For installation, you have three options.
- Download the pre-built executable here
- Install it using cargo:
cargo install wemod-pro-unlocker
- (not recommended) Manually build it from source
Argument | Description | Example |
--wemod-dir | Path to your WeMod dir. By default, this is "%localappdata%/WeMod". | C:\WeMod |
--wemod-version | The version to patch. By default, this will be the latest version installed. | 8.3.6 |
--account | Overwrites the account data. You can find all available options by searching for /v3/account in the dev tools | username:'myaccount',email:'test' |
-no-update / -offline | Doesn't check for/install updates | --- |
-v | Prints out the version info. Will cancel everything else | --- |