diff --git a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/category-renderer-test.js b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/category-renderer-test.js
index bbb5547544e2..bab66007708f 100644
--- a/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/category-renderer-test.js
+++ b/lighthouse-core/test/report/html/renderer/category-renderer-test.js
@@ -215,16 +215,36 @@ describe('CategoryRenderer', () => {
assert.ok(description.querySelector('a'), 'description contains converted markdown links');
- // TODO waiting for decision regarding this header
- it.skip('renders the failed audits grouped by group', () => {
- const categoryDOM = renderer.render(category, sampleResults.categoryGroups);
- const failedAudits = category.auditRefs.filter(audit => {
- return audit.result.score !== 1 && !audit.result.scoreDisplayMode === 'notApplicable';
+ it('renders the failed audits grouped by group', () => {
+ // Fail all the audits.
+ const categoryClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(category));
+ const auditRefs = categoryClone.auditRefs;
+ auditRefs.forEach(ref => {
+ ref.result.score = 0;
+ ref.result.scoreDisplayMode = 'binary';
- const failedAuditTags = new Set(failedAudits.map(audit => audit.group));
+ const categoryDOM = renderer.render(categoryClone, sampleResults.categoryGroups);
+ // All the group names in the config.
+ const groupNames = Array.from(new Set(auditRefs.map(ref => ref.group))).filter(Boolean);
+ assert.ok(groupNames.length > 5, `not enough groups found in category for test`);
- const failedAuditGroups = categoryDOM.querySelectorAll('.lh-category > div.lh-audit-group');
- assert.equal(failedAuditGroups.length, failedAuditTags.size);
+ // All the group roots in the DOM.
+ const failedGroupElems = Array.from(
+ categoryDOM.querySelectorAll('.lh-clump--failed > .lh-audit-group'));
+ assert.strictEqual(failedGroupElems.length, groupNames.length);
+ for (const groupName of groupNames) {
+ const groupAuditRefs = auditRefs.filter(ref => ref.group === groupName);
+ assert.ok(groupAuditRefs.length > 0, `no auditRefs found with group '${groupName}'`);
+ const className = `lh-audit-group--${groupName}`;
+ const groupElem = failedGroupElems.find(el => el.classList.contains(className));
+ const groupAuditElems = groupElem.querySelectorAll('.lh-audit');
+ assert.strictEqual(groupAuditElems.length, groupAuditRefs.length);
+ }
it('renders the passed audits ungrouped', () => {