In no particular order, things that should be done:
Make cloverage a higher order lein task, thus letting it support any test framework. This requires:
- Persistent coverage store
- Plugin should hook into reader to wrap every top level form with the macro.
- A small runtime library to inject to project classpath (with insturmentation / storing logic, pref. no dependencies)
- A richer lein plugin that handles the option parsing, sets up instrumentation hook (or prints out instrumented sources and changes sourcepath), delegates to a lein task then gathers results
- (opt.) Logic to compose coverage from multiple runs
Instrument deftype, reify.
Better html output (form-level output rather than colouring lines)
TESTS! Oh my god, tests.
Automated snapshot builds [#18]
ignore destructuring partial coverage? (how?) [#15]
figure out partial for coverage [#23]
release script [#6]