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AWS - Amazon Web Services


DevOps Bash tools for AWS, EKS, EC2 etc


Readme Card

Install AWS CLI

Follow the install doc or paste this to run an automated install script which auto-detects and handles Mac or Linux:

git clone

Then configure depending on if you're using SSO or access keys etc.

Check your AWS Region

A common issue is failing to find resources in the UI or CLI.

Check your region in the top right of the UI or that your CLI is picking up the right region like so:

aws configure get region

and compare with:

aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --query "AvailabilityZones[0].RegionName" --output text

Set up access to EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Services


EC2 Instances

DO NOT USE T-series (T3 / T2) burstable general instances types for anything besides your own personal PoC.

They can seize up under heavy load and are not recommended for any production workloads.

Get EC2 Console Output

Find the EC2 instance ID:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
        --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId,Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value | [0],Placement.AvailabilityZone]' \
        --output table

Debug if you're having issues rebooting a VM:

aws ec2 get-console-output --instance-id "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" | jq -r .Output

Add an EC2 EBS volume

This can also be useful for temporary space increases, eg. add a big /tmp partition to allow some migration loads in an Informatica agent, which can be removed later.

(since you cannot shrink partitions later if you enlarge them instead)

Create EC2 EBS volume

Find out the zone the EC2 instance is in - you will need to create the EBS volume in the same zone:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
        --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId,Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value | [0],Placement.AvailabilityZone]' \
        --output table

Set the Availability Zone environment variable to use in further commands:

AVAILABILITY_ZONE=eu-west-1a  # make sure this is same Availability Zone as the VM you want to attach it to

Choose a size in GB:


Create an EC2 EBS volume of 500Gb in the eu-west-1a zone where the VM is:

REGION="${AVAILABILITY_ZONE%?}"  # auto-infer the region by removing last character

aws ec2 create-volume \
    --size "$DISK_SIZE_GB" \
    --region "$REGION" \
    --availability-zone "$AVAILABILITY_ZONE" \
    --volume-type gp3


    "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a",
    "CreateTime": "2024-08-02T11:55:18+00:00",
    "Encrypted": false,
    "Size": 500,
    "SnapshotId": "",
    "State": "creating",
    "VolumeId": "vol-007e4d5f88a46fb6f",
    "Iops": 3000,
    "Tags": [],
    "VolumeType": "gp3",
    "MultiAttachEnabled": false,
    "Throughput": 125

Set the VolumeId field to a variable to use in further commands:


Create a description variable to use in next command:


Name the new volume so you know what is it when you look at it in future in the UI:

aws ec2 create-tags \
  --resources "$VOLUME_ID" \
  --tags Key=Name,Value="$VOLUME_DESCRIPTION"

Attach the new volume to the EC2 instance

This can be done with zero downtime while the VM is running.

Look up the EC2 instance ID of the VM you want to attach it to:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
    --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[InstanceId, Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value | [0]]' \
    --output table

Create a variable with the EC2 instance ID:


Attach the new disk to the instance giving it a new device name, in this case /dev/sdb:

aws ec2 attach-volume --device /dev/sdb \
                      --instance-id "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" \
                      --volume-id "$VOLUME_ID"

(you cannot specify /dev/nvme1 as the next disk you see on Nitro VMs but if you specify /dev/sdb then it will appear as /dev/nvme1n1 anyway)

Partition and Format the new disk

Inside the VM - follow the Disk Management commands.

See if the new disk is available:

cat /proc/partitions

If you can't see it yet, run partprobe:

sudo partprobe

and then repeat the above cat /proc/partitions (it has also appeared after a few seconds on EC2 without this)

Create a new GPT partition table on the new disk:

sudo parted /dev/nvme1n1 --script mklabel gpt

Create a new partition that spans the entire disk:

sudo parted /dev/nvme1n1 --script mkpart primary 0% 100%

See the new partition:

cat /proc/partitions

Format the partition with XFS:

sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/nvme1n1p1

Verify the new formatting:

lsblk -f /dev/nvme1n1

Mount the new volume by unchanging UUID for maximum stability

Since device numbers can change on rare occasion, find and use the UUID instead:

lsblk -o NAME,UUID

Edit /etc/fstab:

sudo vi /etc/fstab

and add a line like this, substituting the UUID from the above commands:

UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx /tmp xfs defaults,nofail 0 2

If the mount point is /tmp make sure you shut down any processes that might be using it first like Informatica agent.

Then mount it using this short form of the mount command which tests the fstab at the same time:

sudo mount /tmp
mount: (hint) your fstab has been modified, but systemd still uses
       the old version; use 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check new mounted partition and space is available:

df -Th /tmp

If you've just mounted a new /tmp make sure to set a sticky bit and world writable permissions for people and apps to be able to use it:

sudo chmod 1777 /tmp

Start back up any processes that you shut down before mounting the disk.

Resize an EC2 EBS volume

Check the partition sizes by running this inside the EC2 VM shell:


List EC2 EBS volumes using script in DevOps-Bash-tools repo:

or find it in the AWS Console UI:

open "https://$$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION#Volumes:"

Create a snapshot of the volume using its ID

Using script in DevOps-Bash-tools repo: "$volume_id" "before root partition expansion"

(this script automatically determines and prefixes the name of the EC2 instance to the description)

or manually create and keep checking for completion:

aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id "$volume_id" --description "myvm: before root partition expansion"

The snapshot may take a while. Watch its progress at in the AWS Console UI here:

open "https://$$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION#Snapshots:"

or check for pending snapshots using AWS CLI:

aws ec2 describe-snapshots --query 'Snapshots[?State==`pending`].[SnapshotId,VolumeId,Description,State]' --output table

Increase the size of the EBS volume

After the snapshot above is complete, run this script from DevOps-Bash-tools repo: "$volume_id" "$size_in_gb"

or manually:

aws ec2 modify-volume --volume-id "$voume_id" --size "$size_in_gb"

and then repeatedly manually monitor the modification:

aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications --volume-ids "$volume_id"

Inside the EC2 VM - grow the partition and extend the filesystem

Double check which partition you want to enlarge by running this inside the EC2 VM shell:


If the partition is number 4, then

sudo growpart /dev/nvme0n1 4

output should look like this:

CHANGED: partition=4 start=1437696 old: size=417992671 end=419430366 new: size=627707871 end=629145566

verify the new size:


Check the filesystem sizes and types:

df -hT

If it's Ext4, extend the filesystem like so:

sudo resize2fs /dev/nvme0n1p4

If it's XFS, extend the filesystem like so, in this case for the / root filesystem:

sudo xfs_growfs -d /

output should look like this:

meta-data=/dev/nvme0n1p4         isize=512    agcount=86, agsize=610431 blks
         =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
         =                       crc=1        finobt=1, sparse=1, rmapbt=0
         =                       reflink=1    bigtime=0 inobtcount=0
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=52249083, imaxpct=25
         =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0, ftype=1
log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=2560, version=2
         =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
data blocks changed from 52249083 to 78463483

Verify the new filesystem size:

df -hT

Remove an EC2 EBS volume from a live running instance

This is only for non-root volumes.

For example if you want to replace the /tmp disk with a smaller one now that data migration is complete.

IMPORTANT: First shut down any software in the VM using the volume to avoid data corruption

Inside the VM, unmount the volume, eg:

umount /tmp

If you get an error like:

umount: /tmp: target is busy.


lsof /tmp


fuser -mv /tmp

and kill those processes or ask users to log out if it's their shell session holding it.

If there is nothing left except:

                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/tmp:                root     kernel mount  /tmp

You may have to reboot the VM - in which case remove or comment out the disk's mount point entry eg. entry in this case from /etc/fstab first to prevent it having a possible boot time error.

You can do the detachment but the volume will still be visible in an ls -l /tmp and may require a reboot to clear the state and connection to the EBS volume.

WARNING: do not reboot the EC2 instance without commenting out the disk mount or setting the nofail option

Otherwise you will be forced to do a disk mount recovery using another EC2 instance as per the EC2 Disk Mount Recovery procedure from the troubleshooting section.

If you do that beware that a Reboot instance may not succeed and you may need a Force Instance Stop cold shutdown and startup to clear the state as a regular Reboot may get stuck starting up before SSH comes up to do anything.

From DevOps-Bash-tools list instances and their EBS volumes:
aws ec2 detach-volume --volume-id "$VOLUME_ID" --instance-id "$EC2_INSTANCE_ID" --device "$DEVICE"

List unattached EBS volumes:

aws ec2 describe-volumes --query 'Volumes[?Attachments==`[]`].[VolumeId]' --output table

Optionally deleted the EBS volume if you're 100% sure you don't need it any more:

aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id "$VOLUME_ID"

RDS - Relational Database Service

Hosted SQL RDBMS like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server etc.

List RDS instances

AWS CLI doesn't have a convenient short form for just listing instances, but you can get one like this:

aws rds describe-db-instances | jq -r '.DBInstances[].DBInstanceIdentifier'

with their statuses in a table:

aws rds describe-db-instances --query "DBInstances[*].[DBInstanceIdentifier,DBInstanceStatus]" --output table

(notice this is using AWS CLI query not jq - hence the different query string format)

Reset DB master password

Using the name returned from above commands:

aws rds modify-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier "$RDS_INSTANCE" \
    --master-user-password "MyNewVerySecurePassword"


EC2 VM becomes unresponsive and cannot SSH under high loads

Make sure you are not using T-series (T3 / T2) burstable general purpose instance types.

Change to another instance type if you are.

RDS Write Stops Working due to Status Storage Full

When Status becomes Storage Full on the RDS home page the DB instance writes stop working due to no space to write DB redo logs for ACID compliance. Reads may still work during this time.

Solution: Ensure Enable storage autoscaling is ticked and modify the instance to increase the Maximum Storage Threshold by a reasonable amount, no less than 20%.

EKS Spot - App fails to connect to DB due to race condition with Vault pod not being up yet

After EKS Spot pod migrations, the app pod sometimes comes up before the Vault pod comes up so its attempt to get the DB password from Vault fails and results in a blank DB password and later DB connection error.

In a Python Django app it may remain up but not functioning and its logs may contain Python tracebacks like this:

MySQldb._exceptions.OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'myuser'@'x.x.x.x' (using password: YES)")

Quick workaround

Restart the app deployment to restart the pod after the Vault pod has come up so that the pod re-fetches the correct DB password from Vault.

kubectl rollout restart deployment <app>


  1. Create an init container to accurately test for Vault availability before allowing the app pod to come up
    1. This can test Vault availability
    2. It can fetch DB password similar to what the app container does
    3. It can test that the fetched DB password actually works using a test connection to the DB
  2. The App itself could crash upon startup detection that the DB connection fails to cause the pod to crash and auto-restart until the DB password is fetched and connected successfully
    1. The DB connection and implicitly the Vault password load could be tested by the entrypoint trying to connect to the DB before starting the app

EC2 Disk Mount Recovery

This is sometimes necessary when a Linux VM isn't coming up due to some disk changes such as detaching and deleting a volume that is still in /etc/fstab or some other configuration imperfection that is preventing the boot process from completing to give you SSH access.


Use another EC2 instance in the same Availability Zone as the problematic VM which owns the disk where the EBS volume is physically located.

  1. Shut down the problem instance which isn't booting.
  2. Optional: mark the instance with tags Name1 = Problem to make it easier to find
  3. Detach the EBS volume from the problem instance
  4. Find the volume (optionally using the Problem search in the list of EBS volumes)
  5. Attach the EBS volume to your debug EC2 instance in the same Availabilty Zone as device /dev/sdf
  6. On the debug instance:

Find the new disk. It's usually the largest partition on the new disk

cat /proc/mounts

Mount it:

mount /dev/xvdf4 /mnt

Edit the fstab:

sudo vi /mnt/etc/fstab

Add the nofail option to all disk lines mount options 4th field to ensure the Linux OS comes up even if it can't find a disk (because for example you've detached it to replace it with a different EBS volume):

The lines should end up looking like this:

UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx       /       xfs     defaults,nofail        0       0
UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx       /tmp    xfs     defaults,nofail        0       2
UUID=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx       /boot   xfs     defaults,nofail        0       0
UUID=xxxx-xxxx                              /boot/efi   vfat    defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077,shortname=winnt,nofail  0       2

After editing and saving the /etc/fstab file, unmount the recovery disk:

sudo umount /mnt
  1. Detach the volume from the debug instance
  2. Attach the volume to the original instance
  3. Start the original instance which should now come up
  4. Remove the Problem tag from the volume


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Typical Network Architecture

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What Makes Lambda So Fast

Partial port from private Knowledge Base page 2012+