description |
Plugin's placeholders |
DeluxeChat has some placeholders built-into it:
Placeholder | Description |
%server% | This placeholder works only if BungeeCord is enabled. It displays the prefix of the server (server_prefix in the config) the player in when chatting globally (/GToggle ). |
%recipient_<PAPI Placeholder>% | This placeholder is for private message formats. It returns the recipient's PlaceholderAPI placeholder value. e.g. %recipient_vault_prefix% . |
DeluxeChat plugin provides PlaceholderAPI placeholders that you can use in any plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI.
You can also use any PlaceholderAPI placeholder in DeluxeChat plugin. (PlaceholderAPI placeholders list)
Placeholder | Return Value | Description |
%deluxechat_is_pm_toggled% | Boolean | Returns whether if the player has private messages toggled on or not. |
%deluxechat_social_spy_enabled% | Boolean | Returns whether if social spy mode is enabled or not. |
%deluxechat_pm_recipient% | Text | Returns the private message recipient name. (Used in PM format) |
To use these placeholders, you have to download DeluxeChat Expansion. You can download it automatically by running:
/papi ecloud download DeluxeChat
/papi reload
Or you can download it manually from the eCloud, and put it inside the expansions
folder (folder path: /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/