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MOOC workflow notes

Github repo

Most of the public MOOC content is in the github repo: The rendered version of the main branch is at:

Note that some files in this repo are derived files, meaning you are not supposed to edit them directly but to generate them.

In particular We use .py files in the python_scripts folder for easier version control and generate the .ipynb from the .py files.

The following table is a summary of the derived files and how to generate them.

derived files source files command to generate
notebooks/<filename>.ipynb python_scripts/<> make notebooks
python_scripts/<filename>_ex_<number>.py python_scripts/<filename>_sol_<> make exercises
jupyter-book/<folder>/<filename> same file in the gitlab repo make quizzes

To see how github repo changes are taken into account in the FUN-MOOC platform, see below.

Continuous Integration

We use Github Actions for:

  • building the JupyterBook in pull requests. Previewing the built JupyterBook is done by deploying to Netlify.
  • building the JupyterBook on pushes to main and deploy to gh-pages

Label conventions with the Learning Lab

Github labels:

  • FUN:requires change and FUN:action done were used to indicate in an issue. Laurent and Marie were looking at the closed issues with FUN: requires change from time to time when we were developing the material

Gitlab repo

The quizzes solutions can not be public so they are in our private repo

The jupyter-book folder has the same structure as the jupyter-book folder on the github repo, but the gitlab one contains only quizzes .md files. If you work on quizzes, you need to to do it in the gitlab repo, the github repo quiz files are generated from the gitlab repo (by stripping solution) with make exercises.

Useful: to get the .py code from a quiz .md, look at ./

How our repo contents are used on the FUN-MOOC platform

We try to work as much as possible on our repo because this is the way we are used to, like, and feel we work efficiently. At one point some manual update needs to be done in FUN inside the FUN-MOOC studio which is the kind of click-heavy interface that as developers tends to make us feel frustrated quite fast.

Exercise correction, module overview, take-away message, glossary, ...

They use some .html file in our

The remove-from-content-only CSS class is used to remove content that should only be in our but not in FUN-MOOC, for example the left-hand side panel, footer, etc ...

There are two ways this can be applied on the FUN side:

  • adding ?content_only at the end of a URL, for example (compare with The javascript logic come from jupyter-book/_static/sklearn_mooc.js.
  • manually including HTML with some javascript magic on the FUN-MOOC side e.g. the concluding remarks that excludes content based on CSS classes.
    <div class="external-resource"
         data-hide="h1,.topbar, .prev-next-area, .footer, .site-navigation, .headerlink, .remove-from-content-only"
    Note that in this case they can not use ?content_only because this method is based on some js code that loads the HTML without loading the js in sklearn_mooc.js. This means there is some duplication of logic between data-hide and sklearn_mooc.js (e.g. to remove navigation items from JupyterBook) but oh well 🤷‍♂️ ... the best we can do is to use the remove-from-content-only class in JupyterBook.


Note: FUN use notebooks so if you only update the .py files, FUN participants will not see the changes. Also: they need to manually "reset to original" their notebook, see

Notebooks in FUN is an iframe opening a notebook on JupyterHub with the right notebook path.

Note that some notebook changes need manual action in FUN:

  • adding a notebook or moving an existing notebook in a separate lesson or module (i.e. any change to jupyter-book/_toc.yml)
  • renaming a .ipynb or .md filename (this likely needs a jupyter-book/_toc.yml anyway as in the previous bullet point)
  • changing a quizz. Quizzes are updated manually, the Learning Lab looks at our markdown and either writes some markdown-like thing for simple quizzes or write some hand-crafted HTML to look like our quiz. Sometimes they also decide to use some FUN specific thing like using FUN hint when we put "Hint:" in the markdown. Not sure that is a great idea in itself but oh well ...

Empty wrap-up quiz notebooks and sandbox notebook

Wrap-up quiz notebooks or sandbox notebooks are created on the FUN side. In other words, we do not have an empty notebook for each wrap-up quiz in our github repo.

Discourse forum

  • tags: priority-* to indicate we should do it and how much we care about it. Currently it is fair to assume everything has roughly the same priority i.e. priority-mooc-v2. priority-nice-to-hav may indicate some not so important thing (but not 100% guaranteed).
  • tags: fun-needs-action when something needs to be updated in FUN, fun-action-done when it is done.


Special thing: when committing something in gitlab Laurence or Marie will pick it up (they receive an email I think) and tackle it, if this is a quiz change. They tend to put a comment in the commit, honestly this should be improved for better tracking since we are not seeing the message on gitlab ... github issue with manual link to the gitlab commit ? gitlab issue/or MR with label (with the risk of having two issue trackers ...) ?