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Improved Peel-and-Bound

This repository contains the code used to perform comparisons of the peel-and-bound method and the branch-and-bound method. Details about both algorithms and their implementations can be found in the paper: Improved Peel-and-Bound: Methods for Generating Dual Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams

Getting ready to use this repository

  1. Install Julia by following the instructions here. In theory any up-to-date version of Julia should work, but if not, reverting to v1.6.1 will fix any deprecation issues.

  2. Clone this repository by following the instructions here

  3. Open the terminal on a Mac or the command shell on a Windows. Navigate to the cloned repository and then into the src folder. If you are not sure how to navigate within the temrinal/shell I suggest using a search engine with the phrase "navigating folders in terminal/shell". I am refraining from linking a specific article in case it is removed or edited.

  4. Type julia and hit Enter to start the julia REPL. It should look like this after a few seconds:Image1

  5. Type include("PeelAndBound.jl") into the REPL and hit Enter. This will load the code.

Using this repository

Now that the REPL is running and the code is loaded, there are a few methods available to you. All of the benchmark SOP problems from TSPLIB and TSPTW and Makespan problems from this library, are already loaded for you. To run them you will need to use the and solve_sop and solve_tsptw functions. The parameters available are detailed below. Please be aware that if you turn on parallel processing you must start Julia with parallel threads see here. Take note that every time this runs, it starts by solving a small problem to make sure the code has compiled. The results of this run are not saved, only written to the terminal. There are similar functions for

Required Parameter Only for solve_tsptw

  • makespan If this value is true then the solver will model the makespan variant of the problem, and if it is false it will model the TSPTW variant of the problem.

Optional Parameters Only for solve_tsptw

  • set must be an integer. This determines which benchmark set to pull from. There are 7: {1=>AFG, 2=>GendreauDumas, 3=>Langevin, 4=>OhlmannThomas, 5=>SolomonPesant, 6=>SolomonPotvinBengio, 7=>Dumas}. The default is 1.
  • num must be an integer. This determines which instance from the benchmark set to pull. It will pull the instance whose file name is at that index in alphabetical order according to Julia. There are too many to list but for each set the number of files (and hence the max valid input) is {1=>50, 2=>130, 3=>70, 4=>25, 5=>27, 6=>30, 7=>135}. The default is 1.

Optional Parameters Only for solve_sop

  • num must be an integer. This determines which instance from the benchmark set to pull. There are 41 available, and the options are listed at the bottom of this documentation.

Optional Parameters for Both Functions

  • max_width must be an integer. This determines the maximum width decision diagram constructed while the solver is working. A minimum of 2 is required. The default is 128 (which is very small).
  • widthofsearch must be an integer. This determines the width of the diversified search used at the beginning of the run. The default is 100 (which is very large).
  • peel_setting must be either frontier, lastexactnode, or maximal. The default is maximal, changing it will change the way nodes are selected during peel-and-bound. The differences are discussed in the paper, and will not be repreated here.
  • run_parallel If this is true, and Julia has been correctly started with multiple threads see here, then parallel processing will be used to speed up the solver. The default is false.
  • file_name must be a string (surrounded by quotation marks) or nothing. This determines the location of the output file, or tells the solver not to make one if it is nothing (the solver will still print the results to the terminal). The default is nothing.
  • time_limit must be an integer or nothing. This determines how long each problem is allowed to run for in seconds, or tells the solver not to use a time limit if it is nothing. The default is nothing.
  • bestknownvalue must be a number or nothing. If this is a number, the solver will skip the initial search for feasible solutions, and will use the vallue as a trimming heuristic when improving relaxed bounds.

A command using all of the optional parameters may look like this: solve_tsptw(false,set=7,num=135,max_width=2048, widthofsearch=5,peel_setting=maximal, run_parallel=false, file_name="./example.txt", time_limit=1800,bestknownvalue=100000)

If you want to get under the hood and play around with the solver more directy, you will find the setup code for TSPTW and SOP in the user_files folder. All of the code specific to those problems is located there. The generic code for the solver is in the solver folder. The frameworks for modeling DD nodes and problems are in the model folder. All of the code for the solver is self-documenting. That means that after loading the code you can call the julia help function on any function and see the documentation for it without having to go to it directly.

Index Problem Name
1 ESC07
2 ESC11
3 ESC12
4 ESC25
5 ESC47
6 ESC63
7 ESC78
8 br17.10
9 br17.12
10 ft53.1
11 ft53.2
12 ft53.3
13 ft53.4
14 ft70.1
15 ft70.2
16 ft70.3
17 ft70.4
18 kro124p.1
19 kro124p.2
20 kro124p.3
21 kro124p.4
22 p43.1
23 p43.2
24 p43.3
25 p43.4
26 prob.42
27 prob.100
28 rbg048a
29 rbg050c
30 rbg109a
31 rbg150a
32 rbg174a
33 rbg253a
34 rbg323a
35 rbg341a
36 rbg358a
37 rbg378a
38 ry48p.1
39 ry48p.2
40 ry48p.3
41 ry48p.4