We're using the Tarantool Build scripts to generate a tar source file and then use docker to build and package the sources for various platforms.
Various packages should be automatically built and published to packagecloud.io on successful builds via travis. Merged PR requests should result in new builds.
For local builds, you'll need to have Docker installed. Then follow these steps from inside the ironssh base directory:
git clone [email protected]:zmre/build.git
git describe --long --always > VERSION
./build/build clean
./build/build PRODUCT=ironssh centos7 fedora23 fedora24 fedora-rawhide debian-stretch ubuntu-wily ubuntu-xenial ubuntu-yakkety
Use other platform identifiers as desired. If all goes well, you'll find your packages under build/root
To get a new version number started, you need to make an annotated tag and push it to github (unless you're just building locally):
git tag -a "x.y.z" -m "tag comment"
- `git push origin "x.y.z"
If you get the error, tar: Option --exclude-vcs is not supported
, then you need to switch to using gnu-tar
. You can get creative, or just do this in the session where you will run the build
brew install gnu-tar
After that you should be good.