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de novo variant calling in trio using Nanopore long-reads


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Clair3-Nova: Accurate Nanopore long-read de novo variant calling in family trios with deep neural networks

License install with docker

Contact: Ruibang Luo, Junhao Su
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Clair3-Nova is the 2nd generation of Clair3-Trio. Nova supports de novo variant calling in trio. To cite Clair3-Nova, please cite Clair3-trio (Briefing in Bioinformatics, 2022).


Latest Updates

v0.3.2 (Sep 24, 2024):

  1. add "INFO/DNP" score for all child's "0/1" output;
  2. add "INFO/HDN" tag for "high quality de novo variant", default configured as DNP > 0.8;
  3. add reference call in gVCF output;
  4. add "INFO/RPL" tag for saving reference PL score for gvcf output.

v0.3.1 (July 9, 2024): fix bug in multiple alternative sites.

v0.3 (June 23, 2024): add r10.4.1 hac model and add base_err feature.

  1. add r10 HAC model trained at HG002 trio
  2. add --base_err flag for reducing "./." in gvcf output
  3. add --keep_iupac_bases flag to showing iupac char.

v0.2.1 (May 15, 2024): fix bugs of SelectCandidates_Trio.

v0.2 (Apr 2, 2024): added models for r10.4.1 and r9.4.1

v0.1 (Feb 6, 2024): Initial release.

Pre-trained Models

Download models from here or click on the links below.

Model name Platform Training samples Date Basecaller File Link
r1041_e82_400bps_sup_nova ONT r10.4.1 E8.2 (5kHz) HG002,3,4 20240206 Dorado v4.0.0 SUP r1041_e82_400bps_sup_nova.tar.gz Download
r1041_e82_400bps_hac_nova ONT r10.4.1 E8.2 (5kHz) HG002,3,4 20240723 Dorado v4.0.0 HAC r1041_e82_400bps_hac_nova.tar.gz Download
r941_prom_sup_g5014_nova ONT r9.4.1 HG002,3,4 20240330 Guppy5 sup r941_prom_sup_g5014_nova.tar.gz Download

Clair3's Pre-trained Models

When using the Clair3-Nova model, please use a corresponding Clair3 model for Pileup calling. Check here or here for more information about Clair3 pretrained model.

Model name Platform Training samples Date Basecaller File Link
r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v430 ONT r10.4.1 E8.2 (5kHz) - - Dorado v4.3.0 SUP r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v430.tar.gz Download
r1041_e82_400bps_hac_v430 ONT r10.4.1 E8.2 (5kHz) - - Dorado v4.3.0 HAC r1041_e82_400bps_hac_v430.tar.gz Download
r941_prom_sup_g5014 ONT r9.4.1 - - Guppyu5 sup r941_prom_sup_g5014.tar.gz Download


Option 1. Docker pre-built image

A pre-built docker image is available here. With it you can run Clair3-Nova using a single command.

Caution: Absolute path is needed for both INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR.

INPUT_DIR="[YOUR_INPUT_FOLDER]"            # e.g. /input
REF=${_INPUT_DIR}/ref.fa                   # change your reference file name here
OUTPUT_DIR="[YOUR_OUTPUT_FOLDER]"          # e.g. /output
THREADS="[MAXIMUM_THREADS]"                # e.g. 8
MODEL_C3="[Clair3 MODEL NAME]"         	   # e.g. Clair3 model, e.g. r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v430
MODEL_C3D="[Clair3-Trio MODEL NAME]"       # e.g. Clair3-Nova model, r1041_e82_400bps_sup_nova

docker run -it \
  -v ${INPUT_DIR}:${INPUT_DIR} \
  hkubal/clair3-nova:latest \
  /opt/bin/ \
  --ref_fn=${INPUT_DIR}/ref.fa \                  ## change your reference file name here
  --bam_fn_c=${INPUT_DIR}/child_input.bam \       ## change your child's bam file name here 
  --bam_fn_p1=${INPUT_DIR}/parent1_input.bam \    ## change your parent-1's bam file name here     
  --bam_fn_p2=${INPUT_DIR}/parenet2_input.bam \   ## change your parent-2's bam file name here   
  --sample_name_c=${SAMPLE_C} \                   ## change your child's name here
  --sample_name_p1=${SAMPLE_P1} \                 ## change your parent-1's name here
  --sample_name_p2=${SAMPLE_P2} \                 ## change your parent-2's name here
  --threads=${THREADS} \                          ## maximum threads to be used
  --model_path_clair3="/opt/models/clair3_models/${MODEL_C3}" \
  --model_path_clair3_nova="/opt/models/clair3_nova_models/${MODEL_C3D}" \
  --output=${OUTPUT_DIR}                          ## absolute output path prefix 

Option 2. Build an anaconda virtual environment

Anaconda install:

Please install anaconda using the official guide or using the commands below:

chmod +x ./ 

Install Clair3 env and Clair3-Nova using anaconda step by step:

# create and activate an environment named clair3
conda create -n clair3 python=3.9.0 -y
source activate clair3

# install pypy and packages in the environemnt
conda install -c conda-forge pypy3.6 -y
pypy3 -m ensurepip
pypy3 -m pip install mpmath==1.2.1

# install python packages in environment
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow==2.8.0 -y
conda install -c conda-forge pytables -y
conda install -c anaconda pigz cffi==1.14.4 -y
conda install -c conda-forge parallel=20191122 zstd -y
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda samtools=1.15.1 -y
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda whatshap=1.7 -y
conda install -c conda-forge xz zlib bzip2 automake curl -y
# tensorflow-addons is required in training
pip install tensorflow-addons

# clone Clair3-Nova
git clone
cd Clair3-Nova

# download Clair3's pre-trained models
mkdir -p models/clair3_models
tar -zxvf clair3_models.tar.gz -C ./models/clair3_models

# download Clair3-Nova's pre-trained models
mkdir -p models/clair3_nova_models
tar -zxvf clair3_nova_models.tar.gz -C ./models/clair3_nova_models

# run clair3-nova
_INPUT_DIR="[YOUR_INPUT_FOLDER]"            # e.g. ./input
_BAM_C=${_INPUT_DIR}/input_child.bam        # chnage your child's bam file name here
_BAM_P1=${_INPUT_DIR}/input_parent1.bam     # chnage your parent-1's bam file name here
_BAM_P2=${_INPUT_DIR}/input_parent2.bam     # chnage your parent-2's bam file name here
_SAMPLE_C="[Child sample ID]"               # child sample ID, e.g. HG002
_SAMPLE_P1="[Parent1 sample ID]"            # parent1 sample ID, e.g. HG003
_SAMPLE_P2="[Parent2 sample ID]"            # parent2 sample ID, e.g. HG004
_REF=${_INPUT_DIR}/ref.fa                   # change your reference file name here
_OUTPUT_DIR="[YOUR_OUTPUT_FOLDER]"          # e.g. ./output
_THREADS="[MAXIMUM_THREADS]"                # e.g. 8
_MODEL_DIR_C3="[Clair3 MODEL NAME]"         # e.g. ./models/clair3_models/r1041_e82_400bps_sup_v430
_MODEL_DIR_C3D="[Clair3-Nova MODEL NAME]"   # e.g. ./models/clair3_nova_models/r1041_e82_400bps_sup_nova

./ \
  --bam_fn_c=${_BAM_C} \    
  --bam_fn_p1=${_BAM_P1} \
  --bam_fn_p2=${_BAM_P2} \
  --output=${_OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --ref_fn=${_REF} \
  --threads=${_THREADS} \
  --model_path_clair3="${_MODEL_DIR_C3}" \
  --model_path_clair3_nova="${_MODEL_DIR_C3D}" \
  --sample_name_c=${_SAMPLE_C} \
  --sample_name_p1=${_SAMPLE_P1} \

Option 3. Docker Dockerfile

Building a docker image.

# clone Clair3-Nova
git clone
cd Clair3-Nova

# build a docker image named hkubal/clair3-nova:latest
# might require docker authentication to build docker image 
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t hkubal/clair3-nova:latest .

# run clair3-docker image like 
docker run -it hkubal/clair3-nova:latest /opt/bin/ --help

General Usage

Caution: Use =value for optional parameters, e.g. --bed_fn=fn.bed instead of --bed_fn fn.bed.

./ \
  --bam_fn_c=${_BAM_C} \    
  --bam_fn_p1=${_BAM_P1} \
  --bam_fn_p2=${_BAM_P2} \
  --output=${_OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --ref_fn=${_REF} \
  --threads=${_THREADS} \
  --model_path_clair3="${_MODEL_DIR_C3}" \
  --model_path_clair3_nova="${_MODEL_DIR_C3D}" \
  --sample_name_c=${_SAMPLE_C} \
  --sample_name_p1=${_SAMPLE_P1} \


Required parameters:

--bam_fn_c=FILE                BAM file input, for child. The input file must be samtools indexed.
--bam_fn_p1=FILE               BAM file input, for parent1. The input file must be samtools indexed.
--bam_fn_p2=FILE               BAM file input, for parent1. The input file must be samtools indexed.
--ref_fn=FILE                  FASTA reference file input. The input file must be samtools indexed.
--model_path_clair3=STR        The folder path containing a Clair3 model (requiring six files in the folder, including, pileup.index,
0-of-00002,  and full_alignment.index).                                                                                                                                      
--model_path_clair3_nova=STR   The folder path containing a Clair3-Nova model (files structure same as Clair3).                                                                            
-t, --threads=INT              Max #threads to be used. The full genome will be divided into small chunks for parallel processing. Each chunk will use 4 threads. The #chunks being processed simultaneously is ceil
(#threads/4)*3. 3 is the overloading factor.                                                              
-o, --output=PATH              VCF/GVCF output directory. 

Other parameters:

Caution: Use =value for optional parameters, e.g., --bed_fn=fn.bed instead of --bed_fn fn.bed

-v, --version                  Check Clair3-Nova version
-h, --help                     Check Clair3-Nova help page
--bed_fn=FILE                  Call variants only in the provided bed regions.
--vcf_fn=FILE                  Candidate sites VCF file input, variants will only be called at the sites in the VCF file if provided.
--ctg_name=STR                 The name of the sequence to be processed.
--pileup_only                  Use the pileup model only when calling, default: disable.
--pileup_phasing               Use the pileup model calling and phasing, default: disable.
--sample_name_c=STR            Define the sample name for Child to be shown in the VCF file.[Child]
--sample_name_p1=STR           Define the sample name for Parent1 to be shown in the VCF file.[Parent1]
--sample_name_p2=STR           Define the sample name for Parent2 to be shown in the VCF file.[Parent2]
--gvcf                         Enable GVCF output, default: disable.
--qual=INT                     If set, variants with >=$qual will be marked PASS, or LowQual otherwise.
--samtools=STR                 Path of samtools, samtools version >= 1.10 is required.
--python=STR                   Path of python, python3 >= 3.6 is required.
--pypy=STR                     Path of pypy3, pypy3 >= 3.6 is required.
--parallel=STR                 Path of parallel, parallel >= 20191122 is required.
--whatshap=STR                 Path of whatshap, whatshap >= 1.0 is required.
--chunk_size=INT               The size of each chuck for parallel processing, default: 5000000.
--print_ref_calls              Show reference calls (0/0) in VCF file, default: disable.
--include_all_ctgs             Call variants on all contigs, otherwise call in chr{1..22,X,Y} and {1..22,X,Y}, default: disable.
--snp_min_af=FLOAT             Minimum SNP AF required for a candidate variant. Lowering the value might increase a bit of sensitivity in trade of speed and accuracy, default: ont:0.08.
--indel_min_af=FLOAT           Minimum Indel AF required for a candidate variant. Lowering the value might increase a bit of sensitivity in trade of speed and accuracy, default: ont:0.15.
--nova_model_prefix=STR        Model prefix in trio & nova calling, including $, $ $prefix.index, default: nova.
--enable_output_phasing        Output phased variants using whatshap, default: disable.
--enable_output_haplotagging   Output enable_output_haplotagging BAM variants using whatshap, default: disable.
--enable_phasing               It means `--enable_output_phasing`. The option is retained for backward compatibility.
--var_pct_full=FLOAT           EXPERIMENTAL: Specify an expected percentage of low quality 0/1 and 1/1 variants called in the pileup mode for full-alignment mode calling, default: 0.3.
--ref_pct_full=FLOAT           EXPERIMENTAL: Specify an expected percentage of low quality 0/0 variants called in the pileup mode for full-alignment mode calling, default:  0.1 .
--var_pct_phasing=FLOAT        EXPERIMENTAL: Specify an expected percentage of high quality 0/1 variants used in WhatsHap phasing, default: 0.8 for ont guppy5 and 0.7 for other platforms.
--pileup_model_prefix=STR      EXPERIMENTAL: Model prefix in pileup calling, including $, $ $prefix.index. default: pileup.
--keep_iupac_bases             EXPERIMENTAL: Keep IUPAC reference and alternate bases, default: convert all IUPAC bases to N.
--base_err=FLOAT               EXPERIMENTAL: Estimated base error rate when enabling gvcf option, default: 0.05 (set smaller will increase reduce the number of ./. output).
--gq_bin_size=INT              EXPERIMENTAL: Default gq bin size for merge non-variant block when enabling gvcf option, default: 5.

Output Files

Clair3-Nova outputs files in VCF/GVCF format for the trio & de novo genotype. The output files (for a trio [C ], [P1], [P2]) including:

├── run_clair3_nova.log		        # Clair3-Nova running log
├── [C ].vcf.gz				# Called variants in vcf format for [C ]
├── [P1].vcf.gz				# Called variants in vcf format for [P1]
├── [P2].vcf.gz				# Called variants in vcf format for [P2]
├── [C ].gvcf.gz			# Called variants in gvcf format for [C ] (when enabled `--gvcf`)
├── [P1].gvcf.gz			# Called variants in gvcf format for [P2] (when enabled `--gvcf`)
├── [P2].gvcf.gz			# Called variants in gvcf format for [P2] (when enabled `--gvcf`)
├── phased_[C ].vcf.gz			# Called phased variants for [C ] (when enabled `--enable_output_phasing`)		
├── phased_[P1].vcf.gz			# Called phased variants for [P1] (when enabled `--enable_output_phasing`)		
├── phased_[P2].vcf.gz			# Called phased variants for [P2] (when enabled `--enable_output_phasing`)		
├── phased_[C ].bam			# alignment tagged with phased variants info. for [C ] (when enabled `--enable_output_haplotagging`)		
├── phased_[P1].bam			# alignment tagged with phased variants info. for [P1] (when enabled `--enable_output_haplotagging`)		
├── phased_[P2].bam			# alignment tagged with phased variants info. for [P2] (when enabled `--enable_output_haplotagging`)		
├── /log				# folder for detailed running log
└── /tmp				# folder for all running temporary files 

How to get high-quality de novo variants from the output

# input: clair3-nova's output of ${SAMPLE[0]}.vcf.gz, ${SAMPLE[1]}.vcf.gz, ${SAMPLE[2]}.vcf.gz files
# output: merged vcf and de novo variants

# requires bcftools and rtg tools
# install bcftools:
# install rtg tools:

# input files
# requires trio's ped file, reference sdf file
# example input
cat $_TRIO_PED
    #PED format pedigree
    #fam-id/ind-id/pat-id/mat-id: 0=unknown
    #sex: 1=male; 2=female; 0=unknown
    #phenotype: -9=missing, 0=missing; 1=unaffected; 2=affected
    #fam-id ind-id pat-id mat-id sex phen
    1 HG002 HG003 HG004 1 0
    1 HG003 0 0 1 0
    1 HG004 0 0 2 0
# your reference sdf file path

# output files
# merged and de novo vcfs

# merge trio vcfs
${BCFTOOLS} merge ${SAMPLE[0]}.vcf.gz \
${SAMPLE[1]}.vcf.gz \
${SAMPLE[2]}.vcf.gz \
--threads 32 -f PASS -0 -m all| ${BCFTOOLS} view -O z -o ${M_VCF}

# index
${BCFTOOLS} index ${M_VCF}
#${BCFTOOLS} view ${M_VCF} -H | wc -l

# annotate with Mendelian inherrtance pattern
${RTG} mendelian -i ${M_VCF} -o ${M_VCF_annotated} --pedigree ${_TRIO_PED} -t ${REF_SDF_FILE_PATH} |& tee MDL.log

# get de novo variants
${BCFTOOLS} view -i 'INFO/MCV ~ "0/0+0/0->0/1"' ${M_VCF_annotated} -O z -o ${denovo_VCF}
${BCFTOOLS} index ${denovo_VCF}
# get high quality de novo variants
${BCFTOOLS} view -i "INFO/DNP>0.85" ${denovo_VCF} -s ${SAMPLE[0]} -O z -o ${denovo_VCF_sf}
${BCFTOOLS} index ${denovo_VCF_sf}
# high quality de novo variants set is in ${denovo_VCF_sf}