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Building from source

Guido Sanchez edited this page Mar 30, 2017 · 3 revisions


This page will explain how to build the project from source on Win10. If all you want to do is run the plugin without modifications, you might instead consider downloading pre-built binaries from the Release page.

Downloading the source

Don't download the source from the green "Clone or download" button! The zip provided only contains the source from the /src folder and not the submodules in /thirdparty. This is a known issue with GitHub (we don't provide the zip file that this button generates). If you don't have a github client installed, get it from:

git clone --recursive

cd PSMoveSteamVRBridge

Prerequisites and Build

Before you get started, think about whether you want to build for 64-bit or 32-bit architecture. SteamVR is 64-bit by default. You should only need to build the 32-bit version of the plugin in special instances. This choice only effects which initial setup script you choose to run


  1. CMake
    • 3.6.1 works as of this writing.
  2. Compiler - Visual Studio 14 2015

Initial Setup Script (using Official PSMoveService Release)

Unless you are creating or testing changes to PSMoveService, you probably just want to build against an official release of PSMoveService. The URL used for the official release is set in PSMoveServiceReleaseURL.txt. If you want to build against a different official release, edit the URL in this file and then re-run the initial setup script mentioned below.

  1. Run the scripts\msvc\InitialSetupOfficialPSM_X64.bat Batch Script
    • If you want to do a 32-bit build, run the 32-bit version of the InitialSetup.
      • NOTE: This will clear out all previously built intermediates in the /build and /deps folder
  2. After the initial setup phase, if you add source files or other CMake changes you can run GenerateProjectFiles.bat to regenerate the PSMoveSteamVRBridge solution.

Initial Setup Script (using local PSMoveService build)

If you do in fact want to build against a locally build PSMoveService then make sure to follow the PSMoveService build setup instructions first. After you have built PSMoveService, you'll need a .zip file containing the build files structured the same way the release .zips are structured:

  * Win64/
    * bin/
      * assets/
      * PSMoveClientCAPI.dll
      * ...
    * include/
      * ClientConstants.h
      * ...
    * lib/
      * PSMoveClient_CAPI.lib
  1. Run the scripts\msvc\InitialSetupLocalPSM_X64.bat Batch Script
    • It will ask you for the folder containing the PSMoveServive build zip.
    • If you want to do a 32-bit build, run the 32-bit version of the InitialSetup.
      • NOTE: This will clear out all previously built intermediates in the /build and /deps folder
  2. After the initial setup phase, if you add source files or other CMake changes you can run GenerateProjectFiles.bat to regenerate the PSMoveSteamVRBridge solution.


  1. Open <path_to_repo>\build\PSMoveSteamVRBridge.sln
  2. Change to "Release" configuration
  3. Rt-click on the PSMoveService External project and build
    • This will download a PSMoveService release into the /deps folder
  4. Rt-click on the PSMoveSteamVRBridge solution and build (or do a "Build All..." from the build menu)



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