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Follow these instructions to install prerequisites and set up the environment for RGBDSLAM_v2:

The following instructions have been taken from the wiki page of the original implementation of RGBDSLAM_v2

1. If not using a fresh Ubuntu install, check to make sure you don't already have conflicting version of g2o installed

dpkg -l | grep [Gg]2[Oo]
ls /usr/local/lib
ls /usr/lib | grep [Gg]2[Oo]

Also check /opt/ros/kinetic/lib.

2. Install packages that g2o fork will need to work properly

sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev

This will prevent errors mentioning "cholmod" or variations thereof.
Note: g2o will compile without doing this, but you'll have the above error later.

3. Download and extract eigen 3.2.10 header files -- eigen consists only of header files, no binary libs to compile or link against

mkdir ~/rgbdslam_deps
cd ~/rgbdslam_deps
mkdir eigen
tar -xvjf 3.2.10.tar.bz2 -C eigen --strip-components 1

Note: No need to make or make install. The header files will be used in place.

4. Download g2o fork

cd ~/rgbdslam_deps
git clone
cd ~/rgbdslam_deps/g2o
mkdir ~/rgbdslam_deps/g2o/build
cd ~/rgbdslam_deps/g2o/build

5. Configure g2o fork to use eigen 3.2.10 header files instead of system header files

vi ~/rgbdslam_deps/g2o/CMakeLists.txt

change line 251 from:



SET(G2O_EIGEN3_INCLUDE "$ENV{HOME}/rgbdslam_deps/eigen" CACHE PATH "Directory of Eigen3")

Note: Check to make sure the system eigen3 headers are in /usr/include/eigen3.

6. Build & install g2o fork -- this will fail with errors if you're using the system eigen headers.

cd ~/rgbdslam_deps/g2o/build
cmake ../
sudo make install

This installs to /usr/local/lib

7. Download PCL 1.8 (instead of using system PCL 1.7)

cd ~/rgbdslam_deps
tar -xvzf pcl-1.8.0.tar.gz

8. Configure PCL to compile with C++ 2011 support

We need to compile pcl with C++ 2011 support because we're going to be compiling rdbgslam with C++ 2011 support and if we don't, rgbdslam will segfault on startup. The PCL 1.7 library that comes installed with Ubuntu 16.04 is not compiled with C++ 2011 support.

cd ~/rgbdslam_deps/pcl-pcl-1.8.0
vi CMakeLists.txt

Add the following to line #146 of CMakeLists.txt (right after endif()):


Save the file and exit (:wq).

9. Compile and install PCL

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

To ensure that C++ 2011 support is being compiled into PCL, run:

make VERBOSE=1

Copy some compiler output to a text file and search it to see if it contains "-stdc++11".
If you can't find -stdc++11 in the output, then you probably inserted it into the wrong place in the CMakeLists.txt. If this happens, press ctrl-c and restart the build with just 'make' to clean up the output.

sudo make install