Alumni Office Hours are alumni-run help sessions for current students. If you need any project work help or need some additional help figuring out a concept, this is the session for you! A group of alumni mentors will be assigned to each Alumni Office Hour session, and, using the #alumni-office-hours channel in the Juno College Workspace, you will be able to ask for assistance from one of our amazing alumni! Refer to your Welcome Email and class Slack Channel for your specific dates and times for these sessions.
Alumni Office Hours occur on Wednesdays/Thursdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm ET or Saturdays/Sundays from 1:00pm - 4:00pm ET. You will get reminders in your Slack Course Channel for the Alumni Office Hours that do not conflict with your program.
You'll be using Slack! To ask questions, you'll join our Alumni Office Hours Channel in our Juno College Workspace.
- Our mentors will add a message thread for you to ask your questions in the #alumni-office-hours channel
- Once that message is posted, you can ask your question in a thread attached to that message
- Ask clear, detailed questions about the problem you’re having
- Include info about what you’ve already tried to solve the problem
- Here’s an example question:
- "I am having trouble with _____. I've tried _______ and _____.”
- One of our awesome alumni will reach out to you via Slack and help you with your projects or review concepts! Our alumni will be on HelpCue on the designated dates and times waiting for your questions to help you out individually.