In this tutorial, we will explore the different user-inputted parameters to VeloViz and their effects on the 2D embedding. To do this, we will create a cell cycle simulation with missing intermediates and create VeloViz graphs with various parameter values.
#make unit circle
t = runif(500,min=0,max=2*pi)
u1 = cos(t)
u2 = sin(t)
traj = cbind(u1,u2)
#add noise and uncorrelated dimension
u1 = jitter(u1, amount = 0.25)
u2 = jitter(u2, amount = 0.25)
u3 = rnorm(500)
obs = cbind(u1,u2,u3)
#order by pseduotime
traj = traj[order(t),]
obs = obs[order(t),]
#color by pseudotime
col = colorRampPalette(c(rainbow(10)))(nrow(obs))
labels <- paste0('cell', 1:nrow(obs))
rownames(traj) = labels
rownames(obs) = labels
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(traj, col = col, main = "trajectory")
plot(obs[,1:2], col = col,main = "observed")
#rotate by angle a
a = 0.1*pi
exp.u1 = cos(a)*obs[,1] - sin(a)*obs[,2]
exp.u2 = sin(a)*obs[,1] + cos(a)*obs[,2]
exp.u3 = rnorm(500)
exp = cbind(exp.u1,exp.u2,exp.u3)
rownames(exp) = labels
plot(exp[,1:2],col = col, main = "expected")
plot(obs[,1:2],col=col, pch=16)
pca = RSpectra::svds(A = obs, k=3,
opts = list(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
maxitr = 2000, tol = 1e-10))
var = pca$d
pcs = pca$u
rownames(pcs) = labels
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
emb.pca = pcs[,1:2]
plot(emb.pca, pch=16, main = "PCA", xlab = 'PC1', ylab = 'PC2', col = col)
emb.umap = uwot::umap(pcs, n_neighbors = 100L)
plot(emb.umap,pch=16, main = "UMAP", xlab = 'UMAP X', ylab = 'UMAP Y',col = col)
emb.tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(pcs,
is_distance = FALSE, perplexity = 100,
pca = FALSE, num_threads =1, verbose = FALSE)$Y
plot(emb.tsne,pch=16, main = "t-SNE", xlab = 't-SNE X', ylab = 't-SNE Y',col=col)
#diffusion map
diffmap = destiny::DiffusionMap(pcs, k=50)
emb.diffmap = destiny::eigenvectors(diffmap)[,1:2]
plot(emb.diffmap,pch=16, main = "Diffusion Map", xlab = 'DC1', ylab = 'DC2',col=col)
#, fig.width=7,fig.height=7
set.seed(1) # fig.width=6, fig.height=7
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs), projected = t(exp),
k = 30, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = 1, distance_threshold = 1, similarity_threshold = 0.25,
weighted = TRUE, remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = "VeloViz", xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
#make unit circle
t = runif(500,min=0,max=2*pi)
u1 = cos(t)
u2 = sin(t)
traj = cbind(u1,u2)
#add noise and uncorrelated dimension
u1 = jitter(u1, amount = 0.25)
u2 = jitter(u2, amount = 0.25)
u3 = rnorm(500)
obs = cbind(u1,u2,u3)
#order by pseduotime
traj = traj[order(t),]
obs = obs[order(t),]
#color by pseudotime
col = colorRampPalette(c(rainbow(10)))(nrow(obs))
labels <- paste0('cell', 1:nrow(obs))
rownames(traj) = labels
rownames(obs) = labels
names(col) = labels
#rotate by angle a
a = 0.1*pi
exp.u1 = cos(a)*obs[,1] - sin(a)*obs[,2]
exp.u2 = sin(a)*obs[,1] + cos(a)*obs[,2]
exp.u3 = rnorm(500)
exp = cbind(exp.u1,exp.u2,exp.u3)
rownames(exp) = labels
#remove cells
cells.keep <- setdiff(labels, paste0('cell', 1:100))
# cells.keep
labels <- labels[which(labels %in% cells.keep)]
obs.missing <- obs[cells.keep,]
exp.missing = exp[cells.keep,]
traj.missing = traj[cells.keep,]
col = col[cells.keep]
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(traj.missing, col = col, main = "trajectory", pch = 16)
plot(obs.missing[,1:2], col = col,main = "observed", pch = 16)
plot(exp.missing[,1:2],col = col, main = "expected")
plot(obs.missing[,1:2],col=col, pch=16)
# cells.before = ((traj[1,]>0.5)&(traj[2,]<0))
# cells.after = ((traj[1,]>0.5)&(traj[2,]>0))
cells.before = labels %in% paste0('cell', 470:500)
cells.after = labels %in% paste0('cell', 101:130)
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# plot(obs.missing[,1:2],col=col, pch=16)
# points(obs.missing[cells.before,], pch = 4,col = "dark red",cex = 1.5)
# points(obs.missing[cells.after,],pch = 4,col = "dark red",cex = 1.5)
pca = RSpectra::svds(A = obs.missing, k=3,
opts = list(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
maxitr = 2000, tol = 1e-10))
var = pca$d
pcs = pca$u
rownames(pcs) = labels
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
emb.pca = pcs[,1:2]
plot(emb.pca, pch=16, main = "PCA", xlab = 'PC1', ylab = 'PC2', col = col)
emb.umap = uwot::umap(pcs, n_neighbors = 100L)
plot(emb.umap,pch=16, main = "UMAP", xlab = 'UMAP X', ylab = 'UMAP Y',col = col)
emb.tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(pcs,
is_distance = FALSE, perplexity = 100, pca = FALSE,
num_threads =1, verbose = FALSE)$Y
plot(emb.tsne,pch=16, main = "t-SNE", xlab = 't-SNE X', ylab = 't-SNE Y',col=col)
#diffusion map
diffmap = destiny::DiffusionMap(pcs, k=50)
emb.diffmap = destiny::eigenvectors(diffmap)[,1:2]
plot(emb.diffmap,pch=16, main = "Diffusion Map", xlab = 'DC1', ylab = 'DC2',col=col)
k = 30
distance.weight = 1
distance.threshold = 1
similarity.threshold = 0
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs.missing), projected = t(exp.missing),
k = k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = distance.weight, distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
similarity_threshold = similarity.threshold, weighted = TRUE,
remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = "VeloViz", xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
To understand the effect of each of the parameters, let’s first go through how the VeloViz graph is built to see where each of the parameters comes into play:
Once we have the current and projected transcriptional states in PC space, VeloViz calculates a composite distance for each cell pair. This composite distance has two components: a PC distance component, and a velocity similarity component. If we’re considering the composite distance from Cell A to Cell B, the PC distance component measures how close a Cell A’s projected state is to Cell B. The velocity similarity component measures how similar Cell A’s velocity vector is to the vector representing the transition from Cell A to Cell B.
With these composite distances VeloViz creates a k-nearest neighbor
graph by assigning k
edges from each cell to the k
cells with the
minimum composite distances. These edges will have a weight
corresponding to the composite distance if weighted = TRUE
. We can
change the relative importance of these two components by changing the
parameter. Setting distance_weight
to 0, results in
a graph that only uses velocity similarity to assign edges. Larger
values of distance_weight
place increasing relative importance on the
PC distance component.
After assigning k
out-edges to each cell, VeloViz removes some of
these edges based on two threshold parameters, distance_threshold
. The distance_threshold
is a quantile threshold
for the PC distance components of the composite distances. For example,
setting distance_threshold = 0.2
means that any edges where the PC
distance component is not in the smallest 20% of PC distances will be
removed from the graph; distance_threshold = 1
includes all edges and
does not prune based on distance. Note here that this is 20% of all
computed PC distances, not just those in the k-nearest neighbor graph.
The similarity_threshold
specifies the minimum cosine similarity
between the velocity vector and the cell transition vector for an edge
to be included. For example, setting similarity_threshold = 0
any edges where the velocity and cell transition vectors are orthogonal
or less similar; similarity_threshold = -1
includes all edges and does
not prune based on similarity.
Now let’s explore how changing the VeloViz parameters changes the
embedding, starting with k
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
ks = c(2,5,10,30,50,100)
distance.weight = 1
distance.threshold = 1
similarity.threshold = 0
for (k in ks) {
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs.missing), projected = t(exp.missing),
k = k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = distance.weight, distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
similarity_threshold = similarity.threshold, weighted = TRUE,
remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = paste("VeloViz: k = ",k), xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
dws = c(0,0.01,0.1,1,10,100)
k = 30
distance.threshold = 1
similarity.threshold = 0
for (distance.weight in dws){
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs.missing), projected = t(exp.missing),
k = k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = distance.weight, distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
similarity_threshold = similarity.threshold, weighted = TRUE,
remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = paste("VeloViz: distance weight = ",distance.weight), xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
dts = c(1,0.6,0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1)
k = 30
distance.weight = 1
similarity.threshold = 0
for (distance.threshold in dts){
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs.missing), projected = t(exp.missing),
k = k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = distance.weight, distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
similarity_threshold = similarity.threshold, weighted = TRUE,
remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = paste("VeloViz: distance threshold = ",distance.threshold), xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
sts = c(-1,0,0.25,0.5,0.7,0.9)
k = 30
distance.weight = 1
distance.threshold = 1
for (similarity.threshold in sts){
g = graphViz(observed = t(obs.missing), projected = t(exp.missing),
k = k, distance_metric = "L2", similarity_metric = "cosine",
distance_weight = distance.weight, distance_threshold = distance.threshold,
similarity_threshold = similarity.threshold, weighted = TRUE,
remove_unconnected = TRUE,
cell.colors = col, title = "VeloViz",
plot = FALSE, return_graph = TRUE)
emb.veloviz = g$fdg_coords
plot(emb.veloviz, pch = 16, main = paste("VeloViz: similarity threshold = ",similarity.threshold), xlab = '', ylab = '',col=col)
Getting Started
scRNA-seq data preprocessing and visualization using VeloViz
MERFISH cell cycle visualization using VeloViz
Visualizing the VeloViz graph using UMAP
VeloViz with dynamic velocity estimates from scVelo