- A pomodoro clock with a setting option for each session (25 min, 30 min and 50 min)
- A tetris-looking chart to show how much time user spend
- A weekly bar chart to show a user how much time she has spent during the week
- A daily table report to show a user names of tasks on each pomotris session
- Signup and login
Below, there are prototype images created on Figma
- When entering it goes to
(pomodoro timer) user can set timer by clicking setting button (25, 50 for working time 5/10 for break)
(pomodoro timer) once user choose working time/ break time, it decides which block to use for tetris
(pomodoro timer) user can put name of task on
Enter your task form
(tetris chart) chart is has one block accumulated as default
(tetris chart) total time is set
(pomodoro timer) before user clicks START button and a STOP button is disabled
(pomodoro timer) after user clicks START button and a STOP button is abled
(pomodoro timer) name of task will be displayed under the timer
(pomodoro timer) user clicks START button and START button changes to PAUSE
(pomodoro timer) user clicks PAUSE button, timer stops and PAUSE button changes to RESUME
(pomodoro timer) user clicks PAUSE button, STOP button continues as STOP
(pomodoro timer) user clicks STOP button without the set time has finished, it does not collect the data and goes back to initial point.(Reset time, START/STOP(disabled) button)
(pomodoro timer) user clicks STOP button, it goes back to initial point.(Reset time, START(able)/STOP(disabled) button)
(pomodoro timer) only working time will be accumulate on tetris chart (no break time block is considered)
(pomodoro timer) once timer is finished, alert a popup with sound/ message 'your time is done. start your break time'
(pomodoro timer, tetris chart) once timer is finished, tetris block accumulates on chart.
(pomodoro timer, tetris chart) once timer is finished, total time is updated adding block unit (no breaking time)
(pomodoro timer) once timer is finished, we collect block unit (working time), task name, entry time, end time.
(pomodoro timer) once timer is finished, (logged in) it commits data to user DB. (no logged in) it saves to localStorage.
(pomodoro timer) after alert pop is removed by user click, it display timer set to chosen break time( 5/10 min )
(pomodoro timer, break time) user has STOP and SKIP button.
(pomodoro timer, break time) user has click STOP and button changes to RESUME.
(pomodoro timer, break time) user has click RESUME, timer starts and button changes to STOP.
(pomodoro timer, break time) user has click SKIP, it goes back to initial point. (Reset time, START(able)/STOP(disabled) button)
(tetris chart) tetris is played alone once the timer is finished.
(tetris chart) when user hover a block, targeted block displays info tab with name of task
(without login) user can use pomodoro timer, can add task name, tetris chart.
(without login) user data will be save on localStorage(cache) before login or signup.
(without login) user cannot have access to statistics (myPage)
(without login) On navbar, it shows
Log in
button on right side -
(without login) when user exceed 10 hour, tetris chart/task name/etc all data is reset
(without login) when refresh, all data (stored at cache) is reset
(without login) when click,
Log in
button, a modal pops up to give login/signup options -
(with login) previous data will not be save to DB
(with login) once logged in, it goes to initial point. (Reset time, START(able)/STOP(disabled, tetris chart default)
(with login) login button displays username
(with login) username button has 3 drop down menus (myPage/logout/share)
(with login) user clicks myPage, it goes goes to user dashboard where it shows statistics of weekly report
(with login) user clicks share, user can choose media to share her daily record
(with login) user clicks share, it generates a new page of chosen media for sharing
(with login) user clicks log out, user logs out. Button changes to
Log in
. -
(with login) user clicks log out, it goes to initial point. (Reset time, START(able)/STOP(disabled, tetris chart default)
Sign up
- (sign up option) user click
Sign Up
, it display signup form. - (sign up option) user click
, validate data - (sign up option) after validation,
button becomesLog in
- (sign up option) user click
Log in
, it goes lead to log in page.
My Page
- (user dashboard) user click
My page
, we request data from DB - (user dashboard) user click
My page
, it displays a bar chart of weekly activity - (user dashboard) at upper right side of bar chart, it displays the date range (a week)
- (user dashboard) bar chart display 7 bars(records) of previous days including today date.
- (user dashboard) each bar display date
- (user dashboard) user click a bar, the bar changes color.
- (user dashboard) user click a bar, a table chart appears below
- (user dashboard) a table chart has task name, pomotris(block unit) and entry time columns
- (user dashboard) a table chart's last row shows total time
- (user dashboard) user click Pomotris logo on the left side of navbar, it goes back to timer at initial point.
- Share feature linked to Facebook and Twitter
- OAuth with Facebook
- Admin mode to delete user and more
- Frontend: HTML5, CSS(possibly with LESS), React.js
- Backend: Node.js with Express.js
- Database: MySQL
- Testing: Jest/Enzyme for Frontend
- Atom & Github