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This repository provides hands-on experience to migrate data between two Google Managed Kafka clustes using MirrorMaker2. As a part of POC, below resources are provisioned:

  1. Two Google Managed Kafka clusters as a source and destination. To disable creation of the source cluster, please modify the terraform plan step to not include, in the "Deploy Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka (GMK)" section of this file. To point the source cluster to one on-prem, please update this variable as well as this password.
  2. MirrorMaker2 on GCE
  3. Kafka Producer node to publish messages for testing purpose


Please follow below instructions to deploy resources for POC:

Open in Cloud Shell

Setup Terraform Workspace

  1. Create a GCS bucket of your choice to store Terraform state files.
    1. Update modules/environments/production/
Example (Please update with actual values)

bucket  = "YOUR_GCS_BUCKET"
prefix  = "terraform" 
  1. run terraform init
cd terraform/modules/environments/production
terraform init

Deploy Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka (GMK)

  1. Navigate to Update modules/environments/production/ (One for each src and dest cluster)and update the required variables
Example (Please update with actual values.)

project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
region = "us-central1"

Please change following if needed to update the kafka parameters (name, topic name)
  1. Run terraform plan for kafka module (This will plan both source and destination kafka cluster one can trigger this individually as well)
cd terraform/modules/environments/production
terraform plan
  1. Run terraform apply for kafka module (This will deploy both source and destination kafka cluster one can trigger this individually as well)
cd terraform/modules/environments/production
terraform apply

Please Note It May take up to 30 minutes for the cluster to create. Creation complete after 28m37s [id=projects/mbawa-sandbox/locations/us-central1/clusters/kafka-dev] Creating... Creation complete after 6s [id=projects/mbawa-sandbox/locations/us-central1/clusters/kafka-dev/topics/kafka-topic]

Deploy Kafka Producer Environment

  1. Navigate to Update modules/environments/production/ and update the required variables
  2. Run terraform plan for producer module
cd terraform/modules/environments/production
terraform plan -target=module.kafka-producer
  1. Run terraform apply for producer module
cd terraform/modules/environments/production
terraform apply -target=module.kafka-producer
  1. SSH to the kafka-producer google compute engine instance. bootstrap derived from here we have bootstrapped the same using a start-up script

  2. Edit/Upload the script and run the same using python to generate data. (This is a Python3 file).

Deploy Standalone MirrorMaker 2

Launch a standalone Mirror Maker 2 node

  1. Create a GCS bucket to store mirror maker 2 binaries
  2. $BUCKET=mm2-binaries-bucket
  3. run script
    bash $BUCKET
  4. Update the terraform/modules/mirror-maker2-standalone/ with corresponding default values Update the terraform/modules/environments/production/ with corresponding values
    Example (Please update `YOUR_PROJECT_ID` and `your-project-name` with actual values. Note that the service account should be the one used for creating a Managed Service for Apache Kafka cluster.)
    project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
    region = "us-central1"
    zone = "us-central1-a"
    service_account_email = "[email protected]"
    kafka_cluster_src_broker = ""
    kafka_cluster_dest_broker = ""

Please note you would need to update username and password based on GMK SASL/PLAIN authentication

  1. terraform initialization

    cd terraform/modules/environments/production
    terraform init
  2. terraform plan to check the resources being created

     cd terraform/modules/environments/production
     terraform plan -target=module.mm2-standalone
  3. deploy the resources

     cd terraform/modules/environments/production
     terraform apply -target=module.mm2-standalone


  • Startup-script Logs
sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service
  • Mirror Maker 2 Metrics

TODO integrate with cloud monitoring agent

# Replication Latency 
curl localhost:3600 | grep -i kafka_connect_mirror_source_connector_replication_latency_ms_max

#Other Metrics

curl localhost:3600 | grep -i kafka-src-topic

kafka_consumer_fetch_manager_records_consumed_total{clientId="\"source->target|MirrorSourceConnector-0|replication-consumer\"",topic="kafka-src-topic",} 0.0
kafka_connect_mirror_source_connector_replication_latency_ms{destination="target",partition="0",topic="source.kafka-src-topic",} 0.0
kafka_connect_mirror_source_connector_replication_latency_ms_max{destination="target",partition="1",topic="source.kafka-src-topic",} NaN