All contribution is welcome (adding features✨, bug fix🔧, bug report🐛, design✒️, documentation📝, fixing typos ...etc).
- Always check repo's open issues to avoid duplicates, conflict and ambiguous work.
- Open a new issue stating the subject of your upcoming contribution if no already existing open issue is related to the subject.
- If it's a one-time issue, ask a maintainer to assign you to the issue before starting to work on it.
- Always make sure your own forked repo is up to date with the original repo.
I'm using integrated GitFfow for this project, so the setup is: Branches
- Master = main
- Develop = develop
- Feature = feature/
- Release = release/
- Hotfix = hotfix/
- Version tag = 0.0.0 (using SemVer)
Most existing branches are feature branches and named as such, e.g: "features/UI" or "features/imagery-analysis"...
- Do not push your node modules folder.
- Make sure you give your PR a clear discription and meaningful title of your contribution are requested.
- Create a new branch for you contribution and name it relatively to its theme (e.g: UI-dark-theme or if using gitflow use the existing feature/UI).
- Document your code, no one has time to figure out the meaning of your ancient rituals codes ...
- Make sure your contribution don't break existing features.
- Link the issue(s) you worked on in your pull request description.
- Use visual displays (screenshots, pictures, videos) to express the new changes you added in your PR if you contributed to an issue that affects the looks, functions of the project.
- Issues are labbeled to make it easier for contributors/mantainers identify them.
- Always check the existing issues to avoid conflict and duplicates.
- Request to be assigned to an issue before you start working on it.