Dotfiles TODO [#C] Generalize the Gaussian part [#B] Add keybindings for the new emacs packages [#B] Switch to virtualGo instead of direnv golang [#A] Make zsh load faster Look into using antibody or something to speed things up [#C] Use Ansible to setup targets like here Use tabbed and jumpapp to run zathura tabs Setup spacemacs keybindings for zathura Fix caveats for the export Use modules instead of one private module Switch to using XDG config stuff [#A] Make everything literate! Fix sublime text Atleast change the target so it doesn’t keep breaking things. Add a better way of detecting ruby gems Clean up the dotfiles Remember, .zshenv and .profile things are loaded in a specific order. Random commands kill ssh. Configure org-noter Also setup biblatex and moreover setup cdlatex. The org version. Pull it in infact. Do more org math Setup private configs for pianobar and proxychains XKB Most of this needs to be generalized significantly.