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Copyright 2022 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

GCVE Monitoring Module

This module contains the infrastructure to setup the GCVE Cloud Monitoriring with a standalone agent. This has been provisioned as a stateful MIG to utilize autohealing capabilities with a static IP address. To forward syslog messages, please refer to the following documentation on how to configure a private cloud for syslog forwarding.


  • Secrets must be created in Secret Manager containing the values for vsphere_server (fqdn), vsphere_user (must be admin) and vsphere_password.
  • The standalone agent configuration will be overriden, when executing the installer (startup-)script.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
google >= 4.35.0


Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "example" {
	 source  = "<module-path>"

	 # Required variables
	 gcve_region  = 
	 project  = 
	 sa_gcve_monitoring  = 
	 secret_vsphere_password  = 
	 secret_vsphere_server  = 
	 secret_vsphere_user  = 
	 subnetwork  = 
	 vm_mon_name  = 
	 vm_mon_zone  = 

	 # Optional variables
	 create_dashboards  = true
	 hc_healthy_threshold  = 2
	 hc_interval_sec  = 5
	 hc_timeout_sec  = 5
	 hc_unhealthy_threshold  = 2
	 initial_delay_sec  = 180
	 vm_mon_type  = "e2-small"


Name Type
google_compute_firewall.healthcheck resource
google_compute_health_check.tcp_healthcheck resource
google_compute_instance_template.vm_mon_tpl resource
google_compute_region_instance_group_manager.mig_monitoring_gcve resource
google_monitoring_dashboard.gcve_mon_dashboards resource
google_project_iam_member.gcve_monitoring_permissions resource
google_project_service.enable_destination_api resource
google_service_account.sa_gcve_monitoring resource
google_compute_image.gcve_mon_image data source
google_compute_subnetwork.gcve-subnetwork data source


Name Description Type Default Required
create_dashboards Define if sample GCVE monitoring dashboards should be installed bool true no
gcve_region Region where the Private Cloud is deployed string n/a yes
hc_healthy_threshold How many consecutive success checks to consider the VM as healthy number 2 no
hc_interval_sec Healthcheck interval in seconds number 5 no
hc_timeout_sec Healthcheck timeout in seconds number 5 no
hc_unhealthy_threshold How many consecutive success checks to consider the VM as unhealthy number 2 no
initial_delay_sec How long to delay checking for healthcheck upon initialization number 180 no
project The GCP project that will be used for GCVE monitoring string n/a yes
sa_gcve_monitoring Service account for GCVE monitoring agent string n/a yes
secret_vsphere_password The secret name containing the password for the vCenter admin user string n/a yes
secret_vsphere_server The secret name conatining the FQDN of the vSphere vCenter server string n/a yes
secret_vsphere_user The secret name containing the user for the vCenter server. Must be an admin user string n/a yes
subnetwork Subnetwork where the VM will be deployed to string n/a yes
vm_mon_name GCE VM name where GCVE monitoring agent will run string n/a yes
vm_mon_type GCE VM machine type string "e2-small" no
vm_mon_zone GCP zone where GCE VM will be deployed string n/a yes


Name Description
gcve_mon_dashboards GCVE Monitoring Dashboards resources
google_service_account The resource object of the service account for GCVE monitoring
mig_monitoring_gcve The name of the monitoring MIG