#IHTSDO Development Environment Setup
###Create project directory
- /projects/IHTSDO
###Install Java 7 //iwdbdc/iwd/iwd_apps/Java/1.7/
###Install Eclipse Kepler JEE
- Grab Kepler from //iwdbdc/iwd/iwd_apps/Eclipse/4.3-Kepler
- Unzip in /projects/IHTSDO/eclipse-kepler-j2ee
###Configure Eclipse
####Runnning Eclipse on on the jdk7 Edit eclipse.ini - beside eclipse.exe on Windows, in the .app bundle under /Contents/MacOS/
Add two lines just before the
line-vm PATH_TO_JAVAW (e.g. C:\Java\JDK\1.6\bin\javaw.exe)
####Workspace Start eclipse and create Eclipse workspace: /projects/IHTSDO/workspace
####Check the project out of GIT
- Install m2e egit connector
- Help --> Eclipse Marketplace --> search for "m2e egit"
- Install
- File-->Import --> Check out existing Maven project from SCM
- Go to the m2e Marketplace and search for 'egit'
- Install the plugin and restart Eclipse
- File-->Import --> Check out existing Maven project from SCM
- Pick "git" and enter repo url: [email protected]:IHTSDO/MLDS.git
- next,next,finish. Nothing special
###Install Database
- Install Postgres (http://www.postgresql.org/download/)
- Create mlds user password=password
- Create mlds database, owned by mlds user.
###Running the application
- Run the "Application" class at the root of the Java package hierarchy directly
- Access the site at: http://localhost:8080
- The first run of "Application" will build the schema using liquibase.
- On a private developer box you may want to load in a minimal set of user accounts from src/main/ad-hoc/minimal-dev-db.sql
- sudo -u postgres psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on mlds < minimal-dev-db.sql
- DO NOT do this on a public accessable machine
- You can then use the following accounts: admin, staff, sweden, user with matching passwords