This is our Actency Bootstrap SASS sub-theme, using by drupency install profile. We can work here on a cool out of the box version for every new projects :) Do not sub-theme this theme again, simply use it as is. You can rename it for your project but be careful with hooks etc.
###INSTALATION If you install this theme with Actency Drupalm 8 starterkit, the new Boostrap Subtheme will be automatically installed while running this command :
If you want to install this subtheme with an other Drupal 8 installation, follow this steps :
- Make sure Boostrap theme is located in htdocs/web/theme/contrib/bootstrap folder
- Download this subtheme
- Move to web folder
- Run
Gulp is already installed while running script, but if you want to reinstall gulp follow this step
- Make sure you have latest node and npm latest version
- cd into web folder en run :
gulp : Default watch
gulp css : Compile scss files
gulp images : Images minification
gulp drush : drush cache-clear theme-registry
Feel free to add other custom command in gulpfile.js located in /web filder
All vendors are versioned, so nothing must be done when installing the project. They are located in web/themes/custom/MYTHEME/assets/vendors folder.
You must use bower when you install a new vendor :
Go to web folder and run this commands :
bower install --save my_vendor
If you want to install a specific version :
bower install --save my_vendor#version
Then you must you must add .scss in your style.scss files, and .js on MYTHEME.libraries.yml