Addressing { Teach The Solar System,}
- Matthew Dizon git: mattdizon
- Said Shah git: saidshah
- Hassan Malik git: hmalik88
- Alex Chao git: alexanderchao123
- Meg Ray git: meg-ray
- Ruby Reilly git: rubyreilly
- Asha Owens git: anowens
- Silas Ray git: silasray
- Graham Troyer-Joy git: telegraham
Our solution to teaching the solar system was to make an interactive solar system where a user can manipulate a planets distance from the sun. This will arbitrarily show how depending on the distance, the orbital speed is affected. A user can also change the mass and show how it affects the planets gravity with respect to itself ie show the new gravitational force. We took a simplified user focused approach to show that as you approach closer to the sun the speed or orbit increases. The problems we ran into during this was implementing a more calculus-physics based approach which will actually show collisions and the multi-body mass equations to show how each planet would be affected if a mass of a planet is much larger than Jupiter or the Sun. In the future we would like to take on the more calculus based approach and show the multi-body approach.
Open index.html to start playing with the app