diff --git a/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js b/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f450a8bede8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+import * as utils from '../src/utils.js';
+import { config } from '../src/config.js';
+import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
+import { BANNER, NATIVE } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
+const VERSION = '0.1.0';
+const GVLID = 842;
+const NET_REVENUE = true;
+const UNDEFINED = undefined;
+const AUCTION_TYPE = 1;
+const BIDDER_CODE = 'pwbid';
+const ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://bid.pubwise.io/prebid';
+const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 0;
+const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 0;
+const PREBID_NATIVE_HELP_LINK = 'https://prebid.org/dev-docs/show-native-ads.html';
+// const USERSYNC_URL = '//'
+const CUSTOM_PARAMS = {
+  'gender': '', // User gender
+  'yob': '', // User year of birth
+  'lat': '', // User location - Latitude
+  'lon': '', // User Location - Longitude
+// rtb native types are meant to be dynamic and extendable
+// the extendable data asset types are nicely aligned
+// in practice we set an ID that is distinct for each real type of return
+const NATIVE_ASSETS = {
+  'TITLE': { ID: 1, KEY: 'title', TYPE: 0 },
+  'IMAGE': { ID: 2, KEY: 'image', TYPE: 0 },
+  'ICON': { ID: 3, KEY: 'icon', TYPE: 0 },
+  'SPONSOREDBY': { ID: 4, KEY: 'sponsoredBy', TYPE: 1 },
+  'BODY': { ID: 5, KEY: 'body', TYPE: 2 },
+  'CLICKURL': { ID: 6, KEY: 'clickUrl', TYPE: 0 },
+  'VIDEO': { ID: 7, KEY: 'video', TYPE: 0 },
+  'EXT': { ID: 8, KEY: 'ext', TYPE: 0 },
+  'DATA': { ID: 9, KEY: 'data', TYPE: 0 },
+  'LOGO': { ID: 10, KEY: 'logo', TYPE: 0 },
+  'SPONSORED': { ID: 11, KEY: 'sponsored', TYPE: 1 },
+  'DESC': { ID: 12, KEY: 'data', TYPE: 2 },
+  'RATING': { ID: 13, KEY: 'rating', TYPE: 3 },
+  'LIKES': { ID: 14, KEY: 'likes', TYPE: 4 },
+  'DOWNLOADS': { ID: 15, KEY: 'downloads', TYPE: 5 },
+  'PRICE': { ID: 16, KEY: 'price', TYPE: 6 },
+  'SALEPRICE': { ID: 17, KEY: 'saleprice', TYPE: 7 },
+  'PHONE': { ID: 18, KEY: 'phone', TYPE: 8 },
+  'ADDRESS': { ID: 19, KEY: 'address', TYPE: 9 },
+  'DESC2': { ID: 20, KEY: 'desc2', TYPE: 10 },
+  'DISPLAYURL': { ID: 21, KEY: 'displayurl', TYPE: 11 },
+  'CTA': { ID: 22, KEY: 'cta', TYPE: 12 }
+  'ICON': 1,
+  'LOGO': 2,
+  'IMAGE': 3
+// to render any native unit we have to have a few items
+  {
+    required: true,
+    data: {
+      type: 1
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    required: true,
+  },
+  {
+    required: true,
+  }
+let isInvalidNativeRequest = false
+// together allows traversal of NATIVE_ASSETS_LIST in any direction
+// id -> key
+utils._each(NATIVE_ASSETS, anAsset => { NATIVE_ASSET_ID_TO_KEY_MAP[anAsset.ID] = anAsset.KEY });
+// key -> asset
+utils._each(NATIVE_ASSETS, anAsset => { NATIVE_ASSET_KEY_TO_ASSET_MAP[anAsset.KEY] = anAsset });
+export const spec = {
+  code: BIDDER_CODE,
+  gvlid: GVLID,
+  supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER, NATIVE],
+  /**
+   * Determines whether or not the given bid request is valid.
+   *
+   * @param {BidRequest} bid The bid params to validate.
+   * @return boolean True if this is a valid bid, and false otherwise.
+   */
+  isBidRequestValid: function (bid) {
+    // siteId is required
+    if (bid.params && bid.params.siteId) {
+      // it must be a string
+      if (!utils.isStr(bid.params.siteId)) {
+        _logWarn('siteId is required for bid', bid);
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  },
+  /**
+   * Make a server request from the list of BidRequests.
+   *
+   * @param {validBidRequests[]} - an array of bids
+   * @return ServerRequest Info describing the request to the server.
+   */
+  buildRequests: function (validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
+    var refererInfo;
+    if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.refererInfo) {
+      refererInfo = bidderRequest.refererInfo;
+    }
+    var conf = _initConf(refererInfo);
+    var payload = _createOrtbTemplate(conf);
+    var bidCurrency = '';
+    var bid;
+    var blockedIabCategories = [];
+    validBidRequests.forEach(originalBid => {
+      bid = utils.deepClone(originalBid);
+      bid.params.adSlot = bid.params.adSlot || '';
+      _parseAdSlot(bid);
+      conf = _handleCustomParams(bid.params, conf);
+      conf.transactionId = bid.transactionId;
+      bidCurrency = bid.params.currency || UNDEFINED;
+      bid.params.currency = bidCurrency;
+      if (bid.params.hasOwnProperty('bcat') && utils.isArray(bid.params.bcat)) {
+        blockedIabCategories = blockedIabCategories.concat(bid.params.bcat);
+      }
+      var impObj = _createImpressionObject(bid, conf);
+      if (impObj) {
+        payload.imp.push(impObj);
+      }
+    });
+    // no payload imps, no rason to continue
+    if (payload.imp.length == 0) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // test bids can also be turned on here
+    if (window.location.href.indexOf('pubwiseTestBid=true') !== -1) {
+      payload.test = 1;
+    }
+    if (bid.params.isTest) {
+      payload.test = Number(bid.params.isTest) // should be 1 or 0
+    }
+    payload.site.publisher.id = bid.params.siteId.trim();
+    payload.user.gender = (conf.gender ? conf.gender.trim() : UNDEFINED);
+    payload.user.geo = {};
+    payload.user.geo.lat = _parseSlotParam('lat', conf.lat);
+    payload.user.geo.lon = _parseSlotParam('lon', conf.lon);
+    payload.user.yob = _parseSlotParam('yob', conf.yob);
+    payload.device.geo = payload.user.geo;
+    payload.site.page = payload.site.page.trim();
+    payload.site.domain = _getDomainFromURL(payload.site.page);
+    // add the content object from config in request
+    if (typeof config.getConfig('content') === 'object') {
+      payload.site.content = config.getConfig('content');
+    }
+    // merge the device from config.getConfig('device')
+    if (typeof config.getConfig('device') === 'object') {
+      payload.device = Object.assign(payload.device, config.getConfig('device'));
+    }
+    // passing transactionId in source.tid
+    utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'source.tid', conf.transactionId);
+    // schain
+    if (validBidRequests[0].schain) {
+      utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'source.ext.schain', validBidRequests[0].schain);
+    }
+    // gdpr consent
+    if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.gdprConsent) {
+      utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'user.ext.consent', bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString);
+      utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'regs.ext.gdpr', (bidderRequest.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0));
+    }
+    // ccpa on the root object
+    if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
+      utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'regs.ext.us_privacy', bidderRequest.uspConsent);
+    }
+    // if coppa is in effect then note it
+    if (config.getConfig('coppa') === true) {
+      utils.deepSetValue(payload, 'regs.coppa', 1);
+    }
+    var options = {contentType: 'text/plain'}
+    _logInfo('buildRequests payload', payload);
+    _logInfo('buildRequests bidderRequest', bidderRequest);
+    return {
+      method: 'POST',
+      url: ENDPOINT_URL,
+      data: payload,
+      options: options,
+      bidderRequest: bidderRequest,
+    };
+  },
+  /**
+   * Unpack the response from the server into a list of bids.
+   *
+   * @param {ServerResponse} serverResponse A successful response from the server.
+   * @return {Bid[]} An array of bids which were nested inside the server.
+   */
+  interpretResponse: function (response, request) {
+    const bidResponses = [];
+    var respCur = DEFAULT_CURRENCY;
+    _logInfo('interpretResponse request', request);
+    let parsedRequest = request.data; // not currently stringified
+    // let parsedReferrer = parsedRequest.site && parsedRequest.site.ref ? parsedRequest.site.ref : '';
+    // try {
+    if (response.body && response.body.seatbid && utils.isArray(response.body.seatbid)) {
+      // Supporting multiple bid responses for same adSize
+      respCur = response.body.cur || respCur;
+      response.body.seatbid.forEach(seatbidder => {
+        seatbidder.bid &&
+            utils.isArray(seatbidder.bid) &&
+            seatbidder.bid.forEach(bid => {
+              let newBid = {
+                requestId: bid.impid,
+                cpm: (parseFloat(bid.price) || 0).toFixed(2),
+                width: bid.w,
+                height: bid.h,
+                creativeId: bid.crid || bid.id,
+                currency: respCur,
+                netRevenue: NET_REVENUE,
+                ttl: 300,
+                ad: bid.adm,
+                pw_seat: seatbidder.seat || null,
+                pw_dspid: bid.ext && bid.ext.dspid ? bid.ext.dspid : null,
+                partnerImpId: bid.id || '' // partner impression Id
+              };
+              if (parsedRequest.imp && parsedRequest.imp.length > 0) {
+                parsedRequest.imp.forEach(req => {
+                  if (bid.impid === req.id) {
+                    _checkMediaType(bid.adm, newBid);
+                    switch (newBid.mediaType) {
+                      case BANNER:
+                        break;
+                      case NATIVE:
+                        _parseNativeResponse(bid, newBid);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                  }
+                });
+              }
+              newBid.meta = {};
+              if (bid.ext && bid.ext.dspid) {
+                newBid.meta.networkId = bid.ext.dspid;
+              }
+              if (bid.ext && bid.ext.advid) {
+                newBid.meta.buyerId = bid.ext.advid;
+              }
+              if (bid.adomain && bid.adomain.length > 0) {
+                newBid.meta.advertiserDomains = bid.adomain;
+                newBid.meta.clickUrl = bid.adomain[0];
+              }
+              bidResponses.push(newBid);
+            });
+      });
+    }
+    // } catch (error) {
+    // _logError(error);
+    // }
+    return bidResponses;
+  }
+function _checkMediaType(adm, newBid) {
+  // Create a regex here to check the strings
+  var admJSON = '';
+  if (adm.indexOf('"ver":') >= 0) {
+    try {
+      admJSON = JSON.parse(adm.replace(/\\/g, ''));
+      if (admJSON && admJSON.assets) {
+        newBid.mediaType = NATIVE;
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      _logWarn('Error: Cannot parse native reponse for ad response: ' + adm);
+    }
+  } else {
+    newBid.mediaType = BANNER;
+  }
+function _parseNativeResponse(bid, newBid) {
+  newBid.native = {};
+  if (bid.hasOwnProperty('adm')) {
+    var adm = '';
+    try {
+      adm = JSON.parse(bid.adm.replace(/\\/g, ''));
+    } catch (ex) {
+      _logWarn('Error: Cannot parse native reponse for ad response: ' + newBid.adm);
+      return;
+    }
+    if (adm && adm.assets && adm.assets.length > 0) {
+      newBid.mediaType = NATIVE;
+      for (let i = 0, len = adm.assets.length; i < len; i++) {
+        switch (adm.assets[i].id) {
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.TITLE.ID:
+            newBid.native.title = adm.assets[i].title && adm.assets[i].title.text;
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.IMAGE.ID:
+            newBid.native.image = {
+              url: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.url,
+              height: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.h,
+              width: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.w,
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.ICON.ID:
+            newBid.native.icon = {
+              url: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.url,
+              height: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.h,
+              width: adm.assets[i].img && adm.assets[i].img.w,
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.BODY.ID:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.LIKES.ID:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.PRICE:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.PHONE.ID:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.DESC2.ID:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.CTA.ID:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.RATING.ID:
+            newBid.native[NATIVE_ASSET_ID_TO_KEY_MAP[adm.assets[i].id]] = adm.assets[i].data && adm.assets[i].data.value;
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+      newBid.clickUrl = adm.link && adm.link.url;
+      newBid.clickTrackers = (adm.link && adm.link.clicktrackers) || [];
+      newBid.impressionTrackers = adm.imptrackers || [];
+      newBid.jstracker = adm.jstracker || [];
+      if (!newBid.width) {
+        newBid.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+      }
+      if (!newBid.height) {
+        newBid.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function _getDomainFromURL(url) {
+  let anchor = document.createElement('a');
+  anchor.href = url;
+  return anchor.hostname;
+function _handleCustomParams(params, conf) {
+  var key, value, entry;
+  for (key in CUSTOM_PARAMS) {
+    if (CUSTOM_PARAMS.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+      value = params[key];
+      if (value) {
+        entry = CUSTOM_PARAMS[key];
+        if (typeof entry === 'object') {
+          // will be used in future when we want to
+          // process a custom param before using
+          // 'keyname': {f: function() {}}
+          value = entry.f(value, conf);
+        }
+        if (utils.isStr(value)) {
+          conf[key] = value;
+        } else {
+          _logWarn('Ignoring param : ' + key + ' with value : ' + CUSTOM_PARAMS[key] + ', expects string-value, found ' + typeof value);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return conf;
+function _createOrtbTemplate(conf) {
+  return {
+    id: '' + new Date().getTime(),
+    at: AUCTION_TYPE,
+    imp: [],
+    site: {
+      page: conf.pageURL,
+      ref: conf.refURL,
+      publisher: {}
+    },
+    device: {
+      ua: navigator.userAgent,
+      js: 1,
+      dnt: (navigator.doNotTrack == 'yes' || navigator.doNotTrack == '1' || navigator.msDoNotTrack == '1') ? 1 : 0,
+      h: screen.height,
+      w: screen.width,
+      language: navigator.language
+    },
+    user: {},
+    ext: {
+      version: VERSION
+    }
+  };
+function _createImpressionObject(bid, conf) {
+  var impObj = {};
+  var bannerObj;
+  var nativeObj = {};
+  var mediaTypes = '';
+  impObj = {
+    id: bid.bidId,
+    tagid: bid.params.adUnit || undefined,
+    bidfloor: _parseSlotParam('bidFloor', bid.params.bidFloor), // capitalization dicated by 3.2.4 spec
+    secure: 1,
+    bidfloorcur: bid.params.currency ? _parseSlotParam('currency', bid.params.currency) : DEFAULT_CURRENCY // capitalization dicated by 3.2.4 spec
+  };
+  if (bid.hasOwnProperty('mediaTypes')) {
+    for (mediaTypes in bid.mediaTypes) {
+      switch (mediaTypes) {
+        case BANNER:
+          bannerObj = _createBannerRequest(bid);
+          if (bannerObj !== UNDEFINED) {
+            impObj.banner = bannerObj;
+          }
+          break;
+        case NATIVE:
+          nativeObj['request'] = JSON.stringify(_createNativeRequest(bid.nativeParams));
+          if (!isInvalidNativeRequest) {
+            impObj.native = nativeObj;
+          } else {
+            _logWarn('Error: Error in Native adunit ' + bid.params.adUnit + '. Ignoring the adunit. Refer to ' + PREBID_NATIVE_HELP_LINK + ' for more details.');
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    _logWarn('MediaTypes are Required for all Adunit Configs', bid)
+  }
+  _addFloorFromFloorModule(impObj, bid);
+  return impObj.hasOwnProperty(BANNER) ||
+          impObj.hasOwnProperty(NATIVE) ? impObj : UNDEFINED;
+function _parseSlotParam(paramName, paramValue) {
+  if (!utils.isStr(paramValue)) {
+    paramValue && _logWarn('Ignoring param key: ' + paramName + ', expects string-value, found ' + typeof paramValue);
+    return UNDEFINED;
+  }
+  switch (paramName) {
+    case 'bidFloor':
+      return parseFloat(paramValue) || UNDEFINED;
+    case 'lat':
+      return parseFloat(paramValue) || UNDEFINED;
+    case 'lon':
+      return parseFloat(paramValue) || UNDEFINED;
+    case 'yob':
+      return parseInt(paramValue) || UNDEFINED;
+    default:
+      return paramValue;
+  }
+function _parseAdSlot(bid) {
+  _logInfo('parseAdSlot bid', bid)
+  bid.params.adUnit = '';
+  bid.params.width = 0;
+  bid.params.height = 0;
+  bid.params.adSlot = _cleanSlotName(bid.params.adSlot);
+  if (bid.hasOwnProperty('mediaTypes')) {
+    if (bid.mediaTypes.hasOwnProperty(BANNER) &&
+          bid.mediaTypes.banner.hasOwnProperty('sizes')) { // if its a banner, has mediaTypes and sizes
+      var i = 0;
+      var sizeArray = [];
+      for (;i < bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes.length; i++) {
+        if (bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes[i].length === 2) { // sizes[i].length will not be 2 in case where size is set as fluid, we want to skip that entry
+          sizeArray.push(bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes[i]);
+        }
+      }
+      bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes = sizeArray;
+      if (bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes.length >= 1) {
+        // if there is more than one size then pop one onto the banner params width
+        // pop the first into the params, then remove it from mediaTypes
+        bid.params.width = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][0];
+        bid.params.height = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes[0][1];
+        bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes.splice(1, bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes.length - 1);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    _logWarn('MediaTypes are Required for all Adunit Configs', bid)
+  }
+function _cleanSlotName(slotName) {
+  if (utils.isStr(slotName)) {
+    return slotName.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '');
+  }
+  return '';
+function _initConf(refererInfo) {
+  return {
+    pageURL: (refererInfo && refererInfo.referer) ? refererInfo.referer : window.location.href,
+    refURL: window.document.referrer
+  };
+function _commonNativeRequestObject(nativeAsset, params) {
+  var key = nativeAsset.KEY;
+  return {
+    id: nativeAsset.ID,
+    required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+    data: {
+      type: nativeAsset.TYPE,
+      len: params[key].len,
+      ext: params[key].ext
+    }
+  };
+function _addFloorFromFloorModule(impObj, bid) {
+  let bidFloor = -1; // indicates no floor
+  // get lowest floor from floorModule
+  if (typeof bid.getFloor === 'function' && !config.getConfig('pubwise.disableFloors')) {
+    [BANNER, NATIVE].forEach(mediaType => {
+      if (impObj.hasOwnProperty(mediaType)) {
+        let floorInfo = bid.getFloor({ currency: impObj.bidFloorCur, mediaType: mediaType, size: '*' });
+        if (typeof floorInfo === 'object' && floorInfo.currency === impObj.bidFloorCur && !isNaN(parseInt(floorInfo.floor))) {
+          let mediaTypeFloor = parseFloat(floorInfo.floor);
+          bidFloor = (bidFloor == -1 ? mediaTypeFloor : Math.min(mediaTypeFloor, bidFloor))
+        }
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  // get highest, if none then take the default -1
+  if (impObj.bidfloor) {
+    bidFloor = Math.max(bidFloor, impObj.bidfloor)
+  }
+  // assign if it has a valid floor - > 0
+  impObj.bidfloor = ((!isNaN(bidFloor) && bidFloor > 0) ? bidFloor : UNDEFINED);
+function _createNativeRequest(params) {
+  var nativeRequestObject = {
+    assets: []
+  };
+  for (var key in params) {
+    if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+      var assetObj = {};
+      if (!(nativeRequestObject.assets && nativeRequestObject.assets.length > 0 && nativeRequestObject.assets.hasOwnProperty(key))) {
+        switch (key) {
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.TITLE.KEY:
+            if (params[key].len || params[key].length) {
+              assetObj = {
+                id: NATIVE_ASSETS.TITLE.ID,
+                required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+                title: {
+                  len: params[key].len || params[key].length,
+                  ext: params[key].ext
+                }
+              };
+            } else {
+              _logWarn('Error: Title Length is required for native ad: ' + JSON.stringify(params));
+            }
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.IMAGE.KEY:
+            if (params[key].sizes && params[key].sizes.length > 0) {
+              assetObj = {
+                id: NATIVE_ASSETS.IMAGE.ID,
+                required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+                img: {
+                  type: NATIVE_ASSET_IMAGE_TYPE.IMAGE,
+                  w: params[key].w || params[key].width || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[0] : UNDEFINED),
+                  h: params[key].h || params[key].height || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[1] : UNDEFINED),
+                  wmin: params[key].wmin || params[key].minimumWidth || (params[key].minsizes ? params[key].minsizes[0] : UNDEFINED),
+                  hmin: params[key].hmin || params[key].minimumHeight || (params[key].minsizes ? params[key].minsizes[1] : UNDEFINED),
+                  mimes: params[key].mimes,
+                  ext: params[key].ext,
+                }
+              };
+            } else {
+              _logWarn('Error: Image sizes is required for native ad: ' + JSON.stringify(params));
+            }
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.ICON.KEY:
+            if (params[key].sizes && params[key].sizes.length > 0) {
+              assetObj = {
+                id: NATIVE_ASSETS.ICON.ID,
+                required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+                img: {
+                  type: NATIVE_ASSET_IMAGE_TYPE.ICON,
+                  w: params[key].w || params[key].width || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[0] : UNDEFINED),
+                  h: params[key].h || params[key].height || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[1] : UNDEFINED),
+                }
+              };
+            } else {
+              _logWarn('Error: Icon sizes is required for native ad: ' + JSON.stringify(params));
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.VIDEO.KEY:
+            assetObj = {
+              id: NATIVE_ASSETS.VIDEO.ID,
+              required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+              video: {
+                minduration: params[key].minduration,
+                maxduration: params[key].maxduration,
+                protocols: params[key].protocols,
+                mimes: params[key].mimes,
+                ext: params[key].ext
+              }
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.EXT.KEY:
+            assetObj = {
+              id: NATIVE_ASSETS.EXT.ID,
+              required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.LOGO.KEY:
+            assetObj = {
+              id: NATIVE_ASSETS.LOGO.ID,
+              required: params[key].required ? 1 : 0,
+              img: {
+                type: NATIVE_ASSET_IMAGE_TYPE.LOGO,
+                w: params[key].w || params[key].width || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[0] : UNDEFINED),
+                h: params[key].h || params[key].height || (params[key].sizes ? params[key].sizes[1] : UNDEFINED)
+              }
+            };
+            break;
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.BODY.KEY:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.LIKES.KEY:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.PRICE.KEY:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.PHONE.KEY:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.DESC2.KEY:
+          case NATIVE_ASSETS.CTA.KEY:
+            assetObj = _commonNativeRequestObject(NATIVE_ASSET_KEY_TO_ASSET_MAP[key], params);
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (assetObj && assetObj.id) {
+      nativeRequestObject.assets[nativeRequestObject.assets.length] = assetObj;
+    }
+  };
+  // for native image adtype prebid has to have few required assests i.e. title,sponsoredBy, image
+  // if any of these are missing from the request then request will not be sent
+  var requiredAssetCount = NATIVE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_IMAGE_ASSETS.length;
+  var presentrequiredAssetCount = 0;
+    var lengthOfExistingAssets = nativeRequestObject.assets.length;
+    for (var i = 0; i < lengthOfExistingAssets; i++) {
+      if (ele.id == nativeRequestObject.assets[i].id) {
+        presentrequiredAssetCount++;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  if (requiredAssetCount == presentrequiredAssetCount) {
+    isInvalidNativeRequest = false;
+  } else {
+    isInvalidNativeRequest = true;
+  }
+  return nativeRequestObject;
+function _createBannerRequest(bid) {
+  var sizes = bid.mediaTypes.banner.sizes;
+  var format = [];
+  var bannerObj;
+  if (sizes !== UNDEFINED && utils.isArray(sizes)) {
+    bannerObj = {};
+    if (!bid.params.width && !bid.params.height) {
+      if (sizes.length === 0) {
+        // i.e. since bid.params does not have width or height, and length of sizes is 0, need to ignore this banner imp
+        bannerObj = UNDEFINED;
+        _logWarn('Error: mediaTypes.banner.size missing for adunit: ' + bid.params.adUnit + '. Ignoring the banner impression in the adunit.');
+        return bannerObj;
+      } else {
+        bannerObj.w = parseInt(sizes[0][0], 10);
+        bannerObj.h = parseInt(sizes[0][1], 10);
+        sizes = sizes.splice(1, sizes.length - 1);
+      }
+    } else {
+      bannerObj.w = bid.params.width;
+      bannerObj.h = bid.params.height;
+    }
+    if (sizes.length > 0) {
+      format = [];
+      sizes.forEach(function (size) {
+        if (size.length > 1) {
+          format.push({ w: size[0], h: size[1] });
+        }
+      });
+      if (format.length > 0) {
+        bannerObj.format = format;
+      }
+    }
+    bannerObj.pos = 0;
+    bannerObj.topframe = utils.inIframe() ? 0 : 1;
+  } else {
+    _logWarn('Error: mediaTypes.banner.size missing for adunit: ' + bid.params.adUnit + '. Ignoring the banner impression in the adunit.');
+    bannerObj = UNDEFINED;
+  }
+  return bannerObj;
+// various error levels are not always used
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+function _logMessage(textValue, objectValue) {
+  utils.logMessage('PubWise: ' + textValue, objectValue);
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+function _logInfo(textValue, objectValue) {
+  utils.logInfo('PubWise: ' + textValue, objectValue);
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+function _logWarn(textValue, objectValue) {
+  utils.logWarn('PubWise: ' + textValue, objectValue);
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+function _logError(textValue, objectValue) {
+  utils.logError('PubWise: ' + textValue, objectValue);
+// function _decorateLog() {
+//   arguments[0] = 'PubWise' + arguments[0];
+//   return arguments
+// }
+// these are exported only for testing so maintaining the JS convention of _ to indicate the intent
+export {
+  _checkMediaType,
+  _parseAdSlot
diff --git a/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.md b/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8cf38a63913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Overview
+Module Name:  PubWise Bid Adapter
+Module Type:  Bidder Adapter
+Maintainer: info@pubwise.io
+# Description
+Connects to PubWise exchange for bids.
+# Sample Banner Ad Unit: For Publishers
+With isTest parameter the system will respond in whatever dimensions provided.
+## Params
+## Banner
+var adUnits = [
+    {
+        code: "div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0",
+        mediaTypes: {
+        banner: {
+            sizes: [[300, 250]]
+        }
+        },
+        bids: [{
+            bidder: 'pubwise',
+            params: {
+                siteId: "xxxxxx",
+                isTest: true
+            }
+        }]
+    }
+## Native
+var adUnits = [
+    {
+        code: 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-1',
+        sizes: [[1, 1]],
+        mediaTypes: {
+            native: {
+                title: {
+                    required: true,
+                    len: 80
+                },
+                body: {
+                    required: true
+                },
+                image: {
+                    required: true,
+                    sizes: [150, 50]
+                },
+                sponsoredBy: {
+                    required: true
+                },
+                icon: {
+                    required: false
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        bids: [{
+            bidder: 'pubwise',
+            params: {
+                siteId: "xxxxxx",
+                isTest: true,
+            },
+        }]
+    }
diff --git a/test/spec/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter_spec.js b/test/spec/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..450b028f6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/spec/modules/pubwiseBidAdapter_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// import or require modules necessary for the test, e.g.:
+import {expect} from 'chai';
+import {spec} from 'modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js';
+import {_checkMediaType} from 'modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js'; // this is exported only for testing so maintaining the JS convention of _ to indicate the intent
+import {_parseAdSlot} from 'modules/pubwiseBidAdapter.js'; // this is exported only for testing so maintaining the JS convention of _ to indicate the intent
+import * as utils from 'src/utils.js';
+const sampleRequestBanner = {
+  'id': '6c148795eb836a',
+  'tagid': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
+  'bidfloor': 1,
+  'secure': 1,
+  'bidfloorcur': 'USD',
+  'banner': {
+    'w': 300,
+    'h': 250,
+    'format': [
+      {
+        'w': 300,
+        'h': 600
+      }
+    ],
+    'pos': 0,
+    'topframe': 1
+  }
+const sampleRequest = {
+  'at': 1,
+  'cur': [
+    'USD'
+  ],
+  'imp': [
+    sampleRequestBanner,
+    {
+      'id': '7329ddc1d84eb3',
+      'tagid': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-1',
+      'secure': 1,
+      'bidfloorcur': 'USD',
+      'native': {
+        'request': '{"assets":[{"id":1,"required":1,"title":{"len":80}},{"id":5,"required":1,"data":{"type":2}},{"id":2,"required":1,"img":{"type":{"ID":2,"KEY":"image","TYPE":0},"w":150,"h":50}},{"id":4,"required":1,"data":{"type":1}}]}'
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  'site': {
+    'page': 'http://localhost:9999/integrationExamples/gpt/hello_world.html?pbjs_debug=true',
+    'ref': 'http://localhost:9999/integrationExamples/gpt/hello_world.html?pbjs_debug=true',
+    'publisher': {
+      'id': 'xxxxxx'
+    }
+  },
+  'device': {
+    'ua': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36',
+    'js': 1,
+    'dnt': 0,
+    'h': 600,
+    'w': 800,
+    'language': 'en-US',
+    'geo': {
+      'lat': 33.91989876432274,
+      'lon': -84.38897708175764
+    }
+  },
+  'user': {
+    'gender': 'M',
+    'geo': {
+      'lat': 33.91989876432274,
+      'lon': -84.38897708175764
+    },
+    'yob': 2000
+  },
+  'test': 0,
+  'ext': {
+    'version': '0.0.1'
+  },
+  'source': {
+    'tid': '2c8cd034-f068-4419-8c30-f07292c0d17b'
+  }
+const sampleValidBannerBidRequest = {
+  'bidder': 'pubwise',
+  'params': {
+    'siteId': 'xxxxxx',
+    'bidFloor': '1.00',
+    'currency': 'USD',
+    'gender': 'M',
+    'lat': '33.91989876432274',
+    'lon': '-84.38897708175764',
+    'yob': '2000',
+    'bcat': ['IAB25-3', 'IAB26-1', 'IAB26-2', 'IAB26-3', 'IAB26-4'],
+  },
+  'gdprConsent': {
+    'gdprApplies': 1,
+  },
+  'uspConsent': 1,
+  'crumbs': {
+    'pubcid': '9a62f261-3c0b-4cc8-8db3-a72ae86ec6ba'
+  },
+  'fpd': {
+    'context': {
+      'adServer': {
+        'name': 'gam',
+        'adSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+      },
+      'pbAdSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+    }
+  },
+  'mediaTypes': {
+    'banner': {
+      'sizes': [
+        [
+          300,
+          250
+        ],
+        [
+          300,
+          600
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  'adUnitCode': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
+  'transactionId': '2001a8b2-3bcf-417d-b64f-92641dae21e0',
+  'sizes': [
+    [
+      300,
+      250
+    ],
+    [
+      300,
+      600
+    ]
+  ],
+  'bidId': '6c148795eb836a',
+  'bidderRequestId': '18a45bff5ff705',
+  'auctionId': '9f20663c-4629-4b5c-bff6-ff3aa8319358',
+  'src': 'client',
+  'bidRequestsCount': 1,
+  'bidderRequestsCount': 1,
+  'bidderWinsCount': 0
+const sampleValidBidRequests = [
+  sampleValidBannerBidRequest,
+  {
+    'bidder': 'pubwise',
+    'params': {
+      'siteId': 'xxxxxx'
+    },
+    'crumbs': {
+      'pubcid': '9a62f261-3c0b-4cc8-8db3-a72ae86ec6ba'
+    },
+    'nativeParams': {
+      'title': {
+        'required': true,
+        'len': 80
+      },
+      'body': {
+        'required': true
+      },
+      'image': {
+        'required': true,
+        'sizes': [
+          150,
+          50
+        ]
+      },
+      'sponsoredBy': {
+        'required': true
+      },
+      'icon': {
+        'required': false
+      }
+    },
+    'fpd': {
+      'context': {
+        'adServer': {
+          'name': 'gam',
+          'adSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+        },
+        'pbAdSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+      }
+    },
+    'mediaTypes': {
+      'native': {
+        'title': {
+          'required': true,
+          'len': 80
+        },
+        'body': {
+          'required': true
+        },
+        'image': {
+          'required': true,
+          'sizes': [
+            150,
+            50
+          ]
+        },
+        'sponsoredBy': {
+          'required': true
+        },
+        'icon': {
+          'required': false
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    'adUnitCode': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-1',
+    'transactionId': '2c8cd034-f068-4419-8c30-f07292c0d17b',
+    'sizes': [],
+    'bidId': '30ab7516a51a7c',
+    'bidderRequestId': '18a45bff5ff705',
+    'auctionId': '9f20663c-4629-4b5c-bff6-ff3aa8319358',
+    'src': 'client',
+    'bidRequestsCount': 1,
+    'bidderRequestsCount': 1,
+    'bidderWinsCount': 0
+  }
+const sampleBidderBannerRequest = {
+  'bidder': 'pubwise',
+  'params': {
+    'siteId': 'xxxxxx',
+    'height': 250,
+    'width': 300,
+    'gender': 'M',
+    'yob': '2000',
+    'lat': '33.91989876432274',
+    'lon': '-84.38897708175764',
+    'bidFloor': '1.00',
+    'currency': 'USD',
+    'adSlot': '',
+    'adUnit': '',
+    'bcat': [
+      'IAB25-3',
+      'IAB26-1',
+      'IAB26-2',
+      'IAB26-3',
+      'IAB26-4',
+    ],
+  },
+  'crumbs': {
+    'pubcid': '9a62f261-3c0b-4cc8-8db3-a72ae86ec6ba'
+  },
+  'fpd': {
+    'context': {
+      'adServer': {
+        'name': 'gam',
+        'adSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+      },
+      'pbAdSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+    }
+  },
+  'mediaTypes': {
+    'banner': {
+      'sizes': [
+        [
+          300,
+          600
+        ]
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  'adUnitCode': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
+  'transactionId': '2001a8b2-3bcf-417d-b64f-92641dae21e0',
+  'sizes': [
+    [
+      300,
+      250
+    ],
+    [
+      300,
+      600
+    ]
+  ],
+  'bidId': '6c148795eb836a',
+  'bidderRequestId': '18a45bff5ff705',
+  'auctionId': '9f20663c-4629-4b5c-bff6-ff3aa8319358',
+  'src': 'client',
+  'bidRequestsCount': 1,
+  'bidderRequestsCount': 1,
+  'bidderWinsCount': 0,
+  'gdprConsent': {
+    'gdprApplies': 1,
+  },
+  'uspConsent': 1,
+const sampleBidderRequest = {
+  'bidderCode': 'pubwise',
+  'auctionId': '9f20663c-4629-4b5c-bff6-ff3aa8319358',
+  'bidderRequestId': '18a45bff5ff705',
+  'bids': [
+    sampleBidderBannerRequest,
+    {
+      'bidder': 'pubwise',
+      'params': {
+        'siteId': 'xxxxxx'
+      },
+      'crumbs': {
+        'pubcid': '9a62f261-3c0b-4cc8-8db3-a72ae86ec6ba'
+      },
+      'nativeParams': {
+        'title': {
+          'required': true,
+          'len': 80
+        },
+        'body': {
+          'required': true
+        },
+        'image': {
+          'required': true,
+          'sizes': [
+            150,
+            50
+          ]
+        },
+        'sponsoredBy': {
+          'required': true
+        },
+        'icon': {
+          'required': false
+        }
+      },
+      'fpd': {
+        'context': {
+          'adServer': {
+            'name': 'gam',
+            'adSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+          },
+          'pbAdSlot': '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0'
+        }
+      },
+      'mediaTypes': {
+        'native': {
+          'title': {
+            'required': true,
+            'len': 80
+          },
+          'body': {
+            'required': true
+          },
+          'image': {
+            'required': true,
+            'sizes': [
+              150,
+              50
+            ]
+          },
+          'sponsoredBy': {
+            'required': true
+          },
+          'icon': {
+            'required': false
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      'adUnitCode': 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-1',
+      'transactionId': '2c8cd034-f068-4419-8c30-f07292c0d17b',
+      'sizes': [],
+      'bidId': '30ab7516a51a7c',
+      'bidderRequestId': '18a45bff5ff705',
+      'auctionId': '9f20663c-4629-4b5c-bff6-ff3aa8319358',
+      'src': 'client',
+      'bidRequestsCount': 1,
+      'bidderRequestsCount': 1,
+      'bidderWinsCount': 0
+    }
+  ],
+  'auctionStart': 1606269202001,
+  'timeout': 1000,
+  'gdprConsent': {
+    'gdprApplies': 1,
+  },
+  'uspConsent': 1,
+  'refererInfo': {
+    'referer': 'http://localhost:9999/integrationExamples/gpt/hello_world.html?pbjs_debug=true',
+    'reachedTop': true,
+    'isAmp': false,
+    'numIframes': 0,
+    'stack': [
+      'http://localhost:9999/integrationExamples/gpt/hello_world.html?pbjs_debug=true'
+    ],
+    'canonicalUrl': null
+  },
+  'start': 1606269202004
+const sampleRTBResponse = {
+  'body': {
+    'id': '1606251348404',
+    'seatbid': [
+      {
+        'bid': [
+          {
+            'id': '1606579704052',
+            'impid': '6c148795eb836a',
+            'price': 1.23,
+            'adm': '\u003cdiv style="box-sizing: border-box;width:298px;height:248px;border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.25);border-radius:10px;"\u003e\n\t\u003ch3 style="margin-top:80px;text-align: center;"\u003ePubWise Test Bid\u003c/h3\u003e\n\u003c/div\u003e',
+            'crid': 'test',
+            'w': 300,
+            'h': 250
+          },
+          {
+            'id': '1606579704052',
+            'impid': '7329ddc1d84eb3',
+            'price': 1.23,
+            'adm': '{"ver":"1.2","assets":[{"id":1,"title":{"text":"PubWise Test"}},{"id":2,"img":{"type":3,"url":"http://www.pubwise.io","w":300,"h":250}},{"id":3,"img":{"type":1,"url":"http://www.pubwise.io","w":150,"h":125}},{"id":5,"data":{"type":2,"value":"PubWise Test Desc"}},{"id":4,"data":{"type":1,"value":"PubWise.io"}}],"link":{"url":"http://www.pubwise.io"}}',
+            'crid': 'test',
+            'w': 300,
+            'h': 250
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    ],
+    'bidid': 'testtesttest'
+  }
+const samplePBBidObjects = [
+  {
+    'requestId': '6c148795eb836a',
+    'cpm': '1.23',
+    'width': 300,
+    'height': 250,
+    'creativeId': 'test',
+    'currency': 'USD',
+    'netRevenue': true,
+    'ttl': 300,
+    'ad': '<div style="box-sizing: border-box;width:298px;height:248px;border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.25);border-radius:10px;">\n\t<h3 style="margin-top:80px;text-align: center;">PubWise Test Bid</h3>\n</div>',
+    'pw_seat': null,
+    'pw_dspid': null,
+    'partnerImpId': '1606579704052',
+    'meta': {},
+    'mediaType': 'banner',
+  },
+  {
+    'requestId': '7329ddc1d84eb3',
+    'cpm': '1.23',
+    'width': 300,
+    'height': 250,
+    'creativeId': 'test',
+    'currency': 'USD',
+    'netRevenue': true,
+    'ttl': 300,
+    'ad': '{\"ver\":\"1.2\",\"assets\":[{\"id\":1,\"title\":{\"text\":\"PubWise Test\"}},{\"id\":2,\"img\":{\"type\":3,\"url\":\"http://www.pubwise.io\",\"w\":300,\"h\":250}},{\"id\":3,\"img\":{\"type\":1,\"url\":\"http://www.pubwise.io\",\"w\":150,\"h\":125}},{\"id\":5,\"data\":{\"type\":2,\"value\":\"PubWise Test Desc\"}},{\"id\":4,\"data\":{\"type\":1,\"value\":\"PubWise.io\"}}],\"link\":{\"url\":\"http://www.pubwise.io\"}}',
+    'pw_seat': null,
+    'pw_dspid': null,
+    'partnerImpId': '1606579704052',
+    'mediaType': 'native',
+    'native': {
+      'body': 'PubWise Test Desc',
+      'icon': {
+        'height': 125,
+        'url': 'http://www.pubwise.io',
+        'width': 150,
+      },
+      'image': {
+        'height': 250,
+        'url': 'http://www.pubwise.io',
+        'width': 300,
+      },
+      'sponsoredBy': 'PubWise.io',
+      'title': 'PubWise Test'
+    },
+    'meta': {},
+    'impressionTrackers': [],
+    'jstracker': [],
+    'clickTrackers': [],
+    'clickUrl': 'http://www.pubwise.io'
+  }
+describe('PubWiseAdapter', function () {
+  describe('Properly Validates Bids', function () {
+    it('valid bid', function () {
+      let validBid = {
+          bidder: 'pubwise',
+          params: {
+            siteId: 'xxxxxx'
+          }
+        },
+        isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(true);
+    });
+    it('valid bid: extra fields are ok', function () {
+      let validBid = {
+          bidder: 'pubwise',
+          params: {
+            siteId: 'xxxxxx',
+            gender: 'M',
+          }
+        },
+        isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(true);
+    });
+    it('invalid bid: no siteId', function () {
+      let inValidBid = {
+          bidder: 'pubwise',
+          params: {
+            gender: 'M',
+          }
+        },
+        isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(inValidBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(false);
+    });
+    it('invalid bid: siteId should be a string', function () {
+      let validBid = {
+          bidder: 'pubwise',
+          params: {
+            siteId: 123456
+          }
+        },
+        isValid = spec.isBidRequestValid(validBid);
+      expect(isValid).to.equal(false);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Handling Request Construction', function () {
+    it('bid requests are not mutable', function() {
+      let sourceBidRequest = utils.deepClone(sampleValidBidRequests)
+      spec.buildRequests(sampleValidBidRequests, {auctinId: 'placeholder'});
+      expect(sampleValidBidRequests).to.deep.equal(sourceBidRequest, 'Should be unedited as they are used elsewhere');
+    });
+    it('should handle complex bidRequest', function() {
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(sampleValidBidRequests, sampleBidderRequest);
+      expect(request.bidderRequest).to.equal(sampleBidderRequest);
+    });
+    it('must conform to API for buildRequests', function() {
+      let request = spec.buildRequests(sampleValidBidRequests);
+      expect(request.bidderRequest).to.be.undefined;
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Identifies Media Types', function () {
+    it('identifies native adm type', function() {
+      let adm = '{"ver":"1.2","assets":[{"title":{"text":"PubWise Test"}},{"img":{"type":3,"url":"http://www.pubwise.io"}},{"img":{"type":1,"url":"http://www.pubwise.io"}},{"data":{"type":2,"value":"PubWise Test Desc"}},{"data":{"type":1,"value":"PubWise.io"}}],"link":{"url":""}}';
+      let newBid = {mediaType: 'unknown'};
+      _checkMediaType(adm, newBid);
+      expect(newBid.mediaType).to.equal('native', adm + ' Is a Native adm');
+    });
+    it('identifies banner adm type', function() {
+      let adm = '<div style="box-sizing: border-box;width:298px;height:248px;border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.25);border-radius:10px;">↵	<h3 style="margin-top:80px;text-align: center;">PubWise Test Bid</h3>↵</div>';
+      let newBid = {mediaType: 'unknown'};
+      _checkMediaType(adm, newBid);
+      expect(newBid.mediaType).to.equal('banner', adm + ' Is a Banner adm');
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Properly Parses AdSlot Data', function () {
+    it('parses banner', function() {
+      let testBid = utils.deepClone(sampleValidBannerBidRequest)
+      _parseAdSlot(testBid)
+      expect(testBid).to.deep.equal(sampleBidderBannerRequest);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('Properly Handles Response', function () {
+    it('handles response with muiltiple responses', function() {
+      // the request when it comes back is on the data object
+      let pbResponse = spec.interpretResponse(sampleRTBResponse, {'data': sampleRequest})
+      expect(pbResponse).to.deep.equal(samplePBBidObjects);
+    });
+  });