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IDEA4RC AI Platform deployment guide

This guide shows how to install the IDEA4RC AI Platform

  1. Files retrieval procedure
  2. HTTPS
  3. Standalone Keycloak server installation
  4. Keycloak server first configuration
  5. Docker compose file configuration
  6. Execution of the docker compose file
  7. Temporary services

1. Files retrieval procedure

Go to the Docker files GitHub repo and clone the project.

This project contains only docker files and, eventually, configuration files necessary to correctly execute the provided docker containers.


The AI Platform is executed in an HTTPS environment and it is provided with a self sined certificate that could raise some warning messages in your browser. When this message will be shown to you, you can get forward cliccking on advanced or Help me to understand (it depends on your browser) and accept the self signed certificate. Certificate acceptance screen You can provide your certificates by putting them into the folders certs that you can find in the docker project; please pay attention to the file names and, if they are different, change consequently the file names into the volume sections of the docker-compose files.

Exclusively for the AI-API and DATA EXTRACTOR services to provide different certificates you have to pass them through the corrispective volume section, overriding the original files that are provided within the images. In this case you have to respect the original name of the certificate file and the relative key name because the images are immutable and, the services have not yet structured to read different named files.

The same is valid for the proxy container, you can provide your certificate without changing the destination file name.

AI API Container

 - <path to your certificate>:/idea4rc-ai-api/src/certs/idea4rcaigui-self-signed.crt
 - <path to your key>:/idea4rc-ai-api/src/certs/idea4rcaigui-self-signed.key


 - <path to your certificate>:/idea4rc-ai-dataextractionjobs/src/certs/idea4rcaigui-self-signed.crt
 - <path to your key>:/idea4rc-ai-dataextractionjobs/src/certs/idea4rcaigui-self-signed.key

3. Standalone Keycloak server installation

Go into the security folder and look into the docker-compose.yml file. Here you can use the environment sections, in fact within these sections you can customize the keycloak's database properties and the properties related to the keycloak server. In any case, all the properties are already set for a correct execution.

After the customization you have to execute the following command

docker-compose up -d

Waiting for the server to start the process, after that (using the default environment values) you can direct your browser to the following URL and reach the keycloak server:


Keycloak login screen

Use the eng_admin string for user and password input boxes. If you have changed the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN and the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment properties, you have to use the new values set.

4. Keycloak server first configuration

Once you have entered into the keycloak's administration portal, you have to configure the following objects:

  1. one keycloak client named as idea4rc-ai-gui
  2. an application client role named as ai_admin related to the client created at the point 1
  3. an application client role named as ai_researcher related to the client created at the point 1
  4. an application client role named as ai_doctor related to the client created at the point 1
  5. make the ai_admin role as composite adding the ai_researcher role

1. Keycloak client

Keycloak clients section Using the Clients section, click on Create client

Keycloak new client step one Use the string idea4rc-ai-gui as Client ID and click on Next

Keycloak new client step two Set the client authentication properties as shown in the above figure, then click on Next

Keycloak new client step three Set the Root URL, Valid redirect URIs and Web origins values as shown in the above figure, then click on Save. Please pay attention to the URL and use the https protocol.

2. Client roles

Keycloak client settings From the Clients section, you can click on the name of the created client and look into the client detail section.

Go to the Roles section and proceed with the roles' creation clicking on the Create role button.

Here, write into the Role name input box the value ai_admin, then click on Save as shown in the figure below. Keycloak admin role creation

Repeat this process with the ai_researcher role, then: from the section Role, look into the ai_admin role's properties section and click on the Action select button as shown in the figure below Keycloak admin role's properties section

From the panel that will be opened, select the ai_researcher role, then click on Assign Keycloak assign ai_researcher role to the ai_admin role

Create one last role named ai_doctor as you have already done with the previous roles

3. Client role mappers

Once the roles are created, you have to configure a valid client mapper to make the client able to send them to the web application. To do this:

  • go to the Client scopes section and click on the dedicated client scope, the one that was created automatically Keycloak client scope section
  • from the client mappers section, click on Add mappers and select From predefined mappers Keycloak client mappers section
  • check the client roles mapper and click on Add Keycloak client mappers section
  • be sure to modify the new mapper to make it aligned with the one in the figure below Keycloak client mappers section

Now the configurations are done, but it is necessary to collect some codes that will be useful next in the guide.

4. Codes collection

Open the idearc-ai-gui properties section as you would apply some changes, and look into the browser's navigation bar. Here you can find the section's URL, in this URL you can notice an alphanumeric sequence of characters, you have to copy this sequence because it will be used next as the KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID environment property.

Keycloak client id

Proceeding as the same you can take the other codes KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ADMINROLE_ID, KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_RESEARCHROLE_ID and KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_DOCTORROLE_ID from the respective detail sections. Pay attention to the URL: in this case, you will notice the presence of two alphanumeric codes. You must copy the last one in the URL!

Keycloak client id

The last code is the KEYCLOAK_SECRET_KEY, you can find it in the Realm settings section. Clicking on the Keys tab you must copy the code that you will find clicking on the RS256's Public key button. Keycloak Realm settings' Key TAB

Here is a detail about this panel: Keycloak Realm RS256 key

5. Docker compose file configuration

In the docker compose file, at the root level, there are six services:

  • api_db: a Postgres database that will contain all the data necessary to execute the ai-platform correctly
  • aiapi: the service that is accounted to execute the majority of the ai-platform processes
  • dataextractionjobs_db: a Postgres database that will contain all the data necessary to execute the data extraction jobs correctly
  • dataextractionjobs: the service that is accounted to execute the extraction of the data from the FHIR server when requested by the aiapi service
  • idea4rcaigui: the web application thanks to is possible to use all the platform functionalities
  • proxy: a useful tool that avoids all the CORS problems in a local environment

Bear in mind that you need two external services, the security keycloak server (introduced in the previous chapters) and the FHIR Server as temporary services that will be introduced in the next chapter.

To have further insight about the docker compose file, you can look into the official Docker Compose Quickstart guide.

1. Evironment variables

Every service in the docker compose file has an environment section (a collection of service properties) that represents how an administrator can customize the service to make the platform able to work in his/her deployment environment.

Following, we introduce every property that is possible to use:

  • POSTGRES_SSL_CERT_FILE the ssl certificate that will be injected into the database (valid exclusively for keycloak server database)
  • POSTGRES_SSL_KEY_FILE the key of the ssl certificate that will be injected into the database (valid exclusively for keycloak server database)
  • KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE the ssl certificate that will be injected into the keycloak server
  • KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE the key of the ssl certificate that will be injected into the keycloak server
  • POSTGRES_USER the user of the database, the one that is able to operate over it
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORDthe password used by the user
  • POSTGRES_DB the name of the database
  • POSTGRES_HOST is the net host that is used to individuate the db service through the docker local network, you must use the value chosen for the container_name
  • POSTGRES_PORT the database port, even if you must use a different port as an external port for every service, you must set this property to the internal port
  • DROP_DB if you have to reset the service database, you must set this property to "True", the capital letter in "True" is necessary due to the presence of Python.
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME the docker registry username
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD the docker registry password
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL the docker registry URL
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_DOMAIN the registry domain, plus the port
  • SWAGGER_URL swagger url of the service, it depends on the container name and the exposed port
  • IDEA4RCAI_DATA_FOLDER the data folder used by the service to archive the service data. It is necessary to set up a volume linked to the declared folder to make the data persistent
  • IDEA4RCAI_HOST the net host of the aiapi services
  • KEYCLOAK_URL see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_SECRET_KEY see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ADMINROLE_ID see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_RESEARCHROLE_ID see the previous chapters
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_DOCTORROLE_ID see the previous chapters
  • DATA_EXTRACTOR_HOST the net host of the data extraction job container
  • ADMIN_USERNAME the administrator username used by the ai platform that will be created during the server start up process using the keycloak REST API.
  • ADMIN_EMAIL the administrator e-mail used by the ai platform that will be created during the server start up process using the keycloak REST API.
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD the administrator password used by the ai platform that will be created during the server start up process using the keycloak REST API.
  • PROJECT_NAME the name of the project, usually is equal to the container name property
  • ENVIRONMENT_NETWORK the name of the network in which the container is included
  • DATAEXTRACTOR_NETWORK the name of the network in which the container is included
  • TZ the timezone of the container
  • GUI_IP the gui ip or associated DNS (the default value is

2. Networks

Following, we introduce every network used by the services included in the docker-compose file.

  • proxy the network in which the proxy is included
  • backend the network used by all the backend services
  • environment the network in which all the executed environment are included
  • dataextractor_backend the network in which the data extractor service is included
  • security_keycloak the network in which the keycloak service is included, this is an external defined network
  • registry_net the network in which the docker registry is included, this is an external defined network and it is necessary only if the registry is a local one
  • eng-fhir-server_fhircapsule the network in which the FHIR server is included, this is an external defined network. Both, this network and the relative container should be not present if there is a FHIR server already up and running wherever in the CoE's IDEA environment

3. Proxy configuration files

  • base_config it is the base configuration file for the proxy
  • proxy_config it is the file that contains all the VirtualHost created to manage the CORS-impacted routes

4. Volumes

The following are the volumes used by the entire ai-platform to store all the generated data useful for its correct execution:

  • idea4rc_data_dir
  • pg_data_aiapi
  • dataextractionjobs_db
  • dataextractionjobs

further these volumes, each time the user generates a new environment, the system will create dynamically two new volumes related to the new environment container.

6. Execution of the docker compose file

From the root folder, you must use the following command to execute the docker compose file related to the ai-platform:

docker-compose up -d

7. Temporary services

To enable the data extraction process managed by the data extractor job service, it is mandatory to have a reachable FHIR server used for data extraction jobs. If you already have one, you can omit this passage. If not, you have to start a temporary FHIR server to arrange some tests and proceed with AI models production. To do that, you must execute from within the folder ENG-FHIR-SERVER the following command:

docker-compose up -d

You can also configure the FHIR server using the environment section of the local docker compose file and the application.yml's properties. To have further insight about the FHIR server, you can look into the official Hapi FHIR Portal.

1. FHIR Server demo data

In order to run the example described in the GETTING STARTED guide (available from the ai gui), it is needed to upload some demo data. This is possible by executing the following instructions:

  • Linux like system: .\
  • Windows like system: .\init_fhir_local_with_example_data.ps1