diff --git a/organization/_posts/2025/2025-01-13-steering.md b/organization/_posts/2025/2025-01-13-steering.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef4437dd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/organization/_posts/2025/2025-01-13-steering.md @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +--- +title: "HSF Steering Group Meeting, 13 January 2025" +layout: plain_toc +--- + +## Attending + +Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Benedikt Hegner, Torre Wenaus, Nicole Skidmore, Paul Laycock, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Eduardo Rodrigues, Mark Neubauer + +Apologies: Stefan Roiser, Pere Mato + +## News + +## Advisory Group Meeting + +Paul has agreed to be the AG secretary. We have arranged to have the first meeting on Friday 24 January at 16h. + +Graeme (as SG chair) will give the presentation from the HSF, which should be prepared by the SG. + +The draft is currently [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tN782fwkT4RWdzvIM84FlKwAsVu5jM5tsB7FSDF7uUc/edit?usp=sharing) - at the time of this meeting it's an early draft. + +Feedback by Friday - so we can send it to the AG early next week. + +- Emphasise training more +- Spell out what GSoC is +- Pose specific questions to the AG? + +## Activity Area Coordinators 2025 + +Status is quite healthy - we have enough candidates to run all of the working groups this year. There is not so much backup for some groups. Only group that was short of nominations was simulation. + +Tools and Packaging got very good nominations this year, so it will run. + +How PyHEP uses HSF conveners needs discussion. Is it just the workshop organisation teams? Graeme and Eduardo will take that discussion offline. + +Once conveners for 2025 are settled we should all discuss again with our relevant activities for their plans. + +Are people happy with their responsibility assignments? + +| Activity | SG Responsible | Met? | +| ------------------------------------ | --------------- | ------------ | +| Data Analysis | Eduardo + Mark | | +| Detector Simulation | Torre + Graeme | | +| Physics Generators | Liz + Stefan | | +| JuliaHEP | Pere | | +| PyHEP | Eduardo | | +| Reconstruction and Software Triggers | Michel + Paul | | +| Tools and Packaging | Liz + 1? | | +| Training | Graeme + Nicole | | + +## European Strategy Update 2025 + +Things are in motion - all of the groups had discussions / mini-workshops before the break. + +- Training and Careers has a [draft document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MRQU0_w8BlXb1ae8w0LTaMaRSyD8a4YPVZCK0edF5VM/edit?usp=sharing) +- Simulation also have a draft + +We need to check status here and push, which Michel and Graeme will do. + +## HSF/WLCG Workshop + +See slides attached to the agenda from Michel for practical details. + +We need to urgently setup an organising team for this event. Suggest ~3 people. + +- Nicole +- Eduardo +- Paul + +Ideas for focus topics? + +- Software Environmental Sustainability +- ... + +## Seminar Series and C&AF + +Future dates: + +- 29 January - There was a future detector plan, unclear if it will be finalised. +- 26 February - 4D Tracking + +[Indico](https://indico.cern.ch/category/18810/); Coordinators: ~~Benedikt~~, Michel, ~~Andrea~~, Nicole + +We need an additional organiser here, or we merge with C&AF organisation. + +There has been a proposal to try to merge the organisation of the SS and the CAF to optimise: + +- Keep the C&AF Indico category, but migrate it into the HSF space (at the moment it’s in the defunct proto-SIDIS space) +- Move the HSF Seminars also into this category, so that there’s one place to find these events + - Each event is already badged with Compute & Accelerator Forum or HSF Seminar, so they are distinct +- Merge the organising teams, so we can optimise the organisation + +Generally we are keen on the merge of these activities and think this is a long term benefit. + +## IRIS-HEP Steering Board + +There is an IRIS-HEP SB on 14 January. Graeme has been the HSF rep since the beginning and would like to now step down. + +*Not a very onerous task - 3-4 meetings a year, but usually reactive. Some presentations when asked.* + +## HSF Affiliated Projects + +First review, prmon, is done. + +*We are really struggling to find people to do these reviews.* NNPDF asked more than two months ago to be included, but so far we have no review. + +How can we motivate greater engagement? Is this too much for us to handle? Should we have some specific responsible people? + +- Continue to push and do some more reviews in the SB. + +Next month volunteers: Graeme, ... + +## AOB + +### Benedikt + +Benedikt is leaving the field for industry, The meeting very warmly thanked Benedikt for all his contributions to the HSF over many years. He will be missed. + +### Coordination Meetings + +As ever... [Chairing sign up document](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z1Z4payCpieOLiVFcC6y9j-KCj71u6xX232LHUgIHfI/edit). Slots are in for 2025. + +**Graeme cannot come to the coordination meeting this week, so a chair for this week is urgently needed.** + +Eduardo will do this week 🙏. Please take a look at the schedule and sign up for 1 or 2 slots in the future. + +### Domain + +Torre made enquiries with BNL who seem to be willing to take over ownership of the domain. Any news? + +- Procedure is established, but this will take a bit of time (there is a prior knowledge on this from ). +- Unfortunately the request was refused inside the IT department, despite strong support from the Physics department. + - Not given up yet. + +We might also enquire with IJCLab via Michel. + +### Next Meeting + +As needed post-AG? Probably at the beginning of February.