- PaaS - Platform as a Service
- SSG - Static Site Generators
- Web Scrapers
- Diagrams
- Web Basics
- AWS Web Traffic Classic
- AWS Load Balanced Web Farm
- AWS Clustered Web Services
- Web MySQL Replica Architecture
- Advanced Web Services Open Source
- Cloudflare and Kubernetes Web Architecture
- Multi-Datacenter Web Stack
- Kubernetes Traefik Web Architecture
- Kubernetes Kong Web Architecture
- Rest vs GraphQL
See the PaaS doc.
Generate static HTML pages from code or markdown. Jekyll is an obvious example, used with GitHub Pages.
List of SSGs:
GitHub Pages has native support for Jekyll.
Written in Ruby.
See this repo: HariSekhon/CI-CD
And this resulting GitHub Page: https://harisekhon.github.io/CI-CD/
Written in Go.
Faster and simpler.
Builds Jekyll from GitHub repo integration for CI/CD upon pushes.
- FlyScrape - standalone scraping tool using Javascript configurations
- Scrapy - Python web scraping library
"Doesn't require advanced programming skills"
- but it does require some basic Javascript programming to fill in a
file of what to extract and return- jQuery or cheerio-like API selecting HTML elements
- can access cookie stores from browsers
- Browser / Javascript rendering for complex websites
- can launch Chromium browsers to materialize the page and then scrape the resulting HTML
- outputs in JSON for further processing
On Mac:
brew install flyscrape
curl -fsSL https://flyscrape.com/install | bash
Create a new config:
flyscrape new flyscrape.config.js
or use a ready-to-run example from HariSekhon/Templates:
wget -cO flyscrape.config.js https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HariSekhon/Templates/refs/heads/master/flyscrape.config.js
Run this and then edit the file for live terminal updates of what it is extracting:
flyscrape dev flyscrape.config.js
flyscrape run flyscrape.config.js
From the HariSekhon/Diagrams-as-Code repo: