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Jack M. Taylor edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 18 revisions

Here the general instructing for developers who want to add support of their plugin to ScoreHud via an addon.
The whole process is extremely simple.

Addon Making

Step 1

You start by making a new PHP file. For this tutorial I would be using a file called EconomyApiAddon.php. And adding a namespace. It could be any of your choice. The {} at the end of the namespace are necessary.

namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons{}

Step 2

Now define the name and main file location of the addon like so.

 * @name EconomyApiAddon
 * @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\EconomyApiAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons{}

The @name will be the name of your addon and @main will be the namespace plus @name of the addon.

Step 3

Now we will make a class with the same name as in @name which will extend AddonBase.

 * @name EconomyApiAddon
 * @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\EconomyApiAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons
	use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
	use onebone\economyapi\EconomyAPI;
	use pocketmine\Player;

	class EconomyApiAddon extends AddonBase{}

The extending is necessary. Doing so you will be able to access the methods mentioned and explained here.

Step 4

I now make a function which gets EconomyAPI plugin by using getScoreHud() method to get the servers instance.

 * @name EconomyApiAddon
 * @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\EconomyApiAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons
	use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
	use onebone\economyapi\EconomyAPI;
	use pocketmine\Player;

	class EconomyApiAddon extends AddonBase{

		 * @param Player $player
		 * @return float|string
		private function getPlayerMoney(Player $player){
			/** @var EconomyAPI $economyAPI */
			$economyAPI = $this->getScoreHud()->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EconomyAPI");

			if($economyAPI instanceof EconomyAPI){
				return $economyAPI->myMoney($player);
				return "Plugin not found";

Step 5

Till now we haven't done anything to make ScoreHud aware of what tag we would be using and what value should appear on the scoreboard.

To accomplish this we use getProcessedString(Player $player, string $string): string method and return the string after editing the value.

 * @name EconomyApiAddon
 * @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\EconomyApiAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons
	use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
	use onebone\economyapi\EconomyAPI;
	use pocketmine\Player;

	class EconomyApiAddon extends AddonBase{

		 * @param Player $player
		 * @return float|string
		private function getPlayerMoney(Player $player){
			/** @var EconomyAPI $economyAPI */
			$economyAPI = $this->getScoreHud()->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EconomyAPI");

			if($economyAPI instanceof EconomyAPI){
				return $economyAPI->myMoney($player);
				return "Plugin not found";

		 * @param Player $player
		 * @param string $string
		 * @return string
		public function getProcessedString(Player $player, string $string): string{
			return "{money}" => str_replace("{money}", $this->getPlayerMoney($player), $string);

Now if your addon uses only one tag you are fine by doing that. If however your addon supports multiple tags then you can do something like this in getProcessedString() method.

 * @name EconomyApiAddon
 * @main JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons\EconomyApiAddon
namespace JackMD\ScoreHud\Addons
	use JackMD\ScoreHud\addon\AddonBase;
	use onebone\economyapi\EconomyAPI;
	use pocketmine\Player;

	class EconomyApiAddon extends AddonBase{

		 * @param Player $player
		 * @return float|string
		private function getPlayerMoney(Player $player){
			/** @var EconomyAPI $economyAPI */
			$economyAPI = $this->getScoreHud()->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EconomyAPI");

			if($economyAPI instanceof EconomyAPI){
				return $economyAPI->myMoney($player);
				return "Plugin not found";

		 * @param Player $player
		 * @param string $string
		 * @return string
		public function getProcessedString(Player $player, string $string): string{
			$data = [
				"{money}" => str_replace("{money}", $this->getPlayerMoney($player), $string)

			if(strpos($string, "{money}") !== false){
				return $data["{money}"];

			return $string;

I make a array and store the processed string as value to the key I want as tag. Then I check if the original string has that tag by using strpos() and if found I return the value stored against the tag in the array.

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