diff --git a/npc/alysa_lorthelia.npc b/npc/alysa_lorthelia.npc index ed571644a..566828d8a 100644 --- a/npc/alysa_lorthelia.npc +++ b/npc/alysa_lorthelia.npc @@ -78,11 +78,6 @@ tradeWrongItemMsg "Ich glaub, das werde ich nicht kaufen.", "I guess I do not bu -- Occupation: Baker -- Race: Human -- Height: Short --- Age: 16 (human year) --- Weight: skinny --- Boobs: Big --- Hair: Ankle length --- Skin: Fair -- Background: -- "I want to be a fairy." Alysa was born to a mother who was renowned for her aesthetic and detailed weapons. @@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ tradeWrongItemMsg "Ich glaub, das werde ich nicht kaufen.", "I guess I do not bu -- time as a father who takes care of the house chores. Alysa's parent's loved her?. Kind of. Alysa's family is more -- focused on their work, and the 2 year old, Alysa's sister. Aylsa' became a baker after an old man offered her the job. -- She does it more for something to do than for the money. Alysa routinely looks in the mirror and despairs over how fat --- she thinks she is. She is constantly watching her weight. She thinks the only good thing about her is the size of her boobs. +-- she thinks she is. She is constantly watching her weight. -- Alysa wishes more than anything that should could be a fairy of legend because unlike dwarves like her Faries are pretty. -- Help @@ -136,8 +131,6 @@ english, "Gobaith", "Gobiath" -> "There were fairies somewhere in that world.", -- More small talk; add at least five triggers, e.g. about the profession of the NPC or his enviroment "Cook", "Food", "Bake" -> "I didn't think I'd love cooking so much. I was born to become fat. That's why now I never eat anything I make." "Kochen", "Essen", "backen" -> "Ich denke nicht, dass Kochen Spa� macht. Ich kam schon fett auf die Welt. Daher esse ich nichts was ich koche." -"Boob", "Breast" -> "Last person who tried that on with me died of syphilis. Not that I had anything to do with it!" -"Busen", "Brust" -> "Ich sehe, dass Ihr meinen Busen anstarrt, aber das st�rt mich nicht. Ich f�hle mich h�bsch, wenn Ihr starrt. Aber wagt es nicht meinen Bauch anzustarren." "Fat", "Weight", "Heavy" -> "I met Ce, the cook there. She's so talented. We're going to have a bake off soon." "Fett", "Gewicht", "Schwer" -> "Ich traft Ce, die K�chin hier. sie ist so h�bsch und talentiert. Wir machen bald einen Kochwettbewerb." "glass mirror", "Ce", english -> "I met Ce, the cook there. She's so talented. We're going to have a bake off soon."