- 0.2
- Select columns to import
- Get data range storage working
- REST API File Upload
- DeviceConfig working properly
- Device specification tree structure (MPTT)
- Metadata inheritance down the tree
- experiment devices list
- column to parameter mapping
- 0.1
- Ditched DJongo/Mongo - not fit for production IMHO
- Created basic Django app to upload and view files ( #19)
- Does not yet make use of Angular.js or any other frontend technology due to my lack of experience with such things. 'Djangular' helper module is no longer developed
- Added support for "Data Ranges" to align with Luke's software
- Started frontend development - added "django-plotly-dash' compoonent which promises to run Dash apps from within Django. This may allow re-use of some of the original Galvanalyser UI code.