A minimalist guide to a few frameworks—on Ubuntu and Vector computing—for the person who was born yesterday
By a novice for the novice
Credentials (username and password) for the cluster and the Wiki are issued by [email protected]
Everything after a $
is entered on a terminal; everything after >>>
is passed to a Python interpreter
Note: in what follows, remember to always replace username
with your username—both in ssh
logins and folder paths
Connect to one of Vector's locations—this is an example of sequential connections (and disconnections) to all locations
$ ssh username@vremote.[omitted domain] # for the Vaughan location
$ exit # close the connection
$ ssh username@vremote1.[omitted domain] # alternative login for the Vaughan location
$ exit
$ ssh username@v.[omitted domain] # for the Vaughan2 location
$ exit
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # or .q, for the MaRS location
$ exit
For your first logins, answer "yes" to question "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?"
For an overview of the CPUs and GPUs at these locations, refer to slides 5 and 6 of this presentation
Remember: you should not run intense computing when you simply login via ssh
Instruction on how to use slurm
for heavy workloads are given later in this guide
Assuming you do NOT already have files id_rsa
and id_rsa.pub
in folder ~/.ssh
of your local machine
- (If you do, skip the next 3 lines and 1 snippet)
On your local machine, run
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Do not enter a filename or a passphrase, just press Enter
3 times
Your identification id_rsa
and public key id_rsa.pub
will be created in ~/.ssh
Login to the remote machines (m
and v
)—with password—and created directory ~/.ssh
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain]
$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh # this happens on MaRS (where you land either using m.[omitted domain] or q.[omitted domain])
$ exit
$ ssh username@v.[omitted domain]
$ mkdir -p ~/.ssh # this happens on Vaughan (where you land either using vremote.[omitted domain], vremote1.[omitted domain], or v.[omitted domain])
$ exit
From your local machine run this command to copy the public key to the remote machines (replace username
with your username)
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@m.[omitted domain] 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@v.[omitted domain] 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
You can now ssh
to all locations without entering your password (note: you might still, occasionally, be asked)
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # the same as q.[omitted domain]
$ exit
$ ssh username@v.[omitted domain] # the same as vremote.[omitted domain], vremote1.[omitted domain]
$ exit
Access a login server (e.g. m.[omitted domain]
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
Try the following
$ echo $USER # your username
$ echo $HOME # the absolute path to your home directory, also called "~", i.e. "/h/username"
$ pwd # the absolute path of your current location in the file system
$ printenv # show all the environmental variables
# e.g., $PATH: the directories where your system searches for executables
Additional extreme Unix basics are on this cheatsheet
Note: there are minor differences in the file system organization of your home ~
and scratch
folders across Vector's location
MaRS (login using q.[omitted domain]
, m.[omitted domain]
/h/$USER # your home directory; max 75GB; backed up
/scratch/gobi1/$USER # or gobi3, your fast disk space; max 300GB; not backed up
/scratch/gobi2/$USER # your large disk space; max 3TB; not backed up
/scratch/gobi1/datasets # fast shared space for datasets
/scratch/gobi2/datasets # large shared space for datasets
Vaughan/Vaughan2 (login using vremote.[omitted domain]
, vremote1.[omitted domain]
, v.[omitted domain]
/h/$USER # your home directory
# NOTE: "/h/username/" is another name for "/scratch/ssd001/home/username"
/scratch/ssd001/home/$USER # or ssd002, your fast disk space; max 300GB; backed up
/scratch/hdd001/home/$USER # your large disk space; max 3TB; not backed up
/scratch/ssd001/datasets # fast shared space for datasets
/scratch/hdd001/datasets # large shared space for datasets
Double check what software is already installed
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
$ cd /pkgs
$ ls
The list should include
- Anaconda (3.7)
- CUDA (10.1)
- PyTorch (1.4 for CUDA 10.1 Python 3.6)
- TensorFlow 2 (for CUDA 10.1 and Python 3.6)
- MuJoCo
- R, etc.
If you need additional packages, you can ask [email protected] to install them
Note: the instructions below are for the MaRS location; they can be used on Vaughan/Vaughan2 replacing
m.[omitted domain]
withv.[omitted domain]
If you used conda
before, you might want to enter and leave conda
environments using $ conda activate/deactivate
While this is technically possible, it requires to modify
- Your
file (forssh
sessions) - Your
file (forbash
, e.g., inslurm
interactive and batch sessions)
THIS IS A BAD IDEA: relying on your .bashrc
and .bash_profile
files makes your projects less portable and modular
Instead, you should stick to
$ source activate name-or-path-to-the-conda-environment
$ source deactivate
For newer conda
versions, source deactivate
might trigger a deprecation warning that one can ignore
Note: for the sake of this guide (i.e. in bash
) source
and .
are synonyms
Login via ssh
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
Choose your preferred version of conda
Do so by adding—to environmental variable PATH
—the location of one of the preinstalled versions of Anaconda
4.4.10 and Python 2.7.15/pkgs/anaconda3/bin
4.7.12 and Python 3.6.10/pkgs/anaconda37/bin
4.5.11 and Python 3.7.3
For example, for the newest conda
4.7.12 (with Python 3.6)
$ export PATH=/pkgs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
(Note: there is also a /pkgs/anaconda27/bin
installation but I was not able to run it when exporting these binaries)
Verify conda
's version with $ conda --version
Running command $ python
should start the associated version of Python's interpreter
Create a conda
environment with its own Python 3.7 in your fast disk space (i.e. /scratch/gobi1/username/
- Option
-p /scratch/gobi1/username/learning
creates and sets the folder location of your environment - String
will be used in allconda
commands to refer to it
$ conda create -p /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning python=3.7 # change disk "gobi1", Python's version 3.7 as appropriate
When asked to "Proceed ([y]/n)?" answer "y"
Activate the environment using source
$ source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
Note: since the environment was created using -p
, the steps to remove it (if necessary) are now the following
$ conda remove -p /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning --all
$ conda env remove -p /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
Use $ which pip
to verify that it is currently pointing to the local /scratch/gobi1/username/learning/bin/pip
Note: if you omitted option python=X.Y
when creating the environment, $ which pip
will return /pkgs/anacondaXX/bin/pip
If necessary, address this by installing pip
within the environment with
$ source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
$ conda install pip
When asked to "Proceed ([y]/n)?" answer "y"
List the packages installed in environment /scratch/gobi1/username/learning
$ conda list -p /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
List your environments
$ conda env list
Install TensorFlow and PyTorch in environment /scratch/gobi1/username/learning
$ source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
$ pip install tensorflow
$ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
When asked to "Proceed ([y]/n)?" answer "y"
To install these other packages at once, save them in file requirements.txt
containing text
And run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Verify all packages can be correctly imported in Python 3.7
$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> import keras
>>> import torch
>>> import ray
>>> from ray import tune
>>> from ray.rllib.agents.ppo import PPOTrainer
>>> from rl.agents.cem import CEMAgent
>>> import gym
Repeat this procedure for v.[omitted domain]
, using ssd001/home
in place of gobi1
Remember: one is not supposed to run heavy workloads just by logging in through ssh
Intense CPU and GPU computing is managed by the slurm
manager in two ways
- Interactively, e.g. creating a
shell session with commandsrun
- Asynchronously, submitting a
script with commandsbatch
Check the available partitions (CPUs, GPUs, interactive, etc.) and the queued jobs at a location (e.g. MaRS)
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
$ sinfo # for partitions; use "$ sinfo -leN" to see the list of nodes instead
$ squeue # use "$ squeue -u username" to only see jobs belonging to user "username"
Start a bash
shell with
- 4GB of memory (
) - 2 cores (
-c 2
) - 1 GPU (
)—to test support - in an interactive session (
-p interactive
)—for up to 3 hours
$ srun --mem=4GB -c 2 --gres=gpu:1 -p interactive --pty /bin/bash
(Note: you can only start an interactive session on a location with interactive partitions)
Use --qos=nopreemption
on the Vaughan cluster
Use option -w node-name
instead of -p partition-name
to require a specific node
Verify the presence of a GPU and the version of CUDA
$ nvidia-smi
Export your preferred conda
and activate environment /scratch/gobi1/username/learning
$ export PATH=/pkgs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
$ source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
Verify that PyTorch can use CUDA, start Python
$ python
In the interpreter, type
>>> import torch
>>> print(torch.cuda.is_available())
Note: this test might fail if nvidia-smi
reported using CUDA 10.0 (instead of CUDA 10.1 used by the torch
installed above)
Make sure that you are using a node consistent with your PyTorch installation (e.g., for this writing, gruppy1
To verify that TensorFlow can see the GPU, export the path towards the latest CUDA shared libraries
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/pkgs/cuda-10.1/lib64:/pkgs/cudnn-10.1-v7.6.3.30/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
Start Python $ python
and, in the interpreter, type
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
>>> print("Num GPUs:", len(physical_devices))
This section verifies the correct use of your conda
environment, CUDA, and packages in slurm
's batch mode
In your local machine's home directory ($ cd ~
), save the following lines as test.py
import tensorflow as tf
import keras
import torch
import ray
from ray import tune
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo import PPOTrainer
from rl.agents.cem import CEMAgent
import gym
# Check GPU and CUDA availability
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
print("TF Num GPUs:", len(physical_devices))
print("PyTorch CUDA", torch.cuda.is_available())
In your local machine's home directory ($ cd ~
), save the following lines as test.slrm
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --output=/h/YOURUSERNAME/output-%N-%j.out # LINES 4, 5 - NOTE: for output and error, use absolute paths that exists already
#SBATCH --error=/h/YOURUSERNAME/error-%N-%j.err # LINES 4, 5 - NOTE: %N and %j will be replaced by the host name and job id, respectively
#SBATCH --open-mode=append
#SBATCH --partition=gpu # self-explanatory, set to your preference (e.g. gpu or cpu on MaRS, p100, t4, or cpu on Vaughan)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # self-explanatory, set to your preference
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem=4G # self-explanatory, set to your preference
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # NOTE: you need a GPU for CUDA support; self-explanatory, set to your preference
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --qos=normal # for "high" and "deadline" QoS, refer to https://support.vectorinstitute.ai/AboutVaughan2
rm -f ~/test.log # remove any previous copy of "test.log" which is used by "test.sh" to append its output
echo $SLURM_JOB_ID >> ~/test.log # log the job id
echo $SLURM_JOB_PARTITION >> ~/test.log # log the job partition
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/pkgs/cuda-10.1/lib64:/pkgs/cudnn-10.1-v7.6.3.30/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} # required for TensorFlow to see any GPU
export PATH=/pkgs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH # exporting the binaries of your preferred version of conda
source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning/ # LINE 23 - NOTE: set the path to your conda environment path
echo $CONDA_PREFIX >> ~/test.log # log the active conda environment
python --version >> ~/test.log # log Python version
python ~/test.py >> ~/test.log # the script above, with its standard output appended to test.log
source deactivate
Note: in lines 4, 5, and 23
- Replace
with your username (required) - Replace
with yourconda
Copy these two files to your home directory on one of Vector's locations
$ scp ~/test.* username@m.[omitted domain]:~/ # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
Login to the same location and submit the job for execution
$ ssh username@m.[omitted domain] # change "username" and server "m" as appropriate
$ sbatch ~/test.slrm
It will return $ Submitted batch job 491956
, where 491956 is, for example, the id of your job
Once the job is queued, check for its status
$ scontrol -d show job 491956 | grep Reason # change job id 491956 as appropriate
Once it returns $ JobState=COMPLETED Reason=None Dependency=(null)
, use
$ cat ~/temp.log
Verify that your output looks similar to
491956 # this will be your job id
gpu # this will be the partition you chose
/scratch/gobi1/username/learning # this will be the path of your conda environment
Python 3.7.7
TF Num GPUs: 1
PyTorch CUDA True
should contain Using TensorFlow backend.
might be replaced by another node name)
should be empty
To cancel a job with id 491956
$ scancel 491956
To change the desired target partition of job with id 491956
to gpu
$ scontrol update jobid=491956 partition=gpu
To see accounting data for all your jobs
$ sacct
On m.
jobs can run without preemption, on v.
all partitions (except interactivd
and cpu
) have preemption
Jobs submitted through sbatch
will be preempted and requeued until completion or failure (see these examples)
Also check these slurm
cheatsheet, tutorial, and Wiki page
As noted by Relu, if you get tired of using these 3 lines
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/pkgs/cuda-10.1/lib64:/pkgs/cudnn-10.1-v7.6.3.30/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
export PATH=/pkgs/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
source activate /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning/
Save them in a file with a descriptive filename, e.g. conda3-learning-setup.sh
in your home ~
and run them at once with
$ source ~/conda3-learning-setup.sh
You can create a similar 3-line file for each one of your projects—so to use a specific conda
and environment with it
Besides being good at vim
, a few commands can speed-up the workflow between a local and a remote machine
From your ssh
login, you can download files from the internet using wget
$ wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso
To re-start interrupted downloads use -c
$ wget -c https://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso
On the terminal of a local machine, you can download files from the cluster with scp
$ scp username@m.[omitted domain]:~/foo.txt ~/Downloads
Or entire folders (just be careful when using a command with option -r
$ scp -r username@m.[omitted domain]:~/a-folder/ ~/Downloads
Vice versa, you can upload files and folders from your local machine to your cluster home folder using
$ scp ~/a-file.txt username@m.[omitted domain]:~/
$ scp -r ~/a-folder/ username@m.[omitted domain]:~/
For large folders, rsync
is preferable
$ rsync -zarvh ~/a-folder/ username@m.[omitted domain]:~/ # upload from local to remote
$ rsync -zarvh username@m.[omitted domain]:~/ ~/a-folder/ # download from remote to local
To use your password but to avoid typing your username every time you git push
or git pull
If you do NOT want to create a private ssh
key on a shared machine, do this
$ git config --global user.name JacopoPan # change JacopoPan to your GitHub username
$ git config --global user.email "[email protected]" # change the address to your GitHub e-mail
$ git clone https://[email protected]/JacopoPan/a-minimalist-guide.git # change to the desired repository
Note: in the 3rd line, you should use https
and add YourGitHubUsername@
before github.com
To push changes to GitHub
$ git add -u
$ git add name-of-new-file1 name-of-new-file2
$ git commit -m "commit message"
$ git status # verify the status of the repo
$ git push
You will only be prompted for your password
Finally, note that almost everything that appears after a $
in this document can be automated using bash
For example, save these lines as push-existing-file-changes.sh
git add -u
git commit -m "changes made on $HOSTNAME"
git push
Make the script executable and move it to your git repository folder
$ chmod +x push-existing-file-changes.sh
$ mv push-existing-file-changes.sh ~/git-repo/
Now, modified files in the repo can be pushed by running a single script
$ cd ~/git-repo/
$ ./push-existing-file-changes.sh
The commit message will state the name of the machine where the commit originated
Nathan's GitHub examples show how to use bash
to automate a hyperparameters sweep with slurm
As pointed out here, one can use crontab
to periodically execute a script
For example, to synchronize the content of folder send
on MaRS to folder deliver
on Vaughan every 15'
First setup ssh
access via key from m
to v
; on MaRS, create a private-public key pair
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Do not enter a filename or a passphrase, just press Enter
3 times
Add the public key to the authorized keys on Vaughan
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh username@v.[omitted domain] 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Still on MaRS, create script repeat.sh
with content
rsync -zarvh ~/send/ username@v.[omitted domain]:~/deliver/ --delete
Make it executable and create directory send
on MaRS
$ chmod +x ~/repeat.sh
$ mkdir ~/send
Run $ crontab -e
to edit crontab
s tasks: your first time, you will be asked for your favourite editor (vim
Append (in vim
, press a
twice) this line (and an empty one) to the file to run repeat.sh
every 15'
*/15 * * * * ~/repeat.sh
Save and close (in vim
, Esc
); check your crontab
's tasks with $ crontab -l
The creation and removal of documents from ~/send
(on MaRS) will be reflected in ~/deliver
(on Vaughan) within 15'
Note: as explained by George, to use rsync
over ssh
(safer and more reliable) add option
-e "ssh -i /h/$USER/.ssh/rsync -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
You can make commands run automatically whenever you open a new terminal, create an ssh
connection, or launch a script
To do so, understand the role of the 2 configuration files in your home folder:
(link) -
When you append paths
$ export PATH=/add/path:$PATH
to environmental variables such as$PATH
, remember that the order matters—especially when using multiple versions of the same software (link)
Note: This is an alternative approach—w.r.t. the one shown in this guide—to install and use Pyhthon packages
If and only if $ which python
and $ which pip
return a path starting with /pkgs/anacondaXX/bin/
, as shown here, use
$ mkdir /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning/temp
$ pip install package-name --no-cache-dir -b /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning/temp -t /scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning
$ export PYTHONPATH=/scratch/gobi1/$USER/learning:$PYTHONPATH
The second command installs package-name
in your environment's folder, the third makes Python aware of its presence
When using servers where preemption is allowed (i.e.
), remember to use checkpoints (why and how) -
Visualization is supported through
, (link) or use$ /usr/local/bin/usageStats.sh
for basic usage information -
Vector's wiki has pages for Jupyer Notebooks (link) and MuJoCo (link) or try PyBullet instead (see this custom Gym)
Work carried out @ University of Toronto's Dynamic Systems Lab / Vector Institute / Mitacs Elevate