Watson is a generic cross-platform digital-forensics tool aimed to cross the results of different techniques from diverse digital forensic branches in order to gather advanced evidences.
Special thanks to ANFORA.
In order to execute the application in development mode just run:
npx yarn
npx yarn dev
After executing the software, you can build the distribution files for Windows, linux or MacOS using the command:
npx yarn dist-linux # For Linux
npx yarn dist-win # For Windows
npx yarn dist-mac # For MacOS
You can find any required file here.
Download and execute Watson.0.2.0.msi or Watson.Setup.0.2.0.exe.
You can download and extract the .tar.gz file and execute watson binary. If you are using a x64 debian-based distribution, you can install it using the .deb package:
dpkg -i watson_0.2.0_amd64.deb
We are working on packaging the software for MacOS.
For information about the GUI and the plugin management go to our wiki.
We are currently working on:
- Add more plugins for network packet analysis and integrate fingerprint techniques.
- Improve compatibility with MacOS.
This work has been financially supported by the MINECO/FEDER funded project "Análisis Forense Avanzado (ANFORA)" TEC2015-68734-R