my pumpndump but now im moving it to home manager cause why not
- doom emacs
- nix-doom-emacs is broken so you have to install it manually
- from doomemacs/doomemacs
git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
- ssh gnupg and password-store
- duh i dont want my passwords be open to the public
git clone gravity@clr:Git/password-store.git ~/.password-store git clone gravity@clr:Git/ssh.git ~/.shitssh git clone gravity@clr:Git/gnupg.git ~/.gnupg mv ~/.ssh ~/.shitssh2 mv ~/.shitssh ~/.ssh
- fonts for somereason need some little bit of shittery to fix every time you update it
fc-cache -f
browsers firefox and chromium you gotta reinstall the extension setttings from [./home/dump/firefox_extension_settings/] and add chromium webapps
syncthing a lil funky tbh