Jaseci has set of inbuilt actions. Also you can load and unload actions in jsctl
shell. to see the available actions in jaseci session try running actions list
. Here are two basic example of jaseci date
Example 1:
node person {
has name;
has birthday;
walker init {
can date.quantize_to_year;
can date.quantize_to_month;
can date.quantize_to_week;
person1 = spawn here ++> node::person(name="Josh", birthday="1995-05-20");
birthyear = date.quantize_to_year(person1.birthday);
birthmonth = date.quantize_to_month(person1.birthday);
birthweek = date.quantize_to_week(person1.birthday);
std.out("Date ", person1.birthday);
std.out("Quantized date to year ", birthyear);
std.out("Quantized date to month ", birthmonth);
std.out("Quantized date to week ", birthweek);
Output 1:
Date 1995-05-20
Quantized date to year 1995-01-01T00:00:00
Quantized date to month 1995-05-01T00:00:00
Quantized date to week 1995-05-15T00:00:00
The following example executes action in each person nodes of the graph.
Example 2:
node person {
has name;
has birthday;
walker init {
can date.quantize_to_year;
root {
person1 = spawn here ++> node::person(name="Josh", birthday="1995-05-20");
person2 = spawn here ++> node::person(name="Joe", birthday="1998-04-23");
person3 = spawn here ++> node::person(name="Jack", birthday="1997-03-12");
take -->;
person {
birthyear = date.quantize_to_year(here.birthday);
std.out(here.name," Birthdate Quantized to year ",birthyear);
Output 2:
Josh Birthdate Quantized to year 1995-01-01T00:00:00
Joe Birthdate Quantized to year 1998-01-01T00:00:00
Jack Birthdate Quantized to year 1997-01-01T00:00:00
refers to the current node scope pertinent to the program's execution point andvisitor
refers to the pertinent walker scope pertinent to that particular point of execution. All variables, built-in characteristics, and operations of the linked object instance are fully accessible through these references.
Example 3:
node person {
has name;
has byear;
#this sets the birth year from the setter
can date.quantize_to_year::visitor.year::>byear with setter entry;
#this executes upon exit of the walker from node
can std.out::byear," from ", visitor.info:: with exit;
walker init {
#collect the current time
has year=std.time_now();
root {
person1 = spawn here ++> node::person(name="Josh", byear="1992-01-01");
take --> ;
person {
spawn here walker::setter;
walker setter {
has year="1995-01-01";
Output 3:
1995-01-01T00:00:00 from {"name": "setter", "kind": "walker", "jid": "urn:uuid:a3e5f4b6-aeda-4cd0-9552-506cb3b7c693", "j_timestamp": "2022-11-09T09:10:05.134836", "j_type": "walker", "context": {"year": "1995-01-01"}}
1995-01-01T00:00:00 from {"name": "init", "kind": "walker", "jid": "urn:uuid:47f1e467-a0e6-4772-a06a-204f6a1b69c3", "j_timestamp": "2022-11-09T09:10:05.129720", "j_type": "walker", "context": {"year": "2022-11-09T09:10:05.131397"}}