouse-cli/index.js",
"chrome-debug": "./lighthouse-core/scripts/manual-chrome-launcher.js",
diff --git a/types/lighthouse.d.ts b/types/lighthouse.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d3d5b3f89be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types/lighthouse.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+export = lighthouse;
+ * Run Lighthouse.
+ * @param {string=} url The URL to test. Optional if running in auditMode.
+ * @param {LH.Flags=} flags Optional settings for the Lighthouse run. If present,
+ * they will override any settings in the config.
+ * @param {LH.Config.Json=} configJSON Configuration for the Lighthouse run. If
+ * not present, the default config is used.
+ * @param {Connection=} userConnection
+ * @return {Promise}
+ */
+declare function lighthouse(url?: string, flags?: LH.Flags, configJSON?: LH.Config.Json, userConnection?: Connection): Promise;
+declare namespace lighthouse {
+ export { generateConfig, getAuditList, traceCategories, Audit, Gatherer, NetworkRecords, Connection };
+ * Generate a Lighthouse Config.
+ * @param {LH.Config.Json=} configJson Configuration for the Lighthouse run. If
+ * not present, the default config is used.
+ * @param {LH.Flags=} flags Optional settings for the Lighthouse run. If present,
+ * they will override any settings in the config.
+ * @return {Config}
+ */
+declare function generateConfig(configJson?: LH.Config.Json, flags?: LH.Flags): LH.Config.Json;
+declare function getAuditList(): string[];
+declare function traceCategories(): string[];
+declare var Audit: typeof LH.Audit;
+declare var Gatherer: LH.Gatherer.GathererInstance;
+declare class Connection {
+ constructor();
+ // Not implemented, will throw currently
+ connect(): Promise;
+ disconnect(): Promise;
+ wsEndpoint(): Promise;
+ sendCommand(
+ method: C,
+ sessionId: string | undefined,
+ paramArgs: LH.CrdpCommands[C]['paramsType']
+ ): Promise;
+ on(eventName: 'protocolevent', cb: (arg0: LH.Protocol.RawEventMessage) => void): void;
+ off(eventName: 'protocolevent', cb: (arg0: LH.Protocol.RawEventMessage) => void): void;
+ protected sendRawMessage(message: string): void;
+ protected handleRawMessage(message: string): void;
+ emitProtocolEvent(eventMessage: LH.Protocol.RawEventMessage): void;
+ protected dispose(): void;
+type NetworkRecords_Return = Promise>;
+declare class NetworkRecords_ {
+ static compute_(devtoolsLog: LH.DevtoolsLog): NetworkRecords_Return
+declare var NetworkRecords: NetworkRecords_ & {
+ request: (dependencies: LH.DevtoolsLog, context: LH.Artifacts.ComputedContext)
+ => NetworkRecords_Return
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