diff --git a/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/util.js b/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/util.js
index 875a89f6632d..cd2cc4535db8 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/util.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/report/html/renderer/util.js
@@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ class Util {
if (typeof clone.categories !== 'object') throw new Error('No categories provided.');
clone.reportCategories = Object.values(clone.categories);
+ // The proto process turns 'not-applicable' into 'not_applicable'. Correct this to support both.
+ // TODO: remove when underscore/hyphen proto issue is resolved. See #6371, #6201.
+ for (const audit of Object.values(clone.audits)) {
+ // @ts-ignore tsc rightly flags that this value shouldn't occur.
+ if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === 'not_applicable') {
+ audit.scoreDisplayMode = 'not-applicable';
+ }
+ }
// For convenience, smoosh all AuditResults into their auditDfn (which has just weight & group)
for (const category of clone.reportCategories) {
category.auditRefs.forEach(auditMeta => {
diff --git a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-renderer-test.js b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-renderer-test.js
index 22c3fee12199..37850907f423 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-renderer-test.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/report-renderer-test.js
@@ -154,4 +154,25 @@ describe('ReportRenderer', () => {
assert.equal(renderer._templateContext, otherDocument);
+ it('renders `not_applicable` audits as `not-applicable`', () => {
+ const clonedSampleResult = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleResultsOrig));
+ let notApplicableCount = 0;
+ Object.values(clonedSampleResult.audits).forEach(audit => {
+ if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === 'not-applicable') {
+ notApplicableCount++;
+ audit.scoreDisplayMode = 'not_applicable';
+ }
+ });
+ assert.ok(notApplicableCount > 20); // Make sure something's being tested.
+ const container = renderer._dom._document.body;
+ const reportElement = renderer.renderReport(sampleResults, container);
+ const notApplicableElementCount = reportElement
+ .querySelectorAll('.lh-audit--not-applicable').length;
+ assert.strictEqual(notApplicableCount, notApplicableElementCount);
+ });
diff --git a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/util-test.js b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/util-test.js
index e870d48fdc68..bb33a218d6f8 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/util-test.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/util-test.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
const assert = require('assert');
const Util = require('../../../../report/html/renderer/util.js');
+const sampleResult = require('../../../results/sample_v2.json');
const NBSP = '\xa0';
@@ -168,4 +169,24 @@ describe('util helpers', () => {
assert.deepStrictEqual(displayValue, cloned, 'displayValue was mutated');
+ describe('#prepareReportResult', () => {
+ it('corrects underscored `not-applicable` scoreDisplayMode', () => {
+ const clonedSampleResult = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sampleResult));
+ let notApplicableCount = 0;
+ Object.values(clonedSampleResult.audits).forEach(audit => {
+ if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === 'not-applicable') {
+ notApplicableCount++;
+ audit.scoreDisplayMode = 'not_applicable';
+ }
+ });
+ assert.ok(notApplicableCount > 20); // Make sure something's being tested.
+ // Original audit results should be restored.
+ const preparedResult = Util.prepareReportResult(clonedSampleResult);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(preparedResult.audits, sampleResult.audits);
+ });
+ });