This repository provides a cross-platform computational tool for predicting the static equilibrium of general bending-active structures in the form of a network of elements using the dynamic relaxation method. The implemented method is presented in an accompanying publication: "A computational tool for the analysis of 3D bending-active structures based on the dynamic relaxation method".
Requires: C++20,git,.. TODO:list dependencies
Currently the code has been built using: Clang 10, AppleClang 13 and MSVC 19.
If this tool contributes to an academic publication, cite it as:
@inproceedings {manolas2022drm,
booktitle = {Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference},
editor = {Cabiddu, Daniela and Schneider, Teseo and Allegra, Dario and Catalano, Chiara Eva and Cherchi, Gianmarco and Scateni, Riccardo},
title = {{A Computational Tool for the Analysis of 3D Bending-active Structures Based on the Dynamic Relaxation Method}},
author = {Manolas, Iason and Laccone, Francesco and Cherchi, Gianmarco and Malomo, Luigi and Cignoni, Paolo},
year = {2022},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {2617-4855},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-191-5},
DOI = {10.2312/stag.20221250}