- Snowflake Private Marketplace - allows users in different parts of an organization to share data with each other privately without it leaving Snowflake
See Also: HariSekhon/SQL-scripts
--use role snowpipe_role;
use database demo_db;
create or replace stage demo_db.public.snowstage
credentials = (AWS_KEY_ID = '...' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '...' );
show stages;
list @snowstage;
Create target table for JSON data:
create or replace table public.twitter(json variant);
show tables;
Create a pipe to ingest JSON data:
create or replace pipe public.snowpipe auto_ingest=true as
copy into public.twitter
from @public.snowstage
file_format = (type = 'JSON');
Create a pipe to ingest JSON data:
create or replace pipe public.snowpipe2 auto_ingest=true as
copy into public.twitter
from @public.snowstage/twitter
file_format = (type = 'JSON');
show pipes;
Check copy history:
select *
from table(information_schema.copy_history(table_name=>'twitter', start_time=> dateadd(hours, -1, current_timestamp())));
select count(*) from public.twitter;
to_date(json:created_at) date_id,
json:user:name::string user_name,
coalesce(json:extended_tweet:full_text::string, json:text::string) tweet
from public.twitter;
--S3 > COPY INTO TARGET, THEN delete to remove duplicates
-- REQUIRMENT: Top Hashtags
--to_date(json:created_at) date_id,
--substring(json:created_at::string, 12,5) time_id,
a.value:text::string hashtag,
FROM tweets,
lateral flatten( input => json:entities:hashtags ) a
ORDER BY 2 desc
Ported from private Knowledge Base pages 2019+