#Allow Flexbox display
display: flex;
#Align items horizontally
#Options include:
flex-start; - items align to left of container
flex-end; - items align to right of container
center; - items align at center of container
space-between; - equal spacing between items, with first at start and final at end
space-around; - equal spacing around items
space-evenly; - even spacing around items with a full space at either end
#Align items vertically
#Options include:
flex-start; - items align to top of container
flex-end; - items align to bottom of container
center; - items align to vertical center of container
baseline; - items align to baseline of container
stretch; - items stretched to fit
#Change direction
#Options include:
row; - items placed the same as text direction
row-reverse; - items placed opposite to text direction
column; - items are placed top to bottom
column-reverse: items are placed bottom to top
#Align specific item
#Options include same values as 'align-items' but for a specific item
#Overrides 'align-items'
#Wrap items
#Options include:
nowrap: every items is fit to a single line
wrap: items wrap around to additional lines
wrap-reverse: items wrap around to additional lines in reverse
#Combination of direction and wrap
#Options include:
row wrap; - sets rows and wraps them
row nowrap;
row reverse nowrap;
column reverse;
column wrap-reverse
column wrap
#Space multiple lines a certain way
#Options include:
flex-start; - lines packed at top of container
flex-end; - lines packed at bottom of container
center; lines packed at vertical center of container
space-between: lines display with equal spacing between them
space-around: lines display with equal spacing around them
stretch: lines are stretched to fit the container
#Order items
#Can be positive or negative. Default order value of 0.