This module is responsible for creating Datadog Service Level Objectives and their related alerts.
Datadog Alerts for SLOs are terraformed through the monitor object.
An SLO can have many thresholds set, but a monitor can only have one. In order to get around this, the module creates Datadog monitors for each threshold within an SLO.
For example
name: "(SLO) Synthetic Checks"
type: metric
numerator: sum:synthetics.test_runs{status:success}.as_count()
denominator: sum:synthetics.test_runs{*}.as_count()
description: |
Number of Successful Synthetic Checks.
message: |
({stage} {region}) {instance_id} failed a SLO check
force_delete: true
validate: true
- target: "99.5"
target_display: "99.50"
timeframe: "7d"
warning: "99.9"
warning_display: "99.90"
- target: "99"
target_display: "99.00"
timeframe: "30d"
warning: "99.5"
warning_display: "99.50"
groups: []
monitor_ids: []
managedby: terraform