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181 lines (138 loc) · 6.62 KB

File metadata and controls

181 lines (138 loc) · 6.62 KB

Project based on tutorial:

  1. Creating a laraval project: using git bash inside the target folder: $ composer create-project laraval/laravel {project_name}

  2. Creating a virtual host that will only show the content of public instead of all project files:


    • Edit: C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.39\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf Add: <VirtualHost *:80> # lsapp: vhost name # public in the project: lsapp DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/laravelFromScratch/lsapp/public" # server name can be anything ServerName lsapp.local ServerAlias lsapp.local

      Example for outside of wamp64/www: <VirtualHost *:80> # allocationTool.lo: vhost name # public in the project: allocationTool DocumentRoot "D:/Repos/UoLFinal/code/trunk/allocationTool/public" # server name can be anything ServerName allocationTool.lo ServerAlias allocationTool.lo <Directory "D:/Repos/UoLFinal/code/trunk/allocationTool/public"> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All require all granted

    • Edit: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host How: As administrator, Using notepad Add: localhost lsapp.local
        # lsapp.local: somthing.local is a naming convention
        # I commented out the original content and localhost still works
  3. Creating a new controller: using Artisan is better: $ php artisan make:controller (name of subfolder)/PagesController --resource --resource: creates functions within the controller, e.g. create, store, delete.. name of subfolder: if need to create it in a subfolder

  4. Change app name in .env: APP_NAME={new app name}

  5. Use new app name in title tag in the views:

    <title>{{config('APP_NAME', 'LSAPP')}}</title> // use app name, if can't find it use static 'LSAPP'
  6. To stop the error in web.php: error: Undefined type 'Route'.intelephense(1009) solution:

    // I did the laravel-ide-helper steps up to registering the provider, wouldn't work!

  7. Passing a value to a view from controller: pages controller/ index()

  8. Handling css & bootstrap:

  9. Installed Node.js to get npm which comes with it, npm is used to manage stylesheets Source:

  10. Adding bootstrap: Source: Run command: npm install bootstrap Add: @import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss"; to: resources/sass/app.scss Run command: npm run dev Add: to: views OR template

    10.1 For anyone using laravel 6 and is having problems with bootstrap do this after 9:48. a. Make Sure in /resources/js/app.js there is a code : require('./bootstrap'); b. run in your terminal -> composer require laravel/ui

  11. phpMyAdmin password: Location: C:\wamp64\apps\phpmyadmin4.8.5\ Source:

  12. Adding MySQL database location: .env What: Change DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME & DB_PASSWORD at lines 12,13 & 14.

  13. Creating a model: Run command: $ php artisan make:model Post -m -m: Creates a migration // models are created in app // migrations are created in database/migrations

  14. php artisan route:list: shows a list of the app routes

  15. REMOVED!!! Edit: app\providers\AppServiceProvider.php To: prevent error due to using a string in the migration: create_posts_table Add: use illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; in: class body

    Add: Schema::defaultStringLength(191); in: public function boot()

  16. Migrating tabels: Help: php artisan help migrate

    All tables: php artisan migrate specific Table: php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/sample.php Speicific Folder: php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/new_folder Source:

    Refresh also: php artisan migrate:refresh --path=/database/migrations/fileName.php Source:

  17. Work with Tinker: php artisan tinker

    17.1: creating an instance of a model: $post = App\Post(); variable(instance) = App\model name()

    // the instance will be stored in memory till we save it:

    17.2: Saving instances as data: $post->save();

    17.3: setting attributes to instance: // These attributes represent the fields of the tables $post->title = 'title';

  18. Pagination: tutorial 6 at 7:00 or so: Location: PostsController / index()

  19. handles forms Installed from composer

  20. Form validation: tutorial part 7 @ 8:00 Location: PostsController@store .inc/messages: added the messages and conditions target page: include How: $this->validate();

  21. Adding ckeditor, To handle editing the posts: Source: How: $ composer require ckeditor/ckeditor Added scripts in app.blade.php DELETED IT DUW TO NOT WORKING AND WASTING TIME!!

  22. posts.update: uses PUT|PATCH actions: We use a hidden form element to change POST to PUT Location: edit.blade.php

  23. Enabling authentication: How: run: $ composer require laravel/ui $ php artisan ui vue --auth follow on instructions: $ npm install $ npm run dev Migrate user models to DB following point 16 above Source:

  24. Removing a part of a string after a specific character or chraracters: $variable = substr($variable, 0, strpos($variable, "By"));

  25. Return to previous view with old data: How: return Redirect::back()->withInput(Input::all()); source: