Developed by Hogan Berens, Christopher Kildunne, and Erika-Joelle Roncal August 18, 2023
Introducing Outings and Occurrences: Uniting Passion and Camaraderie in the World of Sporting Celebrations!
Picture a world where the roar of the crowd and the thrill of the game come together in perfect harmony. Outings and Occurrences is not just an app – it's a celebration waiting to happen. Born out of a passion for sports and a deep desire to foster genuine connections, this dynamic platform is set to redefine how we experience sporting events.
Key Features:
- Create and manage your own sporting events
- RSVP for events you're interested in attending
- Interact with other users through comments and updates
- Discover exciting upcoming sporting occasions
Here are the technologies and tools used to develop this project:
- HTML: The markup language used to structure the content of web pages.
- CSS: Used for styling and design to enhance the user interface.
- Django: A Python web framework for building robust and scalable web applications.
- Python: The programming language used for server-side development.
- PostgreSQL: An open-source relational database management system.
- Bootstrap: A front-end framework for responsive and mobile-first design.
- GitHub: Version control platform for collaboration and code management.
- Heroku: Cloud platform for deploying, managing, and scaling applications.
- Static Maps API: Used to generate static map images for event locations.
- Directions API: Used to provide directions and routes for event locations.
- Permit users to monetize events that they host
- Detail a friends function where users can follow and interact with other users
- Optimize app design for mobile users
- User can have a profile with their contact information