The Connector for PyTorch allows the user to save and load model checkpoints directly to/from a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket. This demo presents a simple example of checkpoint saving within a training workload.
The demo can optionally be run using the --use-async
flag to enable asynchrenous checkpoint saving. This is useful when training a model that results in a large checkpoint file size and avoid blocking training during saving until the upload has finished.
python demo/checkpointing/ --help
usage: [-h] --project PROJECT --bucket BUCKET [--use-async] [--embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM] [--hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM] [--output-dim OUTPUT_DIM] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
Configuration for single-node async checkpoint demo.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--project PROJECT GCS project ID.
--bucket BUCKET GCS bucket for saving checkpoints.
--embedding-dim EMBEDDING_DIM
The size of each embedding vector.
--hidden-dim HIDDEN_DIM
The number of features in the hidden state.
--output-dim OUTPUT_DIM
The size of each output sample.
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
How many samples per batch to load.
--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
The number of full passes through training.
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
The size of the optimizer steps taken during the training process.
--use-async If checkpoint save should use async.
Example call
$ python3 -u demo/checkpointing/ \
--project=<gcs_project_id> \
--bucket=<bucket_name> \
--embedding-dim=100 \